// BFS // New Alto basic file system // Outgoing procedures external [ InitializeCbStorage; DoDiskCommand; GetCb ActOnPages; WritePages Bug ] // Outgoing statics external [ exchangeDisks maxEC restoreEC fillInDA eofDA // these are defined later DCdoNothing; DCread; DCwrite; DCwriteLabel; DCseekOnly ] static [ exchangeDisks=false maxEC=5 restoreEC=3 fillInDA=#77777 eofDA=0 ] // incoming procedures external [ Zero; MoveBlock errhlt; SYSERR ReturnTo DefaultArgs1 DisableInterrupts; EnableInterrupts ] // incoming statics external [ oneBits freePageId ] // declarations for the disk allocation bit table // the DA structure declaration is also used // Outgoing procedures external [ AssignDiskPage; ReleaseDiskPage RealDA; VirtualDA ] // Incoming statics external [ diskBitTable; diskBTsize ] manifest [ nTracks = 203; nHeads = 2; nSectors = 12; msb=#100000 allOnes=#177777 wordLength=16 ] structure [ wordAddr bit 12; bitAddr bit 4 ] manifest [ wordsPerPage=#400; charsPerPage=wordsPerPage*2 ] manifest lFID=3 // disk data structures, transcribed from osstructures // page 1 locations manifest [ nextDiskCommand = #521 // pointer to DCB diskStatus = #522 // @DS lastDiskAddress = #523 // @DA sectorInterrupts = #524 ] // disk address structure DA[ sector bit 4 track bit 9 head bit 1 disk bit 1 restore bit 1 ] // disk header structure DH[ packId word diskAddress @DA ] // disk label. *=set by DoDiskCommand structure DL[ next word // disk address of next file // page, or eofDA previous word // disk address of previous // file page, or eofDA blank word numChars word // between 0 and charsPerPage inclusive. // ne charsPerPage only on last page pageNumber word // * leader is page 0, first data // page is page 1 fileId word lFID // * ] manifest lDL=size DL/16 // disk status word. See hardware manual for detailed definitions structure DS[ sector bit 4 done bit 4 seekFailed bit seekInProgress bit notReady bit dataLate bit noTransfer bit checksumError bit finalStatus bit 2 ] // disk command structure DC[ seal bit 8 // must be #110 headerAction bit 2 labelAction bit 2 dataAction bit 2 seekOnly bit 1 exchangeDisks bit 1 // disk controller inverts // DCB.diskAddress if this bit // is set ] manifest diskCommandSeal=#110 // possible disk actions in command word manifest [ diskRead = 0; diskCheck = 1; diskWrite = 2] // disk command block. *=set by DoDiskCommand, $=defaulted by // DoDiskCommand if 0 structure DCB[ nextCommand word // * status @DS // set when command is completed command @DC // * headerAddress word // * these are memory addresses labelAddress word // $ dataAddress word // * normalWakeups word // $ errorWakeups word // $ header @DH = [ blank word diskAddress @DA // * if DA argument ne fillInDA ] ] manifest lDCB=size DCB/16 // *=initialized by InitializeCbStorage; everything else is zeroed structure CBZ[ length word // * DAs word cleanupRoutine word currentPage word // * set only by InitCbStorage currentNumChars word normalWakeups word errorWakeups word errorCount word queueHead word // * address of first entry queueTail word // * address of last entry + 1 endQueueVec word // * address of first word beyond queueVec ^ 0, 1000 word // * contains one more entry than // there are cb's in the zone ] manifest [ lCBZ=offset CBZ.queueVec/16+1 CBZqueueHead=offset CBZ.queueHead/16 CBZqueueTail=offset CBZ.queueTail/16 ] // *=initialized by InitializeCbStorage; everything else is zeroed structure CB[ // the DCB must come first @DCB // a free CB must have // status=DSgoodStatus; // initialization leaves it // that way label @DL truePageNumber word // 'variable' part of the cb ends here zone word // * retry word // * ] manifest [ lCB=size CB/16; lVarCB=offset CB.zone/16 ] // normally we want room for 3 cb's in a zone manifest CBzoneLength=lCBZ+3*(lCB+1) manifest [ DSerrorBits=msb rshift offset DS.seekFailed + msb rshift offset DS.notReady + msb rshift offset DS.dataLate + msb rshift offset DS.checksumError + (-(msb rshift (size DS.finalStatus-1))) rshift offset DS.finalStatus; DSdoneBits=(-(msb rshift (size DS.done-1))) rshift offset DS.done; DSgoodStatusMask=DSerrorBits % DSdoneBits; // good status means that all the error bits are 0 DSgoodStatus=DSdoneBits DSfreeStatus=msb rshift (offset DS.done+size DS.done-1) ] // disk command actions manifest [ DCheaderx=msb rshift (offset DC.headerAction+size DC.headerAction-1) DClabelx=msb rshift (offset DC.labelAction+size DC.labelAction-1) DCdatax=msb rshift (offset DC.dataAction+size DC.dataAction-1) ] manifest [ DCactionSeal=#321 DCaS=DCactionSeal*(msb rshift (offset DC.seal+size DC.seal-1)) ] // the actions which are needed by callers of bfs are (external) // statics; the others are manifests static [ DCdoNothing=#376 // only interpreted by ActOnPages DCread=diskCheck*(DCheaderx+DClabelx)+diskRead*DCdatax+DCaS DCwrite=diskCheck*(DCheaderx+DClabelx)+diskWrite*DCdatax+DCaS DCwriteLabel=diskCheck*DCheaderx+diskWrite*(DClabelx+DCdatax)+DCaS DCseekOnly=msb rshift offset DC.seekOnly+DCaS ] manifest [ DCreadLabel=diskCheck*DCheaderx+diskRead*(DClabelx+DCdatax)+DCaS ] let InitializeCbStorage(zone, length, firstPage, retry, clearZone) be [ if clearZone then Zero(zone, length) zone>>CBZ.length=length zone>>CBZ.currentPage=firstPage let e=lv zone>>CBZ.queueVec rv e=0; zone>>CBZ.queueTail=e e=e+1; zone>>CBZ.queueHead=e let cb=zone+length [ cb=cb-lCB; if cb le e break cb>>CB.zone=zone; cb>>CB.retry=retry cb>>CB.status=DSfreeStatus rv e=cb; e=e+1 ] repeat zone>>CBZ.endQueueVec=e ] and NextCb(zone, pointer)=valof [ let t=zone!pointer; let u=t+1 if u ge zone>>CBZ.endQueueVec then u=lv zone>>CBZ.queueVec zone!pointer=u; resultis t ] // Expects command and label to both be zeroed on entry, or // otherwise appropriately initialized and DoDiskCommand(cb, CA, DA, fileId, pageNumber, action) be [ let z=cb>>CB.zone cb>>CB.headerAddress=lv(cb>>CB.header) let la=cb>>CB.labelAddress if la eq 0 then [ la=lv(cb>>CB.label) cb>>CB.labelAddress=la ] cb>>CB.dataAddress=CA if cb>>CB.normalWakeups eq 0 then cb>>CB.normalWakeups=z>>CBZ.normalWakeups if cb>>CB.errorWakeups eq 0 then cb>>CB.errorWakeups=z>>CBZ.errorWakeups MoveBlock(lv (la>>DL.fileId), fileId, lFID) la>>DL.pageNumber=pageNumber cb>>CB.truePageNumber=pageNumber if DA ne fillInDA then cb>>CB.diskAddress=DA if action<>CB.command=action if exchangeDisks then cb>>CB.command.exchangeDisks=1 cb>>CB.command.seal=diskCommandSeal // QueueDiskCommand(cb) DisableInterrupts() let p=nextDiskCommand-offset CB.nextCommand/16 [ let np=p>>CB.nextCommand; if np eq 0 break; p=np ] repeat p>>CB.nextCommand=cb // take care of possible race with disk controller if rv nextDiskCommand eq 0 then rv nextDiskCommand=cb EnableInterrupts() p=NextCb(z, CBZqueueTail) if rv p ne 0 then Bug(); rv p=cb ] and GetCb(zone, dontClear; numargs na)=valof [ let t=NextCb(zone, CBZqueueHead) let cb=rv t; if cb eq 0 then Bug(); rv t=0 [ if (cb>>CB.status & DSdoneBits) ne 0 break if rv nextDiskCommand eq 0 & (cb>>CB.status & DSdoneBits) eq 0 then ClearDiskError() ] repeat // remove seal cb>>CB.command=0 // this is the test for errors let s=cb>>CB.status & DSgoodStatusMask test s eq DSgoodStatus ifso [ t=zone>>CBZ.cleanupRoutine if t ne 0 then t(cb) zone>>CBZ.currentNumChars=cb>>CB.labelAddress>>DL.numChars unless cb>>CB.diskAddress.restore do zone>>CBZ.errorCount=0 unless na ge 2 & dontClear do Zero(cb, lVarCB) resultis cb ] ifnot if s eq DSfreeStatus then [ Zero(cb, lVarCB); resultis cb ] // we should discriminate among the various kinds of error [ if rv nextDiskCommand eq 0 break ] repeat let ec=zone>>CBZ.errorCount+1; zone>>CBZ.errorCount=ec if ec ge maxEC then [ // unrecoverable error // temporary code SYSERR(cb, 1001) ] let r=cb>>CB.retry let DA=cb>>CB.diskAddress InitializeCbStorage(zone, zone>>CBZ.length, cb>>CB.truePageNumber, r, false) if ec ge restoreEC then [ DA<>CB.zone>>CBZ.DAs)!(cb>>CB.truePageNumber+1)) if rv t eq fillInDA then rv t=cb>>CB.labelAddress>>DL.next ] let dummy=nil DefaultArgs1(lv na, -6, lv dummy, action, 0 ,GetNextDA) let zone=vec CBzoneLength InitializeCbStorage(zone, CBzoneLength, firstPage, Aretry, true) zone>>CBZ.DAs=DAs zone>>CBZ.cleanupRoutine=cleanupRoutine Aretry: [ // Note that each cb is used twice: to hold the DL for // page i-1, and then to hold the DCB for page i. It isn't // reused until the command for page i is done, and that is // guaranteed to be after the DL for page i-1 is no longer // needed, since everything is done strictly sequentially by // page number. let cb=GetCb(zone) for i=zone>>CBZ.currentPage to lastPage do [ if DAs!i eq eofDA then [ lastPage = i-1 break; ] let a=action; if i eq lastPage then a=lastAction if a eq DCdoNothing then loop let nextCb=GetCb(zone) cb>>CB.labelAddress=((DAs!(i+1) eq fillInDA) ? lv nextCb>>CB.diskAddress, lv nextCb>>CB.label) DoDiskCommand(cb, (CAs eq 0 ? fixedCA, CAs!i), DAs!i, fileId, i, a) cb=nextCb ] while rv zone>>CBZ.queueHead ne 0 do GetCb(zone) ] rv lvNumChars=zone>>CBZ.currentNumChars resultis lastPage ] // note that DAs!(firstpage-1) will be referenced if DAs!firstPage // eq fillInDA or eofDA, and that DAs!(lastPage+1) will be set to // eofDA except when the label of lastPage doesn't need to be // rewritten // the arguments following lastPage are optional, as for ActOnPages and WritePages(CAs, DAs, fileId, firstPage, lastPage, lastAction, lvNumChars, lastNumChars, fixedCA; numargs na)=valof [ let CheckFreePage(cb) be [ let fid=lv cb>>CB.labelAddress>>DL.fileId for i=0 to lFID-1 do if fid!i ne freePageId!i then (cb>>CB.zone>>CBZ.DAs)!(cb>>CB.truePageNumber)=fillInDA ] let numChars=nil; let firstNewPage=nil DefaultArgs1(lv na, 5, 0, 0, charsPerPage, 0) if lastAction eq 0 then lastAction=DCwrite if lvNumChars eq 0 then lvNumChars=lv numChars // first proceed as for a read until there are no more // preallocated pages to write into test DAs!firstPage eq fillInDA ifso firstNewPage=firstPage ifnot [ firstPage=ActOnPages(CAs, DAs, fileId, firstPage, lastPage, DCwrite, lvNumChars, lastAction, fixedCA) if firstPage eq lastPage & (lastAction ne DCwrite % rv lvNumChars eq lastNumChars) then resultis lastPage firstNewPage=firstPage+1 ] // code to assign more pages // set up eofDA as the page after the end of the file [ let sink=vec wordsPerPage for i=firstNewPage to lastPage do DAs!i=AssignDiskPage(DAs!(i-1)) let j=ActOnPages(0, DAs, freePageId, firstNewPage, lastPage, DCreadLabel, 0, 0, sink, CheckFreePage) for i=firstNewPage to lastPage do [ DAs!firstNewPage=DAs!i if DAs!i ne fillInDA then firstNewPage=firstNewPage+1 ] if firstNewPage gr lastPage then break ] repeat // all the pages have been checked. Write labels and data [ let zone=vec CBzoneLength; InitializeCbStorage(zone, CBzoneLength, firstPage, Wretry, true) Wretry: for i=zone>>CBZ.currentPage to lastPage do [ let cb=GetCb(zone) cb>>CB.label.next=((i eq lastPage & lastNumChars ne charsPerPage) % (DAs ! (i+1) eq fillInDA) ? 0,DAs!(i+1)) cb>>CB.label.previous=DAs!(i-1) cb>>CB.label.numChars=(i eq lastPage ? lastNumChars, charsPerPage) DoDiskCommand(cb, (CAs eq 0 ? fixedCA, CAs!i), DAs!i, fileId, i, DCwriteLabel) ] while rv zone>>CBZ.queueHead ne 0 do GetCb(zone) ] resultis lastPage ] and AssignDiskPage(realPrevDA)=valof [ let base=VirtualDA(realPrevDA)+1 let baseWa=base<>FID.serialNumber, lv filePtr>>FP.serialNumber, lSN) fid>>FID.version=filePtr>>FP.version ] and CreateFile(name, filePtr) be [ Zero(filePtr, lFP) let b=vec wordsPerPage; Zero(b, wordsPerPage) let t=lastSN>>SN.part2+1; lastSN>>SN.part2=t if t eq 0 then lastSN>>SN.word1=lastSN>>SN.word1+1 MoveBlock(lv filePtr>>FP.serialNumber, lastSN, 2) filePtr>>FP.version=1 let fid=vec lFID; MakeFileId(fid, filePtr) Daytime(lv b>>LD.created) MoveBlock(lv b>>LD.written, lv b>>LD.created, lTIME) MoveBlock(lv b>>LD.read, lv b>>LD.created, lTIME) for i=0 to name>>STRING.length rshift 1 do (lv b>>LD.name)!i=name!i let DAs=vec 4; DAs=DAs+1; DAs!(-1)=eofDA; DAs!0=fillInDA WritePages(0, DAs, fid, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, b) filePtr>>FP.leaderDA=DAs!0 ] // delete pages starting at firstDA and continuing to the end of // the file. CA is a page-size buffer which is zeroed and DeletePages(CA, firstDA, fileId, firstPage) be while firstDA ne eofDA do [ manifest biteSize=128; let DAs=vec biteSize SetBlock(DAs, fillInDA, biteSize+1) DAs=DAs-firstPage; DAs!firstPage=firstDA let lastPageFound=ActOnPages(0, DAs, fileId, firstPage, firstPage+biteSize-1, DCread, 0, 0, CA) Zero(CA, wordsPerPage) ActOnPages(0, DAs, freePageId, firstPage, lastPageFound, DCwriteLabel, 0, 0, CA) for i=firstPage to lastPageFound do ReleaseDiskPage(DAs!i) firstPage=lastPageFound+1; firstDA=DAs!firstPage ] // dummy version of a routine which will someday be part of the // operating system and Daytime(v) be [ v!0=0; v!1=0 ]