
// Board-specific Route routines for the PC version of the
// Dorado Main Logic Board

// part 1 of 3

last modified by D. Rumph, October 30, 1984 5:13 PM
to add knowledge of ICClass E4W
// last modified by E. McCreight, July 7, 1981 4:20 PM
to shorten bypass cap names
// modified by E. McCreight, July 7, 1981 2:46 PM
to correct position of GND pins at connectors to 50-mil ctrs
// modified by E. McCreight, June 24, 1981 5:45 PM
to move the line of holes under the DIP patterns, and insert
all bypass caps that fit

// Some general comments:

A socket position is made up of a lower-case letter followed by a
number, like a13 or h41. The letter designates the column, or the
x or first co-ordinate. Increasing letters correspond to increasing x values.
The number in a socket position designates the row, or y, or second
co-ordinate. Increasing numbers correspond to increasing y values.

In standard orientation the board has the component (non-wiring) side
up, and the connector cutouts to the left. Socket a01 is in the top left,
l01 in the top right, a24 in the bottom left, and l24 in the bottom right.
The x co-ordinate increases to the right, and the y co-ordinate increases
downward. In standard orientation pin 1 of each socket is the top right
pin of the socket. The pin numbering goes leftward, then down, then

With certain exceptions, a given functionally equivalent group of pins
is ordered first downward and then rightward. For example, if we had
GND pins of a certain kind at {x0,y0}, {x1,y1}, {x1,y0}, and {x0,y1},
where x0<x1 and y0<y1, then they would appear in the GND pseudo-
net in the following order:

This means that the pseudo-net pin number is usually computed as
(x (horizontal) repeat)*(pinsPerColumn)+(y (vertical) repeat)+firstPinNo

Similarly the horizontal and vertical repeats are usually computed as
column = xRepeat = (pseudo-net pin number - firstPinNo)/pinsPerColumn
row = yRepeat = (pseudo-net pin number - firstPinNo) rem pinsPerColumn

get "route.defs"

external [ Pin1of16 ]

repeatRows = 12
repeatCols = 6
fullRepeatCols = 4
repeats = repeatRows*repeatCols
fullRepeats = repeatRows*fullRepeatCols
rowOffset = 16
leftColsOffset = 0
rightColsOffset = 246
rowHeight = 42
fullColWidth = 112
patternGrounds = 3*repeats+6*fullRepeats
Sockets16pin = 6*fullRepeats
Sockets24pin = 2*fullRepeats
Sockets50pin = fullRepeats
SocketsSip = 3*fullRepeats

maxICs = 820
boardInterfaceVersion = interfaceVersion

let DeclareInitialNets(BuildTWNet, BuildTermNet, BuildConnector) be
BuildConnector("E", 189, EPinPos)
BuildConnector("C", 189, CPinPos)
BuildTWNet("GND", 6*fullRepeats+3*repeats+2*92, GNDPinPos)
BuildTWNet("VEE", 4*fullRepeats+2*repeats, VEEPinPos)
BuildTWNet("VTT", 3*fullRepeats, VTTPinPos)
BuildTWNet("VCC", repeats, VCCPinPos)
BuildTWNet("VDD", repeats, VDDPinPos)
VCCCap = DefineBypassType("VCCBypass", VCCBypassVoltages)
VCC2Cap = DefineBypassType("VCC2Bypass", VCC2BypassVoltages)
VEECap = DefineBypassType("VEEBypass", VEEBypassVoltages)
VTTCap = DefineBypassType("VTTBypass", VTTBypassVoltages)
BuildTermNet("Term100/8/Term100", 8, "Term100", 1008, AutoTermPinPos,"T")
let c = TryFindingNamee("F100K", typeIcclass)
if c ne empty then c>>icclass.PinOffset = DIP45Wide
c = TryFindingNamee("E4W", typeIcclass)
if c ne empty then c>>icclass.PinOffset = DIP45Wide

and DIP45Wide(icinst, pinNo, pv, ph) = valof
let result = DIP3Wide(icinst, pinNo, pv, ph)
if @ph ne 0 then @ph = @ph+6
resultis result

and ZeroTablePoint(point) = selecton point into
case 0: "L" // board type
case 1: "C188"
case 2: "E6"
case 3: "E187"
case 4: "C5"
default: empty

and LevelTransform(level, x, y, px, py, pName, pPullComponents, pWire; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -1, 0, 0, lv na, lv na, lv na, lv na, lv na)
switchon level into
case TopLevel:
@px = x
@py = 524-y
@pName = "Component side"
@pPullComponents = true
@pWire = false
resultis true

case BottomLevel:
@px = x
@py = y
@pName = "Wiring side"
@pPullComponents = false
@pWire = true
resultis true

default: resultis false

and DefineBypassType(class, InitialWiring) = valof
SetupICclass(class, printUsedList, DIP3Wide, NullAttributes, InitialWiring, 2)
let type = vec 50
ExpandTemplate(type, "$S/2/$S", class, class)
let ictype = DefineNamee(type, typeIctype)
ictype>>ictype.icclass = MustFindNamee(class, typeIcclass)
ictype>>ictype.npins = 2
resultis ictype

and VCCBypassVoltages(icinst) be
let str = FindNameesString(icinst)
PutTemplate(ImplicitFile, "*nVCC: $S.1p*nGND: $S.2p", str, str)

and VCC2BypassVoltages(icinst) be
let str = FindNameesString(icinst)
PutTemplate(ImplicitFile, "*nGND: $S.1p*nVCC: $S.2p", str, str)

and VEEBypassVoltages(icinst) be
let str = FindNameesString(icinst)
PutTemplate(ImplicitFile, "*nVEE: $S.1p*nGND: $S.2p", str, str)

and VTTBypassVoltages(icinst) be
let str = FindNameesString(icinst)
PutTemplate(ImplicitFile, "*nGND: $S.1p*nVTT: $S.2p", str, str)

and AddDecouplingCaps() be
for row = 1 to 23 by 2 do
for col = $a to $g by ($g-$a) do
AddCap(VCCCap, "9", col, row)
AddCap(VEECap, "8", col, row)
AddCap(VCC2Cap, "9", col, row+1)
AddCap(VEECap, "8", col, row+1)
for col = $c to $l by ($f-$c) do
AddCap(VCCCap, "-1", col, row)
AddCap(VEECap, "-2", col, row)
for subcol = -2 to -1 do
AddCap(VTTCap, "-1←3", col+subcol, row)
AddCap(VCC2Cap, "-1", col, row+1)
AddCap(VEECap, "-2", col, row+1)

and AddCap(capType, offsetStr, col, row) be
let s = vec 20
ExpandTemplate(s, "#$S$C$2F0D", offsetStr, col, row)
InsertDeviceIfPossible(s, capType,true) // suppress warnings

and EPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py) = valof
if (pin ls 5) % (pin gr 188) then resultis illegal
@py = 524
let pg = (pin-1) rem 4
if (pg eq 0)%(pg eq 3) then resultis illegal
let xCol = (pin-5)/2
@px = 22+4*xCol+2*(xCol/2)
resultis absolute

and CPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py) = valof
if (pin ls 5) % (pin gr 188) then resultis illegal
@py = 0
let pg = (pin-1) rem 4
if (pg eq 1)%(pg eq 2) then resultis illegal
let xCol = (188-pin)/2
@px = 22+4*xCol+2*(xCol/2)
resultis absolute

and GNDPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na)
@pInfo = noDisconnect+noReconnect+BottomLevel
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le patternGrounds then
Repeat(lv pin, 3, 6, px, py)
let xtable = table [ 0;0;4;40;40;72;76;76;108 ]
@px = @px+xtable!pin
let ytable = table [ 12;24;36;0;12;12;0;12;36 ]
@py = @py+ytable!pin
resultis absolute
pin = pin-patternGrounds
if pin le 2*92 then
pin = pin-1
@py = pin ls 92? 0+4, 524-4
let seq = pin rem 92
@px = 22+4*seq+2*(seq/2)
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and VEEPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na)
@pInfo = noDisconnect+noReconnect+BottomLevel
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le 4*fullRepeats+2*repeats then
Repeat(lv pin, 2, 4, px, py)
let xtable = table [ 4;44;80 ]
@px = @px+xtable!(pin/2)
@py = @py+24*(pin rem 2)
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and VTTPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na)
@pInfo = noDisconnect+noReconnect+BottomLevel
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le 3*fullRepeats then
Repeat(lv pin, 0, 3, px, py)
let xtable = table [ 40;76;108 ]
@px = @px+xtable!pin
let ytable = table [ 24;24;18 ]
@py = @py+ytable!pin
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and VDDPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na)
@pInfo = noDisconnect+noReconnect+BottomLevel
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le repeats then
Repeat(lv pin, 1, 0, px, py)
@px = @px+4
@py = @py+18
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and VCCPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na)
@pInfo = noDisconnect+noReconnect+BottomLevel
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le repeats then
Repeat(lv pin, 1, 0, px, py)
@py = @py+36
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and AutoTermPinPos(icinst, pin, px, py, pInfo, pinName; numargs na) = valof
DefaultArgs(lv na, -4, lv na, 0)
if pin le 0 then resultis illegal
if pin le 1008 then
let package = pin/7
pin = pin rem 7
Pin1of8(package rem 12, package/12, px, py)
@px = @px-4-4*pin
if pinName ne 0 then
ExpandTemplate(pinName, "$C$D.$D", $a+package/12,
41+(package rem 12), pin+2)
resultis absolute
resultis illegal

and FindCoordFromString(s, px, py, vop1, hop1; numargs na) = valof
[ // vop1 is the "vertical" from pin 1, that is, the offset along the 0.1"
// spacing; hop1 is the "horizontal offset" from pin 1. In a standard 16-pin
// DIP, for pin 2 vop1=4 and hop1=0, and for pin 16, vop1=0 and hop1=12. For
// this board, vop1 grows in the -x direction, and hop1 grows in the +y direction.

// s can be of the form <lower-case letter><number> or
<number> s (meaning vertically offset <number>*0.1") or
↑<number> s (meaning vertically offset <number>*0.1") or
// ←<number> s (meaning horizontally offset <number>*0.1") or
// # s
DefaultArgs(lv na, -3, 0, 0)

let bpVOffset, bpHOffset = 0,0
let i=0
let c = $#
let offsetIsVertical = true
let sign = 1

while i le s>>str.length & (c ls $a % c gr $z) do
if c eq $↑ % c eq $← % c eq $# % c eq $- then
test c eq $-
ifso sign = -sign
ifnot offsetIsVertical = not (c eq $←)

c = s>>str.char↑i

if c ge $0 & c le $9 then
let bpOffset = 0
while i le s>>str.length & c ge $0 & c le $9 do
bpOffset = 10*bpOffset+c-$0
i = i+1
c = s>>str.char↑i
@(offsetIsVertical? lv bpVOffset, lv bpHOffset) =
offsetIsVertical = true
sign = 1

resultis illegal

vop1 = vop1+4*bpVOffset
hop1 = hop1+4*bpHOffset

// IC position of the form <letter><number>

if i gr s>>str.length % c ls $a % c gr $z then resultis illegal
let alph = c

let num = 0
while i ls s>>str.length do
c = s>>str.char↑i
if (c ls $0) % (c gr $9) then resultis illegal
num = 10*num+(c-$0)

if (num ge 1)&(num le 24) then
unless Pin1of16(num-1, alph-$a, px, py) do resultis illegal
@py = @py+hop1
resultis absolute

if (num ge 41) & (num le 52) then
unless Pin1of8(num-41, alph-$a, px, py) do resultis illegal
resultis absolute

let col = selecton alph into
case $b: 0
case $c: 1
case $e: 2
case $f: 3
case $h: 4
case $i: 5
case $k: 6
case $l: 7
default: -1
let row = selecton num into
case 60: 1
case 61: 4
case 62: 7
case 63: 10

case 64: 0
// new numbers
case 65: 2
case 66: 3
case 67: 5
case 68: 6
case 69: 8
case 70: 9
case 71: 11

default: -1

unless Pin1of24(row, col, px, py) do resultis illegal
@px = @px-vop1
@py = @py+hop1
resultis absolute

and Pin1of16(row, col, px, py) = valof
unless OffsetLegal(row, 1, 0, 23)&OffsetLegal(col, 1, $a-$a, $l-$a) do
resultis false

BasicPattern(row/2, col/3+col/6, px, py)
@py=@py+24*(row rem 2)
@px=@px+36+36*(col rem 3)
resultis true

and Pin1of8(row, col, px, py) = valof
unless OffsetLegal(row, 1, 0, 11)&OffsetLegal(col, 1, $a-$a, $l-$a) do
resultis false

BasicPattern(row, col/3+col/6, px, py)
@px=@px+36+36*(col rem 3)
resultis true

and Pin1of24(row, col, px, py) = valof
unless OffsetLegal(row, 1, 0, 11)&OffsetLegal(col, 1, 0, 7) do resultis false

BasicPattern(row, col/2+col/4, px, py)
@px=@px+52+56*(col rem 2)
resultis true
and Pin1of50(row, col, px, py) = Pin1of24(row, 2*col, px, py)

and Repeat(ppin, pinsPerBasicRepeat, extraPinsPerFullRepeat, px, py) be
let pin = @ppin-1
let pinsPerSide = repeatRows*
let side = pin/pinsPerSide
pin = pin rem pinsPerSide
let pinsPerFullCol = repeatRows*(pinsPerBasicRepeat+extraPinsPerFullRepeat)
let col = pin/pinsPerFullCol
pin = pin rem pinsPerFullCol
let pinsPerRepeat = pinsPerBasicRepeat+
(col ls fullRepeatCols/2? extraPinsPerFullRepeat, 0)
let row = pin/pinsPerRepeat
@ppin = pin rem pinsPerRepeat
BasicPattern(row, 3*side+col, px, py)

and BasicPattern(row, col, px, py) be
@py = rowOffset+rowHeight*row
@px = (col ls 3? leftColsOffset, rightColsOffset)+
fullColWidth*(col rem 3)