// Resident route-related utility module.
// last modified by McCreight, October 30, 1981 2:33 PM
get "route.defs"
static [ char ]
let NewICInst(icinst, ictype) be
icinst>>icinst.ictype = ictype
and NewNet(net) be
net>>net.pinList = lv FindNameesName(net)>>name.mark
and FindIcinst(picinst, pPinNo, px, py; numargs na) = valof
let icinst = @pPinNo-offset icinst.pin↑1/16
let pinNo = 1
while icinst>>icinst.type ne typeIcinst do
icinst = icinst-1
pinNo = pinNo+1
@picinst = icinst
@pPinNo = pinNo
resultis na le 2? true,
BoardPinCoord(FindNameesString(icinst), icinst, pinNo, px, py)
and GetPinCoord(icinst, pinNo, px, py) = valof
if icinst eq 0 then
icinst = pinNo-offset icinst.pin↑1/16
pinNo = 1
while icinst>>icinst.type ne typeIcinst do
icinst = icinst-1
pinNo = pinNo+1
resultis BoardPinCoord(FindNameesString(icinst), icinst, pinNo, px, py)
and BoardPinCoord(string, icinst, pinNo, px, py) = valof // can be replaced by
// board-specific routine with same name
let vop1, hop1 = nil, nil
switchon (Icclass(icinst)>>icclass.PinOffset)(icinst, pinNo, lv vop1, lv hop1) into
case absolute:
@px = vop1
@py = hop1
resultis true
case relative: resultis (FindCoordFromString(string, px, py, vop1, hop1) eq absolute)
default: resultis false
and Icclass(namee) = valof
while true do switchon namee>>namee.type into
case typeIcinst: namee = namee>>icinst.ictype; loop
case typeOldinst: namee = namee>>oldinst.ictype; loop
case typeIctype: namee = namee>>ictype.icclass; loop
case typeIcclass: resultis namee
default: CallSwat()
and Npins(namee) = valof
while true do switchon namee>>namee.type into
case typeIcinst: namee = namee>>icinst.ictype; loop
case typeOldinst: namee = namee>>oldinst.ictype; loop
case typeIctype: resultis namee>>ictype.npins
case typeIcclass: resultis namee>>icclass.npins
default: CallSwat()
and FindNet(pin) = valof
while @pin ne mark do pin = @pin
resultis DefineNamee(pin+(offset name.nameString-offset name.mark)/16,
typeNet, CallSwat)
and ManhattanDistFn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) = valof
let deltaX = X1-X2
let deltaY = Y1-Y2
resultis ((deltaX ls 0)? -deltaX, deltaX)+((deltaY ls 0)? -deltaY, deltaY)
and EuclideanDistFn(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) = valof
let deltaX = X1-X2
let deltaY = Y1-Y2
deltaX = (deltaX ls 0)? -deltaX, deltaX
deltaY = (deltaY ls 0)? -deltaY, deltaY
let bigDelta = nil
let smallDelta = nil
test deltaX ge deltaY
ifso [ bigDelta = deltaX; smallDelta = deltaY ]
ifnot [ bigDelta = deltaY; smallDelta = deltaX ]
let ftIndex = (smallDelta ge #3777)?
smallDelta/(bigDelta rshift 4),
(smallDelta lshift 4)/bigDelta
let fractionTable = table
[ // entryK = 32*(sec(atan(K/16))-1)
0; 0; 0; 1; 1; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 11; 12; 13
let fraction = fractionTable!ftIndex
resultis bigDelta+(fraction*((bigDelta+16) rshift 4))
and DoInSortOrder(type, CFn, Action) be
SwapDoInSortOrder(type, CFn, Action)
and Count(namee) be nitems = nitems+1
and NameCompareFn(namee1, namee2) = StComp(FindNameesString(namee1),
and NoAddedCaps() be