DIRECTORY Atom USING [GetPName, MakeAtom], Basics USING [BITAND, ByteBlt, charsPerWord, Comparison, Move], BasicTime USING [Now, nullGMT], BTree USING [DeleteKey, Entry, EntSize, EnumerateEntries, Key, New, NewPathStk, Open, PageSize, PathStk, ReferencePage, ReleasePage, Tree, UpdateEntry], Camelot USING [btidT, tidT], Process USING [Detach, InitializeCondition, MsecToTicks], RedBlackTree USING [Compare, Create, Delete, GetKey, Insert, Lookup, Table, UserData], RefText USING [New, TrustTextAsRope], Rope USING [Equal, Fetch, Length, NewText, ROPE, Substr, Text, TextBound], SafeStorage USING [EnableFinalization, EstablishFinalization, FinalizationQueue, FQNext, IsFinalizationEnabled, NewFQ], YggBuffMan USING [ReadPages, ReleaseState, ReleaseVMPageSet, UsePages, VMPageSet], YggDID USING [CompareDIDs, DID, EqualDIDs, HashDID, StableHashDID], YggDIDMap, YggDIDMapPrivate USING [DocItem, DocPart, DocPartPtr, Document, DocumentRep, Entry, EntryPtr, OverheadPerEntry, notCompressed, PartType, RunItem, SegmentItem, SegmentRep, TextRep, TextRP], YggDIDPrivate USING [DIDRep], YggEnvironment USING [nullDID], YggFile USING [BytesForPages, FileHandle, Info, Open, PageCount, SetSize], YggFixedNames USING [IndexPrefix], YggInternal USING [Document, FileHandle]; YggDIDMapImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, Basics, BasicTime, BTree, Process, RedBlackTree, RefText, Rope, SafeStorage, YggBuffMan, YggDID, YggFile, YggFixedNames EXPORTS YggInternal, YggDIDMap, YggDID = BEGIN Document: TYPE = REF DocumentRep; DocumentRep: PUBLIC TYPE = YggDIDMapPrivate.DocumentRep; DID: PUBLIC TYPE ~ REF DIDRep; DIDRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep; TreeEntry: TYPE = REF TreeEntryRep; TreeEntryRep: TYPE = RECORD [ interlock: BOOL _ FALSE, tid: Camelot.tidT, -- holder of interlock tree: BTree.Tree, file: YggFile.FileHandle, currentVMPageSets: LIST OF YggBuffMan.VMPageSet _ NIL ]; Btrees: ARRAY [0..64) OF TreeEntry; BtreePageSizeInWords: INT = 4096; FilePagesPerBtreePage: INT = 8; MaxWordsPerEntry: INT = (BtreePageSizeInWords - 6)/5; NextDID: YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep; LastDIDAllocateable: YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep; LastDidLow: CARD _ 1000000000; NumberOfDIDsToGrap: CARD _ 200; ThresholdToGrabDIDs: CARD _ 20; KeyObject: TYPE = RECORD [did: YggDID.DID, extensionCount: INT32]; EntryDataBuffer: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARD OF EntryWord]; EntryWord: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ SELECT OVERLAID * FROM card => [card: CARD32], int => [int: INT32], pair => [hi, lo: CARD16], bytes => [hh, hl, lh, ll: BYTE], bits => [bits: PACKED ARRAY [0..32) OF BOOL], ENDCASE ]; updateAction: TYPE = {create, delete, newValue}; updates: TYPE = RECORD[ did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT, action: updateAction, doc: Document ]; TIDObj: TYPE = REF TIDObjRep; TIDObjRep: TYPE = RECORD [ btid: Camelot.btidT]; scratchTIDObj: TIDObj _ NEW[TIDObjRep]; DocTrans: TYPE = REF DocTransRep; DocTransRep: TYPE = RECORD [ btidForDoc: TIDObj, docs: LIST OF Document _ NIL ]; transactionToModifiedDocumentMap: RedBlackTree.Table; finalizationQ: SafeStorage.FinalizationQueue; ZeroIllegal: --CALLING-- ERROR = CODE; secondLookupHashDocument: HashDocument _ NIL; -- wierdness to protect object from finalization. OpenDocumentFromDID: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT] RETURNS [doc: YggInternal.Document _ NIL] = { tryCount: CARD _ 0; DO tryAgain: BOOL _ FALSE; IF (doc _ LookupInCache[did]) = NIL THEN { found: BOOL _ FALSE; gottaBeInCache: BOOL _ FALSE; doc _ NEW[DocumentRep _ [did: did, componentFiles: NIL, interlock: TRUE, next: NIL]]; [found, gottaBeInCache] _ LookupInBtree[did, tid, doc]; IF gottaBeInCache THEN { doc _ LookupInCache[did]; IF doc = NIL THEN ERROR; } ELSE { Insert[doc ! HashPkgDuplicateKey => { tryAgain _ TRUE; CONTINUE; }; ]; openFilesFromParsedDocList[doc, did, tid]; }; } ELSE { -- found in cache waitForInterlockDone: ENTRY PROC ~ { WHILE doc.interlock DO WAIT aShortTime ENDLOOP; }; IF doc.interlock THEN waitForInterlockDone[]; }; IF ~tryAgain THEN EXIT; tryCount _ tryCount + 1; IF tryCount > 25 THEN ERROR; ENDLOOP; }; GetDID: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document] RETURNS [did: YggDID.DID] ~ { RETURN[doc.did]; }; GetLinkInfo: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document] RETURNS [fromDID, toDID: YggDID.DID, linkType: Rope.ROPE] ~ { RETURN[doc.fromDID, doc.toDID, doc.linkType]; }; SwapLinkInfo: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document, newFromDID, newToDID: YggDID.DID, newLinkType: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [oldFromDID, oldToDID: YggDID.DID, oldLinkType: Rope.ROPE] ~ { oldFromDID _ doc.fromDID; doc.fromDID _ newFromDID; oldToDID _ doc.toDID; doc.toDID _ newToDID; oldLinkType _ doc.linkType; doc.linkType _ newLinkType; }; GetComponentFiles: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document] RETURNS [componentFiles: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle] ~ { RETURN[doc.componentFiles]; }; AddComponentFile: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [doc: Document, componentFile: YggInternal.FileHandle, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { lastCF: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle _ NIL; FOR files: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle _ doc.componentFiles, UNTIL files = NIL DO lastCF _ files; ENDLOOP; IF lastCF = NIL THEN doc.componentFiles _ CONS[componentFile, NIL] ELSE _ CONS[componentFile, doc.componentFiles]; }; RemoveComponentFile: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document, componentFile: YggInternal.FileHandle, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { lastCF: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle _ NIL; FOR files: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle _ doc.componentFiles, UNTIL files = NIL DO IF files.first = componentFile THEN { IF lastCF = NIL THEN doc.componentFiles _ ELSE _; EXIT; }; lastCF _ files; ENDLOOP; }; GetName: PUBLIC PROC [doc: Document] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] ~ { RETURN[]; }; CreateNewDID: PUBLIC PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT] RETURNS [did: YggDID.DID ] ~ { doc: YggInternal.Document _ NIL; did _ GetNextDID[]; doc _ NEW[DocumentRep _ [did: did, modifiedDIDMap: TRUE, componentFiles: NIL, interlock: TRUE, next: NIL]]; Insert[doc ! HashPkgDuplicateKey => ERROR]; noteUseInTransaction[doc, tid]; }; DestroyDID: PUBLIC PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT, did: YggDID.DID] ~ { ERROR; }; GetRootDIDs: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [dids: LIST OF YggDID.DID] ~ { }; AddRootDID: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID] RETURNS [ok: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { }; RemoveRootDID: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID] RETURNS [ok: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { }; aShortTime: CONDITION; grapDoc: ENTRY PROC [doc: YggInternal.Document] ~ { WHILE doc.interlock DO WAIT aShortTime ENDLOOP; doc.interlock _ TRUE; }; releaseDoc: ENTRY PROC [doc: YggInternal.Document] ~ {doc.interlock _ FALSE}; RemoveRuns: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT, runList: YggDIDMap.RunList] ~ { doc: YggInternal.Document _ NIL; IF (doc _ LookupInCache[did]) = NIL THEN ERROR ELSE { doc.modifiedDIDMap _ TRUE; grapDoc[doc]; noteUseInTransaction[doc, tid]; FOR rl: YggDIDMap.RunList _ runList, UNTIL rl = NIL DO pdl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem; prevPdl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; runToDelete: YggDIDMap.Run _ rl.first; FOR pdl _ doc.parsedDocList, UNTIL pdl = NIL DO segments: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem; prevSegments: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem; FOR segments _ pdl.first.segments, UNTIL segments = NIL DO runs: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem; prevRuns: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem; FOR runs _ segments.first.runs, UNTIL runs = NIL DO firstIntersection: INT _ -1; lastIntersection: INT _ -1; runLast: CARD _ 0; runToDeleteLast: CARD _ 0; IF runs.first.segmentId # runToDelete.segmentId THEN {-- wrong segment prevRuns _ runs; LOOP; }; firstIntersection _ MAX[runs.first.segmentPage, runToDelete.segmentPage]; lastIntersection _ MIN[ (runLast _ runs.first.segmentPage + runs.first.pages - 1), (runToDeleteLast _ runToDelete.segmentPage + runToDelete.pages - 1) ]; IF lastIntersection < firstIntersection THEN LOOP; -- no intersection IF firstIntersection = runs.first.segmentPage AND lastIntersection = runLast THEN { -- run is eliminated IF prevRuns = NIL THEN segments.first.runs _ ELSE _; LOOP; } ELSE { runs.first.segmentPage _ firstIntersection; runs.first.pages _ lastIntersection - firstIntersection + 1; }; prevRuns _ runs; ENDLOOP; IF segments.first.runs = NIL THEN { -- no more runs, so dump the segment too IF prevSegments = NIL THEN pdl.first.segments _ ELSE _; LOOP; }; prevSegments _ segments; ENDLOOP; IF pdl.first.segments = NIL THEN { -- no more segments, so dump the DocItem too IF prevPdl = NIL THEN doc.parsedDocList _ ELSE _; LOOP; }; prevPdl _ pdl; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; releaseDoc[doc]; }; }; AddRuns: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT, fileUse: ATOM, runList: YggDIDMap.RunList] ~ { doc: YggInternal.Document _ NIL; partType: YggDIDMapPrivate.PartType; partType _ mapFileUseToPartType[fileUse]; IF (doc _ LookupInCache[did]) = NIL THEN ERROR ELSE { lastPDL: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; thisPDL: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; doc.modifiedDIDMap _ TRUE; grapDoc[doc]; noteUseInTransaction[doc, tid]; FOR pdl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ doc.parsedDocList, UNTIL pdl = NIL DO IF pdl.first.indexName = fileUse THEN { lastPDL _ pdl; EXIT; }; lastPDL _ pdl; REPEAT FINISHED => { thisPDL _ LIST[[partType, fileUse, 0, NIL]]; IF lastPDL = NIL THEN doc.parsedDocList _ thisPDL ELSE _ thisPDL; }; ENDLOOP; -- pdl IF thisPDL = NIL THEN ERROR; FOR runs: YggDIDMap.RunList _ runList, UNTIL runs = NIL DO lastSegment: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ NIL; FOR segs: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ thisPDL.first.segments, UNTIL segs = NIL DO lastRun: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ NIL; runPages: YggFile.PageCount _ 0; FOR lori: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ segs.first.runs, UNTIL lori = NIL DO runPages _ runPages + lori.first.pages; lastRun _ lori; ENDLOOP; IF segs.first.firstPage + runPages = runs.first.firstPage THEN { -- append at end of segment _ CONS[[segmentId: runs.first.segmentId, segmentPage: runs.first.segmentPage, pages: runs.first.pages], NIL]; EXIT; -- appended at end of segment; go do the next run }; lastSegment _ segs; REPEAT FINISHED => { -- make a new segment with a singleton run _ CONS[[firstPage: runs.first.firstPage, numberOfBytes: YggFile.BytesForPages[runs.first.pages], runs: LIST[[segmentId: runs.first.segmentId, segmentPage: runs.first.segmentPage, pages: runs.first.pages]]], NIL]; }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; releaseDoc[doc]; }; }; SetByteSize: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT, fileUse: ATOM, bytes: INT] ~ { doc: YggInternal.Document _ NIL; partType: YggDIDMapPrivate.PartType; partType _ mapFileUseToPartType[fileUse]; IF (doc _ LookupInCache[did]) = NIL THEN ERROR ELSE { doc.modifiedDIDMap _ TRUE; grapDoc[doc]; noteUseInTransaction[doc, tid]; FOR pdl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ doc.parsedDocList, UNTIL pdl = NIL DO IF pdl.first.indexName = fileUse THEN { FOR segs: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ pdl.first.segments, UNTIL segs = NIL DO firstByte: CARD; firstByte _ YggFile.BytesForPages[segs.first.firstPage]; IF firstByte > bytes THEN segs.first.numberOfBytes _ 0 ELSE { runPages: YggFile.PageCount _ 0; runBytes: CARD _ 0; FOR lori: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ segs.first.runs, UNTIL lori = NIL DO runPages _ runPages + lori.first.pages; ENDLOOP; runBytes _ YggFile.BytesForPages[runPages]; segs.first.numberOfBytes _ IF firstByte + runBytes > bytes THEN bytes - firstByte ELSE runBytes; }; ENDLOOP; EXIT; }; REPEAT FINISHED => { ERROR; }; ENDLOOP; -- pdl }; }; mapFileUseToPartType: PROC [fileUse: ATOM] RETURNS [partType: YggDIDMapPrivate.PartType] ~ { SELECT fileUse FROM $root => partType _ root; $contents => partType _ contents; $outlinks => partType _ outlinks; $attributes => partType _ attributes; ENDCASE => { pName: Rope.Text; pName _ Atom.GetPName[fileUse]; IF Rope.Equal[YggFixedNames.IndexPrefix, Rope.Substr[pName, 0, 7]] THEN { partType _ index; } ELSE ERROR; }; }; PreCommit: PUBLIC PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { data: RedBlackTree.UserData; scrTIDObj: TIDObj _ CheckoutTIDObj[]; data _ RedBlackTree.Lookup[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scrTIDObj]; RecycleTIDObj[scrTIDObj]; IF data # NIL THEN { dt: DocTrans; maxBTreeDone: INT _ -1; dt _ NARROW[data]; DO minBTree: INT _ 65; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents to find the next hash value to do hashedDidToBTree: INT; hashedDidToBTree _ HashToBtree[docList.first.did]; IF hashedDidToBTree > maxBTreeDone AND hashedDidToBTree < minBTree THEN minBTree _ hashedDidToBTree; ENDLOOP; IF minBTree = maxBTreeDone THEN EXIT; LockBTree[minBTree, tid]; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents and process those with the correct hash value hashedDidToBTree: INT; hashedDidToBTree _ HashToBtree[docList.first.did]; IF hashedDidToBTree = minBTree THEN { writeDocumentToBTree[hashedDidToBTree, docList.first]; }; ENDLOOP; maxBTreeDone _ minBTree; ENDLOOP; }; }; Commit: PUBLIC PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { data: RedBlackTree.UserData; scrTIDObj: TIDObj _ CheckoutTIDObj[]; data _ RedBlackTree.Lookup[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scrTIDObj]; IF data # NIL THEN { dt: DocTrans; maxBTreeDone: INT _ -1; dt _ NARROW[data]; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents and turn off the modified flag docList.first.modifiedDIDMap _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; DO minBTree: INT _ 65; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents to find the next hash value to do hashedDidToBTree: INT; hashedDidToBTree _ HashToBtree[docList.first.did]; IF hashedDidToBTree > maxBTreeDone AND hashedDidToBTree < minBTree THEN minBTree _ hashedDidToBTree; ENDLOOP; IF minBTree = maxBTreeDone THEN EXIT; maxBTreeDone _ minBTree; UnlockBTree[minBTree, tid]; ENDLOOP; }; [] _ RedBlackTree.Delete[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scrTIDObj]; RecycleTIDObj[scrTIDObj]; }; Abort: PUBLIC PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { data: RedBlackTree.UserData; scrTIDObj: TIDObj _ CheckoutTIDObj[]; data _ RedBlackTree.Lookup[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scrTIDObj]; IF data # NIL THEN { dt: DocTrans; maxBTreeDone: INT _ -1; dt _ NARROW[data]; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents and remove them from the cache Delete[ docList.first]; ENDLOOP; DO minBTree: INT _ 65; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO -- look at all the documents to find the next hash value to do hashedDidToBTree: INT; hashedDidToBTree _ HashToBtree[docList.first.did]; IF hashedDidToBTree > maxBTreeDone AND hashedDidToBTree < minBTree THEN minBTree _ hashedDidToBTree; ENDLOOP; IF minBTree = maxBTreeDone THEN EXIT; maxBTreeDone _ minBTree; UnlockBTree[minBTree, tid]; ENDLOOP; }; [] _ RedBlackTree.Delete[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scrTIDObj]; RecycleTIDObj[scrTIDObj]; }; openFilesFromParsedDocList: PROC [doc: YggInternal.Document, did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT] = { FOR pdl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ doc.parsedDocList, UNTIL pdl = NIL DO atomCode: ATOM _ NIL; theRuns: YggDIDMap.RunList _ NIL; theFile: YggFile.FileHandle; SELECT pdl.first.partType FROM root => atomCode _ $root; contents => atomCode _ $contents; outlinks => atomCode _ $outlinks; index => { atomCode _ pdl.first.indexName; }; attributes => atomCode _ $attributes; ENDCASE => atomCode _ $huh; FOR segments: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ pdl.first.segments, UNTIL segments = NIL DO nowPage: CARD _ segments.first.firstPage; FOR runs: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ segments.first.runs, UNTIL runs = NIL DO theRuns _ CONS[[segmentId: runs.first.segmentId, segmentPage: runs.first.segmentPage, firstPage: nowPage, pages: runs.first.pages, leader: FALSE], theRuns]; nowPage _ nowPage + runs.first.pages; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; theFile _ YggFile.Open[runList: theRuns, did: did, fileUse: atomCode, verifyLeaderNow: FALSE]; doc.componentFiles _ CONS[theFile, doc.componentFiles]; ENDLOOP; }; AppendText: UNSAFE PROC [dPP: YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPartPtr, text: Rope.Text, offset: CARD] RETURNS [textRP: YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRP, words: CARD] = UNCHECKED { textRep: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRep; textRP _ LOOPHOLE[offset]; textRep _ @dPP[textRP]; LOOPHOLE[textRep, LONG POINTER TO Rope.TextBound]^ _ Rope.Length[text]; -- sets textRep.length [] _ Basics.ByteBlt [ to: [ BASE[DESCRIPTOR[textRep]], 0, textRep.length ], from: [ BASE[DESCRIPTOR[text]], 0, textRep.length ] ]; words _ WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRep[textRep.length]]; }; GetText: UNSAFE PROC [textRep: LONG POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRep, text: REF TEXT] = UNCHECKED { nBytes: CARD; text.length _ textRep.length; nBytes _ Basics.ByteBlt [ to: [ BASE[DESCRIPTOR[text]], 0, textRep.length ], from: [ BASE[DESCRIPTOR[textRep]], 0, textRep.length ] ]; }; didsCondition: CONDITION; GetNextDID: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [did: YggDID.DID] ~ { WHILE NextDID.didHigh = LastDIDAllocateable.didHigh AND NextDID.didLow = LastDIDAllocateable.didLow DO WAIT didsCondition ENDLOOP; did _ NEW[YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep _ [NextDID.didHigh, NextDID.didLow]]; NextDID.didLow _ NextDID.didLow + 1; IF LastDIDAllocateable.didLow - NextDID.didLow <= ThresholdToGrabDIDs THEN Process.Detach[FORK GrabSomeDIDs[]]; }; GrabberCount: CARD _ 0; GrabSomeDIDs: PROC [] ~ { newLastDIDAllocateable: YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep; newHigh: BOOL _ FALSE; onlyOne: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [exit: BOOL] ~ { IF GrabberCount # 0 THEN RETURN[TRUE]; GrabberCount _ GrabberCount + 1; }; IF onlyOne[] THEN RETURN; newLastDIDAllocateable.didHigh _ LastDIDAllocateable.didHigh; newLastDIDAllocateable.didLow _ LastDIDAllocateable.didLow + NumberOfDIDsToGrap; IF newLastDIDAllocateable.didLow > LastDidLow THEN { newLastDIDAllocateable.didHigh _ newLastDIDAllocateable.didHigh + 1; newLastDIDAllocateable.didLow _ NumberOfDIDsToGrap; newHigh _ TRUE; }; IF newHigh THEN { m: ENTRY PROC ~ { LastDIDAllocateable _ newLastDIDAllocateable; NextDID.didHigh _ newLastDIDAllocateable.didHigh; NextDID.didLow _ 0; BROADCAST didsCondition; }; m[]; } ELSE { n: ENTRY PROC ~ { LastDIDAllocateable.didLow _ newLastDIDAllocateable.didLow; BROADCAST didsCondition; }; n[]; }; }; bTreeCondition: CONDITION; LockBTree: ENTRY PROC [treeNo: INT, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { WHILE Btrees[treeNo].interlock DO WAIT bTreeCondition ENDLOOP; Btrees[treeNo].interlock _ TRUE; Btrees[treeNo].tid _ tid; }; UnlockBTree: ENTRY PROC [treeNo: INT, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { IF ~Btrees[treeNo].interlock OR Btrees[treeNo].tid # tid THEN ERROR; }; stockKey: REF KeyObject _ NIL; CheckoutKey: ENTRY PROC [did: YggDID.DID, extendedDataCount: INT32] RETURNS [k: REF KeyObject] = { IF stockKey = NIL THEN k _ NEW [KeyObject] ELSE { k _ stockKey; stockKey _ NIL }; k^ _ KeyObject[did, extendedDataCount]; }; RecycleKey: ENTRY PROC [k: REF KeyObject] = { stockKey _ k; }; HashToBtree: PROC [did: YggDID.DID] RETURNS [h: INT] = { h _ Basics.BITAND[YggDID.StableHashDID[did], 03Fh]; -- low 6 bits }; LookupInBtree: PROC [did: YggDID.DID, tid: Camelot.tidT, doc: YggInternal.Document] RETURNS [found: BOOL _ FALSE, gottaBeInCache: BOOL _ FALSE] = { hashedDidToBTree: INT; btreeEntry: TreeEntry; pathStk: BTree.PathStk _ BTree.NewPathStk[]; keyRef: REF KeyObject = CheckoutKey[did, -3]; extendedData: REF EntryDataBuffer _ NIL; extendedDataCount: CARD _ 0; expectedExtendedDataSize: CARD _ 0; maxDataCount: CARD _ 0; fromLink: DID _ YggEnvironment.nullDID; toLink: DID _ YggEnvironment.nullDID; linkType: Rope.ROPE _ NIL; updatesForTrans: LIST OF updates; getAll: UNSAFE PROC [entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [continue: BOOL _ FALSE] = { entryPtr: YggDIDMapPrivate.EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry]; IF entry # NIL THEN TRUSTED { IF YggDID.CompareDIDs[did, @entryPtr.did] # equal THEN RETURN; found _ TRUE; SELECT entryPtr.extensionCount FROM 0 => { -- normal, non-extended entry index: INT _ 0; IF THEN { wordIndex: INT _ 0; noChars: INT _ 0; nullSeen: BOOL _ FALSE; fromLink _ NEW[DIDRep]; Basics.Move[dst: @fromLink, src:[0], nWords: WORDS[DIDRep]]; index _ WORDS[DIDRep]; toLink _ NEW[DIDRep]; Basics.Move[dst: @toLink, src:[index], nWords: WORDS[DIDRep]]; index _ index + index; FOR wordIndex _ index, wordIndex + 1 UNTIL nullSeen DO fourChars: PACKED ARRAY [0..Basics.charsPerWord) OF CHAR; fourChars _ LOOPHOLE[[index]]; FOR charNo: INT IN [0..Basics.charsPerWord) DO IF fourChars[charNo] = 0C THEN {nullSeen_ TRUE; EXIT;}; noChars _ noChars + 1; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF noChars = 0 THEN { index _ index + 1; } ELSE { linkTypeRT: REF TEXT _ NIL; linkTypeRT _ RefText.New[noChars]; nullSeen _ FALSE; UNTIL nullSeen DO fourChars: PACKED ARRAY [0..Basics.charsPerWord) OF CHAR; fourChars _ LOOPHOLE[[index]]; index _ index + 1; FOR charNo: INT IN [0..Basics.charsPerWord) DO IF fourChars[charNo] = 0C THEN {nullSeen_ TRUE; EXIT;}; linkTypeRT[noChars] _ fourChars[charNo]; noChars _ noChars + 1; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; linkTypeRT.length _ noChars; linkType _ RefText.TrustTextAsRope[linkTypeRT]; }; }; [] _ parseDocPart[[index], entryPtr.size - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry - index, doc]; }; 1 => { -- normal, extended entries to follow expectedExtendedDataSize _[0]; extendedData _ NEW[EntryDataBuffer[expectedExtendedDataSize]]; extendedDataCount _ entryPtr.size - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry - 1; Basics.Move[dst: @extendedData[0], src:[1], nWords: extendedDataCount]; }; >1 => { -- extended entry IF extendedDataCount + entryPtr.size - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry > maxDataCount THEN ERROR; Basics.Move[dst: @extendedData[extendedDataCount], src:[0], nWords: entryPtr.size - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry]; extendedDataCount _ extendedDataCount + entryPtr.size - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; }; hashedDidToBTree _ HashToBtree[did]; btreeEntry _ Btrees[hashedDidToBTree]; updatesForTrans _ getUpdates[tid]; FOR ut: LIST OF updates _ updatesForTrans, UNTIL ut = NIL DO IF YggDID.EqualDIDs[ut.first.did, did] THEN RETURN[FALSE, TRUE]; -- if it has updates, then is should be in the cache - so why are we in this routine? ENDLOOP; DO TRUSTED {IF BTree.EnumerateEntries[tree: btreeEntry.tree, relation: greater, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, useExistingPath: TRUE, Proc: getAll] THEN EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; IF maxDataCount # 0 THEN TRUSTED { IF maxDataCount # extendedDataCount THEN ERROR; [] _ parseDocPart[@extendedData[0], maxDataCount, doc]; }; RecycleKey[keyRef]; }; InsertIntoBtree: PROC [bTree: BTree.Tree, did: DID, doc: YggInternal.Document, buffer: REF EntryDataBuffer, wordsInBuffer: INT, link: BOOL] = { totalEntrySize: INT; pathStk: BTree.PathStk _ BTree.NewPathStk[]; keyRef: REF KeyObject = CheckoutKey[did, -3]; totalEntrySize _ YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry + wordsInBuffer; IF totalEntrySize <= MaxWordsPerEntry THEN { writeEntrySingle: UNSAFE PROCEDURE [entry: BTree.Entry] = UNCHECKED { entPtr: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.Entry = LOOPHOLE[entry]; entPtr.size _ totalEntrySize; entPtr.extensionCount _ 0; entPtr.did _ did^; _ link; Basics.Move[dst:[0], src: LOOPHOLE[buffer], nWords: wordsInBuffer]; }; keyRef. extensionCount _ 0; TRUSTED {BTree.UpdateEntry[tree: bTree, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, words: totalEntrySize, Proc: writeEntrySingle, updateType: insertOrReplace];}; keyRef.extensionCount _ 1; } ELSE { writeEntryFirst: UNSAFE PROCEDURE [entry: BTree.Entry] = UNCHECKED { writeWords: INT _ MaxWordsPerEntry - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry - 1; entPtr: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.Entry = LOOPHOLE[entry]; entPtr.size _ MaxWordsPerEntry; entPtr.extensionCount _ 1; entPtr.did _ did^;[0] _ wordsInBuffer; leftToWrite _ wordsInBuffer - writeWords; Basics.Move[dst:[1], src: LOOPHOLE[buffer], nWords: writeWords]; writeOffset _ writeWords; }; leftToWrite: INT _ 0; writeOffset: INT _ 0; keyRef.extensionCount _ 1; TRUSTED {BTree.UpdateEntry[tree: bTree, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, words: MaxWordsPerEntry, Proc: writeEntryFirst, updateType: insertOrReplace]; }; keyRef.extensionCount _ 0; [] _ BTree.DeleteKey[tree: bTree, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, useExistingPath: TRUE]; DO writeEntryExtended: UNSAFE PROCEDURE [entry: BTree.Entry] = UNCHECKED{ entPtr: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.Entry = LOOPHOLE[entry]; entPtr.size _ writeThisTime+YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry; entPtr.extensionCount _ keyRef.extensionCount; entPtr.did _ did^;[0] _ writeThisTime; Basics.Move[dst:[1], src: LOOPHOLE[buffer, POINTER]+writeOffset, nWords: writeThisTime]; }; writeThisTime: INT _ MIN[MaxWordsPerEntry - YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry, leftToWrite]; leftToWrite _ leftToWrite - writeThisTime; keyRef.extensionCount _ keyRef.extensionCount + 1; TRUSTED {BTree.UpdateEntry[tree: bTree, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, useExistingPath: TRUE, words: writeThisTime + YggDIDMapPrivate.OverheadPerEntry, Proc: writeEntryFirst, updateType: insertOrReplace]; }; IF leftToWrite < 0 THEN ERROR; IF leftToWrite = 0 THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; DO -- insure that old extra extentions do not exist IF ~BTree.DeleteKey[tree: bTree, key: keyRef, pathStk: pathStk, useExistingPath: TRUE] THEN EXIT; keyRef.extensionCount _ keyRef.extensionCount + 1; ENDLOOP; RecycleKey[keyRef]; }; getUpdates: PROC [tid: Camelot.tidT] RETURNS [updateList: LIST OF updates] ~ { }; parseDocPart: PROC [dataToParse: LONG POINTER, size: CARD, doc: YggInternal.Document] RETURNS [found: BOOL _ FALSE] = { parsedDocList: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; parsedDocListTail: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; index: CARD _ 0; WHILE index < size DO TRUSTED { segIndex: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep; docPart: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart; newDocList: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ NIL; segmentsListTail: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ NIL; startOffset: CARD _ 0; offsetToLastSegment: CARD _ 0; indexName: ATOM _ NIL; docPart _ LOOPHOLE[dataToParse + index]; IF index + docPart.docPartSize > size THEN ERROR; IF docPart.indexName # NIL THEN { r: Rope.Text; docPartPtr: YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPartPtr = LOOPHOLE[docPart]; indexNamePtr: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRep; indexNamePtr _ @docPartPtr[docPartPtr.indexName]; IF indexNamePtr.length = 0 THEN ERROR; offsetToLastSegment _ LOOPHOLE[indexNamePtr, CARD] - LOOPHOLE[docPart, CARD]; r _ Rope.NewText[indexNamePtr.length]; GetText[indexNamePtr, LOOPHOLE[r]]; indexName _ Atom.MakeAtom[r]; } ELSE offsetToLastSegment _ docPart.docPartSize; newDocList _ LIST[[partType: docPart.partType, indexName: indexName, slotNo: docPart.slotNo, segments: NIL]]; segIndex _ LOOPHOLE[@docPart.segments]; WHILE (startOffset _ LOOPHOLE[segIndex, CARD] - LOOPHOLE[docPart, CARD]) < offsetToLastSegment DO segSize: CARD _ 0; runs: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ NIL; runTail: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ NIL; newSegListItem: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem; newSegListItem _ LIST[[firstPage: segIndex.firstPage, numberOfBytes: segIndex.numberOfBytes, runs: NIL]]; IF (segSize _ WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[segIndex.length]]) > docPart.docPartSize - startOffset THEN ERROR; -- too many runs FOR inx: CARDINAL IN [0..segIndex.length) DO newRunList: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ NIL; newRunList _ LIST[[segmentId: segIndex.runs[inx].segmentId, segmentPage: segIndex.runs[inx].segmentPage, pages: segIndex.runs[inx].pages]]; IF runTail = NIL THEN runs _ runTail _ newRunList ELSE { _ newRunList; runTail _ newRunList; }; ENDLOOP; newSegListItem.first.runs _ runs; IF newDocList.first.segments = NIL THEN newDocList.first.segments _ segmentsListTail _ newSegListItem ELSE { _ newSegListItem; segmentsListTail _ newSegListItem; }; segIndex _ segIndex + segSize; ENDLOOP; IF startOffset # docPart.docPartSize THEN ERROR; IF parsedDocListTail = NIL THEN parsedDocList _ parsedDocListTail _ newDocList ELSE { _ newDocList; parsedDocListTail _ newDocList; }; index _ index + docPart.docPartSize; }; ENDLOOP; doc.parsedDocList _ parsedDocList; }; stockBuffer: REF EntryDataBuffer _ NIL; CheckoutStockBuffer: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [buf: REF EntryDataBuffer] = { IF stockBuffer = NIL THEN buf _ NEW[EntryDataBuffer[256]] ELSE { buf _ stockBuffer; stockBuffer _ NIL }; }; RecycleStockBuffer: ENTRY PROC [buf: REF EntryDataBuffer] = { stockBuffer _ buf; }; writeDocumentToBTree: PROC [ hashedDidToBTree: INT, doc: Document] ~ { buffer: REF EntryDataBuffer _ NIL; stockBuffer: REF EntryDataBuffer _ NIL; bufferSize: INT _ 256; link: BOOL; wordsInBuffer: INT; stockBuffer _ buffer _ CheckoutStockBuffer[]; DO didNotFit: BOOL _ TRUE; [wordsInBuffer: wordsInBuffer, didNotFit: didNotFit, link: link] _ writeDocToBuffer[doc, buffer, bufferSize]; IF didNotFit THEN { bufferSize _ bufferSize + bufferSize; buffer _ NEW[EntryDataBuffer[bufferSize]]; LOOP; }; EXIT; ENDLOOP; InsertIntoBtree[bTree: Btrees[hashedDidToBTree].tree, did: doc.did, doc: doc, buffer: buffer, wordsInBuffer: wordsInBuffer, link: link]; RecycleStockBuffer[stockBuffer]; }; writeDocToBuffer: PROC [ doc: Document, buffer: REF EntryDataBuffer, bufferSize: INT] RETURNS [wordsInBuffer: INT _ 0, didNotFit: BOOL _ TRUE, link: BOOL _ FALSE] ~ { IF doc.fromDID # YggEnvironment.nullDID THEN { linkTypeLen: INT _ 0; linkTypeWords: INT _ 0; nowCharNum: INT _ 0; link _ TRUE; TRUSTED {Basics.Move[dst: LOOPHOLE[@buffer[0]], src: LOOPHOLE[@(doc.fromDID^)], nWords: WORDS[DIDRep]]; }; wordsInBuffer _ WORDS[DIDRep]; TRUSTED {Basics.Move[dst: LOOPHOLE[@buffer[wordsInBuffer]], src: LOOPHOLE[@(doc.toDID^)], nWords: WORDS[DIDRep]]; }; wordsInBuffer _ wordsInBuffer + WORDS[DIDRep]; linkTypeLen _ Rope.Length[doc.linkType]; linkTypeWords _ (linkTypeLen/Basics.charsPerWord) + 1; IF linkTypeWords + wordsInBuffer > bufferSize THEN RETURN[0, TRUE]; FOR i: INT IN [0..linkTypeWords) DO fourChars: PACKED ARRAY [0..Basics.charsPerWord) OF CHAR; FOR charNo: INT IN [0..Basics.charsPerWord) DO IF nowCharNum >= linkTypeLen THEN fourChars[charNo] _ 0C ELSE fourChars[charNo] _ Rope.Fetch[doc.linkType, nowCharNum]; nowCharNum _ nowCharNum + 1; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED{buffer[wordsInBuffer] _ LOOPHOLE[fourChars];}; wordsInBuffer _ wordsInBuffer + 1; ENDLOOP; }; FOR parsedDocList: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.DocItem _ doc.parsedDocList, UNTIL parsedDocList = NIL DO indexNameWords: CARD; segmentOffset: CARD _ 0; docPart: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart; IF wordsInBuffer + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart] + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[1]] > bufferSize THEN RETURN [0, TRUE]; TRUSTED { docPart _ LOOPHOLE[@buffer[wordsInBuffer]]; docPart.compression _ YggDIDMapPrivate.notCompressed; docPart.keepingModifications _ FALSE; docPart.partType _ parsedDocList.first.partType; docPart.extraFlags _ 0; docPart.slotNo _ parsedDocList.first.slotNo; docPart.indexName _ NIL; docPart.versionIdentifierString _ NIL; }; FOR segments: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentItem _ parsedDocList.first.segments, UNTIL segments = NIL DO runIndex: CARD _ 0; segIndex: POINTER TO YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep; IF wordsInBuffer + segmentOffset + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart] + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[1]] > bufferSize THEN RETURN [0, TRUE]; TRUSTED { segIndex _ LOOPHOLE[@docPart.segments + segmentOffset]; segIndex.firstPage _ segments.first.firstPage; segIndex.numberOfBytes _ segments.first.numberOfBytes; segIndex.modificationDeltasOffset _ 0; segIndex.lastUsedTime _ BasicTime.Now[]; segIndex.backUpTime _ BasicTime.nullGMT; segIndex.backUpID _ 0; }; FOR rl: LIST OF YggDIDMapPrivate.RunItem _ segments.first.runs, UNTIL rl = NIL DO IF wordsInBuffer + segmentOffset + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart] + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[runIndex]] > bufferSize THEN RETURN [0, TRUE]; TRUSTED {segIndex.runs[runIndex] _ [segmentId: rl.first.segmentId, segmentPage: rl.first.segmentPage, pages: rl.first.pages]; }; runIndex _ runIndex + 1; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED {segIndex.length _ runIndex; }; segmentOffset _ segmentOffset + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[runIndex]]; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED { docPart.docPartSize _ WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart] - WORDS[CARD] + segmentOffset + indexNameWords; wordsInBuffer _ wordsInBuffer + docPart.docPartSize; }; IF parsedDocList.first.indexName # NIL THEN { pName: Rope.Text; pName _ Atom.GetPName[parsedDocList.first.indexName]; IF wordsInBuffer + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.TextRep[Rope.Length[pName]]] > bufferSize THEN RETURN [0, TRUE]; TRUSTED { [docPart.indexName, indexNameWords] _ AppendText[dPP: docPart, text: pName, offset: docPart.docPartSize]; docPart.docPartSize _ docPart.docPartSize + indexNameWords; }; wordsInBuffer _ wordsInBuffer + indexNameWords; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN[wordsInBuffer: wordsInBuffer, didNotFit: FALSE]; }; BtreeCompare: UNSAFE PROC [key: BTree.Key, entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [comp: Basics.Comparison] = UNCHECKED { keyRef: REF KeyObject = NARROW [key]; entryPtr: YggDIDMapPrivate.EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry]; entryDID: POINTER TO DIDRep = @entryPtr.did; SELECT YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, entryDID] FROM less => RETURN[less]; greater => RETURN[greater]; ENDCASE => SELECT keyRef.extensionCount FROM < entryPtr.extensionCount => RETURN [less]; > entryPtr.extensionCount => RETURN [greater]; ENDCASE => RETURN[equal]; }; BtreeEntrySize: UNSAFE PROC [entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [words: BTree.EntSize] = UNCHECKED { RETURN [ MIN[LOOPHOLE[entry, YggDIDMapPrivate.EntryPtr].size, BTree.PageSize.LAST] ]; }; StartUpBTree: PROC [btreeInfo: REF] RETURNS [tree: BTree.Tree] = { tree _ BTree.New [ repPrim: [compare: BtreeCompare, entrySize: BtreeEntrySize], storPrim: [referencePage: BTreeReferencePage, releasePage: BTreeReleasePage], minEntrySize: WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.Entry] + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.DocPart] + WORDS[YggDIDMapPrivate.SegmentRep[1]], initialState: suspended ]; BTree.Open[ tree: tree, storage: btreeInfo, pageSize: BtreePageSizeInWords, initialize: FALSE, maintainRecomputableState: TRUE ]; }; debugReferencePageNumber: INT _ 0; debugReferencePageNumberCount: INT _ 0; BTreeReferencePage: PUBLIC BTree.ReferencePage = { addVMPageSet: ENTRY PROC = { treeEntry.currentVMPageSets _ CONS[vMPageSet, treeEntry.currentVMPageSets]; }; debugReferencePageNumberCount: INT _ 0; treeEntry: TreeEntry; vMPageSet: YggBuffMan.VMPageSet; IF number = debugReferencePageNumber THEN debugReferencePageNumberCount _ debugReferencePageNumberCount + 1; treeEntry _ NARROW[storage]; IF type = new THEN { IF YggFile.Info[treeEntry.file, treeEntry.tid].size < (number+2)*FilePagesPerBtreePage THEN YggFile.SetSize[treeEntry.file, (number+25)*FilePagesPerBtreePage, treeEntry.tid]; vMPageSet _ YggBuffMan.UsePages[fileHandle: treeEntry.file, tid: treeEntry.tid, pageRun: [firstPage: number+FilePagesPerBtreePage, count: FilePagesPerBtreePage]]; } ELSE { vMPageSet _ YggBuffMan.ReadPages[fileHandle: treeEntry.file, tid: treeEntry.tid, pageRun: [firstPage: number*FilePagesPerBtreePage+FilePagesPerBtreePage, count: FilePagesPerBtreePage]]; }; IF vMPageSet = NIL OR # NIL THEN ERROR; addVMPageSet[]; RETURN[vMPageSet.first.buffer]; }; BTreeReleasePage: PUBLIC BTree.ReleasePage = { removeVMPageSet: ENTRY PROC = { prevlovmps: LIST OF YggBuffMan.VMPageSet _ NIL; FOR lovmps: LIST OF YggBuffMan.VMPageSet _ treeEntry.currentVMPageSets, UNTIL lovmps = NIL DO IF lovmps.first.first.pageRun.firstPage = number*FilePagesPerBtreePage+FilePagesPerBtreePage THEN { IF prevlovmps = NIL THEN treeEntry.currentVMPageSets _ ELSE _; EXIT; }; prevlovmps _ lovmps; ENDLOOP; }; debugReferencePageNumberCount: INT _ 0; treeEntry: TreeEntry; releaseState: YggBuffMan.ReleaseState; vMPageSet: YggBuffMan.VMPageSet; IF number = debugReferencePageNumber THEN debugReferencePageNumberCount _ debugReferencePageNumberCount + 1; treeEntry _ NARROW[storage]; SELECT update FROM startOfUpdate => { releaseState _ writeBatchedNoWait; }; endOfUpdate => { releaseState _ writeBatchedNoWait; }; unchanged => { releaseState _ clean; }; ENDCASE; YggBuffMan.ReleaseVMPageSet[vMPageSet: vMPageSet, releaseState: releaseState, keep: TRUE]; }; noteUseInTransaction: ENTRY PROC [doc: Document, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ { data: RedBlackTree.UserData; scratchTIDObj.btid _; data _ RedBlackTree.Lookup[ transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, scratchTIDObj]; IF data = NIL THEN { dt: DocTrans _ NEW[DocTransRep]; dt.btidForDoc _ NEW[TIDObjRep _ []]; _ LIST[doc]; RedBlackTree.Insert[transactionToModifiedDocumentMap, dt, scratchTIDObj]; } ELSE { dt: DocTrans; dt _ NARROW[data]; FOR docList: LIST OF Document _, UNTIL docList = NIL DO IF YggDID.EqualDIDs[docList.first.did, doc.did] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; _ CONS[doc,]; }; }; GetKeyProc: RedBlackTree.GetKey = { docTrans: DocTrans _ NARROW[data]; RETURN[ docTrans.btidForDoc ]; }; CompareProc: RedBlackTree.Compare = { fileTransData: DocTrans _ NARROW[data]; keyData: TIDObj _ NARROW[k]; SELECT keyData.highTicker FROM > fileTransData.btidForDoc.highTicker => RETURN [greater]; < fileTransData.btidForDoc.highTicker => RETURN [less]; ENDCASE => { SELECT keyData.lowTicker FROM > fileTransData.btidForDoc.lowTicker => RETURN [greater]; < fileTransData.btidForDoc.lowTicker => RETURN [less]; ENDCASE => RETURN [equal]; }; }; stockTIDObj: TIDObj _ NIL; CheckoutTIDObj: ENTRY PROC [btid: Camelot.btidT] RETURNS [k: TIDObj] = { IF stockTIDObj = NIL THEN k _ NEW [TIDObjRep] ELSE { k _ stockTIDObj; stockTIDObj _ NIL }; k.btid _ btid; }; RecycleTIDObj: ENTRY PROC [k: TIDObj] = { stockTIDObj _ k; }; GetNext: PUBLIC --ENTRY-- PROCEDURE[doc: Document] RETURNS [nextDocument: Document] = BEGIN -- errors defined in FileMap: none. ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; RETURN[EnumerateNext[doc]]; END; HashDocument: TYPE = Document; Key: TYPE = YggDID.DID; ClientHashInit: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[numHashSlotsDesired: NAT] RETURNS [numHashSlotsAllowed: NAT] = BEGIN divisor, quotient, remainder: CARDINAL; DO divisor _ 2; DO quotient _ numHashSlotsDesired / divisor; remainder _ numHashSlotsDesired MOD divisor; IF remainder = 0 THEN EXIT; -- this number is not prime. IF quotient < divisor THEN RETURN[numHashSlotsDesired]; -- prime. divisor _ divisor + 1; ENDLOOP; numHashSlotsDesired _ numHashSlotsDesired + 1; ENDLOOP; END; ClientHash: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[hashDocument: HashDocument] RETURNS [index: NAT--[0..numHashSlots)--] = INLINE { index _ YggDID.HashDID[hashDocument.did] MOD numHashSlots; }; ClientEqualKeys: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[hashDocument1, hashDocument2: HashDocument] RETURNS [equal: BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN[YggDID.EqualDIDs[hashDocument1.did, hashDocument2.did]]; }; hashSlots: REF HashSlots _ NIL; HashSlots: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE nSlots: NAT OF HashDocument]; numHashSlots: NAT _ 0; -- boy, will they be sorry if they don't init this package. lookupHashDocument: HashDocument _ NIL; -- for the "package's" use only. HashPkgCallerProgrammingError: ERROR = CODE; -- various fatal conditions. HashPkgDuplicateKey: ERROR = CODE; -- from Insert. InitializeHashTable: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[numHashSlotsDesired: NAT, hashDocument: HashDocument] = BEGIN -- errors: HashPkgCallerProgrammingError (numHashSlotsDesired = 0). numHashSlots _ ClientHashInit[numHashSlotsDesired]; IF numHashSlots = 0 THEN ERROR HashPkgCallerProgrammingError; lookupHashDocument _ hashDocument; hashSlots _ NEW[HashSlots[numHashSlots]]; FOR index: NAT IN [0..numHashSlots) DO hashSlots[index] _ NIL; ENDLOOP; END; Insert: ENTRY PROC [hashDocument: HashDocument] = { index: NAT _ ClientHash[hashDocument]; FOR newHashDocument: HashDocument _ hashSlots[index], UNTIL newHashDocument = NIL DO IF ClientEqualKeys[newHashDocument, hashDocument] THEN ERROR HashPkgDuplicateKey; ENDLOOP; _ hashSlots[index]; hashSlots[index] _ hashDocument; SafeStorage.EnableFinalization[hashDocument]; }; LookupInCache: ENTRY PROC [key: Key] RETURNS [hashDocument: HashDocument] = { lookupHashDocument.did _ key; FOR hashDocument _ hashSlots[ClientHash[lookupHashDocument]], UNTIL hashDocument = NIL DO IF ClientEqualKeys[hashDocument, lookupHashDocument] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; Delete: ENTRY PROC [hashDocument: HashDocument] = { index: NAT _ ClientHash[hashDocument]; prevHashDocument: HashDocument _ NIL; FOR newHashDocument: HashDocument _ hashSlots[index], UNTIL newHashDocument = NIL DO IF ClientEqualKeys[newHashDocument, hashDocument] THEN EXIT; prevHashDocument _ newHashDocument; REPEAT FINISHED => ERROR HashPkgCallerProgrammingError; ENDLOOP; IF prevHashDocument = NIL THEN hashSlots[index] _ ELSE _; }; EnumerateNext: ENTRY PROCEDURE[prevHashDocument: HashDocument] RETURNS [hashDocument: HashDocument] = { index: NAT; IF prevHashDocument = NIL THEN index _ 0 ELSE { index _ ClientHash[prevHashDocument]; FOR hashDocument _ hashSlots[index], UNTIL hashDocument = NIL DO IF ClientEqualKeys[hashDocument, prevHashDocument] THEN GOTO found; REPEAT found => { IF # NIL THEN RETURN[]; index _ index + 1; }; ENDLOOP; }; UNTIL index >= numHashSlots DO IF hashSlots[index] # NIL THEN RETURN[hashSlots[index]]; index _ index + 1; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; }; EnumerateWithProc: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[proc: PROCEDURE[hashDocument: HashDocument] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN]] = { FOR index: NAT IN [0..numHashSlots) DO FOR hashDocument: HashDocument _ hashSlots[index], UNTIL hashDocument = NIL DO IF proc[hashDocument] THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; }; FinalizationProcess: PROCEDURE = { FinalizeEntry: ENTRY PROCEDURE [docm: Document] = { IF SafeStorage.IsFinalizationEnabled[docm] THEN RETURN; Delete[docm]; docm _ NIL; }; DO doc: Document; FinalizeEntry[doc _ NARROW[SafeStorage.FQNext[finalizationQ]]]; doc _ NIL; ENDLOOP; }; Initialize: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[numHashSlotsDesired: NAT, fQLength: CARDINAL] = { IF fQLength = 0 THEN RETURN WITH ERROR ZeroIllegal; finalizationQ _ SafeStorage.NewFQ[fQLength]; -- do this before SafeStorage.EstablishFinalization[CODE[DocumentRep], 1, finalizationQ]; -- allocating any FileObjects. TRUSTED BEGIN Process.Detach[FORK FinalizationProcess[]]; END; secondLookupHashDocument _ NEW[DocumentRep _ [did: NIL, componentFiles: NIL, interlock: FALSE, next: NIL]]; InitializeHashTable[numHashSlotsDesired, secondLookupHashDocument]; TRUSTED {Process.InitializeCondition[LOOPHOLE[@aShortTime], Process.MsecToTicks[50]]; }; transactionToModifiedDocumentMap _ RedBlackTree.Create[getKey: GetKeyProc, compare: CompareProc]; }; Initialize[129, 250]; END. ÆYggDIDMapImpl.mesa Copyright Ó 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Bob Hagmann August 10, 1988 4:27:57 pm PDT Data types and variables Exported procedures for documents Finds or creates a Document for the supplied did and tid. Document is now inserted into the cache. Interlock is set. Open up the componentFiles. errors defined in this interface: none. Get the link info for the Document. Swap the link info for the document, and report what it used to be. no errors possible, but may return NIL. no errors possible, but may return NIL. Exported for document modifications Normally, only called by the file package during it's pre-commit. tid is a top level transaction. Runs listed are removed from the object. Also used when an object is migrated. Caller guarentees that PreCommit will later be called with this tid (if the system doesn't crash). The document is updated in the cache. PreCommit will make the updates to the disk resident B-tree(s). If Commit is later called, then all is well. If Abort is called, then the cache entry is destroyed. Undo is done in the B-trees by physical pages. Subsequent use of the document requires rebuilding the document object. Normally, only called by the file package during it's pre-commit. tid is a top level transaction. Runs listed are added to the object. Also used when an object is removed from the disk cache. Normally, only called by the file package during it's pre-commit. tid is a top level transaction. The size of valid bytes is set to this amount, but the pages for the file are not changed. Utilities Exported procedures for transactions Take all the modified documents from the transaction and write out their changes to the DID Map. Find all the B-trees that have to be updated. Process them in ascending order, doing all of the updates for the whole tree. We can't deadlock within B-tree update since we've ordered the locks. First, lock the tree for exclusive access. Perform the update(s) including the Camelot pin and log dance. Downgrade to lock to allow readers (they can see uncommitted data). If the transaction commits, completely unlock the tree. If the transaction aborts, lock the tree for exclusive access, perform undo, and after undo processing is done unlock the tree. Files Utilities DID allocation Do a transaction that updates the next did field in the DID Map segment metadata. Repeat until one commits. It's gotta commit in a healthy system - nothing can conflict with it. DID B-tree access insure that an old "normal with extentions" entry does not exist This code must be the dual of writeDocToBuffer This code must be the dual of parseDocPart BTree access primitives BTree storage primitives PROC [storage: PageStorage, number: PageNumber, type: ReferenceType] RETURNS [ptr: PagePtr] PROC [storage: PageStorage, number: PageNumber, update: UpdateState] Internal red black procs PROC [data: UserData] RETURNS [Key] PROC [k: Key, data: UserData] RETURNS [Basics.Comparison] Old enumeration proc doc = NIL starts a new enumeration, and GetNext returns nextDocument = NIL when the enumeration is exhausted. The only guaranteed property of the enumeration is that all documents in existence during the entire enumeration will be visited at least once. Some documents may be seen more than once. Hash table management: Explanation of client-supplied parameters: The procedure ClientHashInit is called during hash table initialization, to allow the hash function to precompute values based on the range and to make any small adjustments to the range that are necessary. HashDocument must: be a REF type. contain a field "next" of type HashDocument, under the exclusive control of the hash package. Key is an arbitrary type. SetKey sets the "key value" associated with a HashDocument. The key value must not change between the time the doc is Inserted into the table and the time it is deleted from the table. Hash must be a function of the key value of the parameter "hashDocument". EqualKeys must be the equality relation on the key values of the parameters "hashDocument1" and "hashDocument2". Interface description: InitializeHashTable: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[numHashSlotsDesired: NAT, hashTableZone: ZONE, hashDocument: HashDocument]; errors: HashPkgCallerProgrammingError (numHashSlotsDesired = 0). Insert: ENTRY PROCEDURE[hashDocument: HashDocument]; errors: HashPkgDuplicateKey. LookupInCache: ENTRY PROCEDURE[key: Key] RETURNS [hashDocument: HashDocument]; returns hashDocument = NIL if not found. Delete: ENTRY PROCEDURE[hashDocument: HashDocument]; errors: HashPkgCallerProgrammingError (not found). EnumerateNext: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[prevHashDocument: HashDocument] RETURNS [hashDocument: HashDocument]; errors: none. prevHashDocument = NIL starts the enumeration, returned hashDocument = NIL is the end of the enumeration. This procedure guarantees that any hashDocument in existence throughout the entire enumeration will be seen. Other docs may or not not be seen. HashDocuments may be seen more than once. EnumerateWithProc: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[proc: PROCEDURE[hashDocument: HashDocument] RETURNS[stop: BOOLEAN]]; errors: none. client-supplied parameters to hash package begin here: [quotient, remainder] _ Basics.DivMod[numHashSlotsDesired, divisor]; end of client-supplied parameters, start of invariant hash package code: The INTERNAL procedures below expect to be called from a client procedure holding the module monitor lock, which protects the following data structures: errors: errors: HashPkgDuplicateKey. returns hashDocument = NIL if not found. errors: HashPkgCallerProgrammingError (not found). prevHashDocument = NIL starts the enumeration, returned hashDocument = NIL is the end of the enumeration. This procedure guarantees that any hashDocument in existence throughout the entire enumeration will be seen. Other docs may or not not be seen. HashDocuments may be seen more than once. errors: none. errors: none. end of invariant hash package code. 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