Copyright Ó 1988, 1989 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bob Hagmann January 6, 1989 3:21:13 pm PST
Cache to support the Yggdrasil BTree package for indices. This package caches BTreeVM objects and provides transparent access to BTreeVM. It also provides all the indexing functions.
Ascii USING [NUL],
Basics USING [bytesPerWord, charsPerWord, Comparison, logBytesPerWord, RawBytes, UnsafeBlock],
BasicTime USING [Period],
BTree USING [DeleteKey, Entry, EntSize, EnumerateEntries, Key, New, Open, PageNumber, PagePtr, PageStorage, ReferencePage, ReleasePage, Tree, UpdateEntry],
BTreeVM USING [CacheSize, FlushCache, FreeBuffers, GetStats, Handle, Open, ReferencePage, ReleasePage, Stats],
IO USING [CreateStream, CreateStreamProcs, Flush, GetLength, SetIndex, STREAM, StreamProcs, UnsafeGetBlock, UnsafePutBlock],
PBasics USING [ByteBlt],
Process USING [Detach, MsecToTicks, Pause, SetTimeout, Ticks],
RefTab USING [Create, Delete, EachPairAction, EqualProc, Fetch, GetSize, Insert, Pairs, Ref, Val],
Rope USING [Fetch, Length, NewText, ROPE, Text, UnsafeMoveChars],
SafeStorage USING [CantEstablishFinalization, EnableFinalization, EstablishFinalization, FinalizationQueue, FQNext, NewFQ],
YggDID USING [CompareDIDs, DID, FirstDID, LastDID, SizeForDID, StabilizeDID, VolatilizeDID],
YggDIDMap USING [GetComponentFiles, OpenDocumentFromDID],
YggDIDPrivate USING [DIDRep],
YggEnvironment USING [nullTransID, TransID],
YggFileStream USING [StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid],
YggIndex USING [EntryProc, Index, IndexRep],
YggInternal USING [Document, FileHandle],
YggInline USING [BytesForWords, WordsForBytes],
YggRep USING [AccurateGMT, AccurateGMTRep, BitsRep, date, did, DocType, float, int, rope, shortRope, TypedPrimitiveElement, unknown],
YggTransaction USING [EqualTrans, IsNullTrans];
IMPORTS Basics, BasicTime, BTree, BTreeVM, IO, PBasics, Process, RefTab, Rope, SafeStorage, YggDID, YggDIDMap, YggFileStream, YggInline, YggTransaction
Types and constants
Index: TYPE = YggIndex.Index;
AllNulls: PACKED ARRAY [0..Basics.charsPerWord) OF CHARALL[0C];
bytesPerPage: INT ← 4096;
MyCondition: CONDITION;
Handle: TYPE = REF VMObject;
backingStream: IO.STREAM,
btreevmHandle: BTreeVM.Handle,
btreeHandle: BTree.Tree ← NIL,
unused: BOOL ← FALSE
Cache: RefTab.Ref ← NIL;
desiredSizeOfCache: INT ← 50;
CacheEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
backingStream: IO.STREAM, -- stream with null tid
fileUse: ATOM,
tid: YggEnvironment.TransID ← YggEnvironment.nullTransID,
currentWriteStream: IO.STREAM, -- stream with tid
myHandle: Index,
users: INT ← 0 -- -1 means in the process of being opened
scratchKey: REF CacheEntry ← NIL;
Key: TYPE = REF KeyRep;
tpe: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement,
did: YggDID.DID
An entry in a BTree has the following format (32-bit words assumed):
The DID.
A one word type (YggRep.DocType)
The "value" indexed. This is stored in the following type dependant manner:
integer, float: one word with the data
date: two words with the data
short rope (short and contains no nulls): then null terminated string written into just enough words
rope (long and may have nulls) and uninterpreted bytes: size word containing the number of characters/bytes, and enough words to contain the characters/bytes
DID: the did.
The DID. For the Phase 0 implementation, this is a null terminated file name.
varOffset: CARD = WORDS[YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep] + WORDS[YggRep.DocType];
didWithValue(0): YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep,
docType(WORDS[YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep]): YggRep.DocType,
val(varOffset): SELECT OVERLAID * FROM
int => [
int(varOffset): INT32
float => [
float(varOffset): REAL32
date => [
date(varOffset): YggRep.AccurateGMTRep
shortRope => [
shortRope(varOffset): PACKED ARRAY [0..0) OF CHAR
rope => [
ropeSize(varOffset): INT32,
rope(varOffset+WORDS[INT32]): PACKED ARRAY [0..0) OF CHAR
did => [
did(varOffset): YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep
bits => [
bitsSize(varOffset): INT32,
bits(varOffset+WORDS[INT]): PACKED ARRAY [0..0) OF BYTE
Exported procedures
Open: PUBLIC PROC [did: YggDID.DID, fileUse: ATOM, cacheSize: BTreeVM.CacheSize, initialize: BOOL, trans: YggEnvironment.TransID] RETURNS [index: Index ← NIL] ~ {
Initiates indexing activity. This can be called any number of times to get a new Index handle or reopen an index that has been closed.
index ← OpenBTreeVM[did: did, fileUse: fileUse, bytesPerPage: bytesPerPage, cacheSize: cacheSize, base: 0, initialize: initialize];
Close: PUBLIC PROC [index: Index] = {
Terminates indexing activity.
SimpleEntryProc: YggIndex.EntryProc = { -- for debugging purposes
[value: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement, did: YggDID.DID] RETURNS [continue: BOOL]
set breakpoint here to look at entry
EnumerateEntries: PUBLIC PROC [index: Index, start: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement,
end: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement, proc: YggIndex.EntryProc] ~ {
Calls `proc' for each entry in the specified range of key values. The enumeration is halted when either the range of entries is exhausted or `proc' returns FALSE. An [unknown, NIL] value for `start' represents the least value, while an [unknown, NIL] value for `end' represents the largest value. Thus, the complete index can be enumerated by specifying start=[unknown, NIL] and end=[unknown, NIL].
enumProc: UNSAFE PROC [entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [continue: BOOLTRUE] = TRUSTED {
entryPtr: EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry];
value: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement;
did: YggDID.DID;
IF lastKey # NIL THEN {
done: Basics.Comparison;
done ← Compare[lastKey, entry];
IF done = less OR done = equal THEN RETURN[FALSE];
SELECT entryPtr.docType FROM
YggRep.unknown => ERROR;
YggRep.int =>{
value ← [YggRep.int, NEW[INT32 ← entryPtr.int]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.float => {
value ← [YggRep.float, NEW[REAL32 ← entryPtr.float]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.date => {
value ← [YggRep.date, NEW[YggRep.AccurateGMTRep ← entryPtr.date]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.shortRope => {
ropeLen: INT;
scratch: Rope.Text;
FOR ropeLen IN [ 0 .. INT.LAST ) DO
IF entryPtr.shortRope[ropeLen] = Ascii.NUL THEN EXIT;
scratch ← Rope.NewText[ropeLen];
FOR charNo: INT IN [ 0 .. ropeLen ) DO
TRUSTED {scratch[charNo] ← entryPtr.shortRope[charNo];};
ropeLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[ropeLen+1]];
value ← [YggRep.shortRope, NEW[ROPE ← scratch]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.rope => {
ropeLen: CARD;
scratch: Rope.Text;
scratch ← Rope.NewText[entryPtr.ropeSize];
FOR charNo: INT IN [ 0 .. entryPtr.ropeSize ) DO
TRUSTED {scratch[charNo] ← entryPtr.rope[charNo];};
ropeLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.ropeSize]];
value ← [YggRep.rope, NEW[ROPE ← scratch]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.did => {
value ← [YggRep.did, YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.did]];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
nBytes: CARD;
bitsLen: CARD;
bits: REF YggRep.BitsRep;
nextByteToRead: INT ← 0;
bits ← NEW[YggRep.BitsRep[CARD16[entryPtr.bitsSize]]];
bits.validBytes ← entryPtr.bitsSize;
TRUSTED {nBytes ← PBasics.ByteBlt[
from: [blockPointer: @entryPtr.bits, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: entryPtr.bitsSize],
to: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[bits, LONG POINTER] + SIZE[YggRep.BitsRep[0]], startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: entryPtr.bitsSize]];
IF nBytes # CARD[entryPtr.bitsSize] THEN ERROR;
bitsLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.bitsSize]];
value ← [entryPtr.docType, bits];
did ← YggDID.VolatilizeDID[buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
continue ← proc[value, did];
keyRef: Key ← NIL;
lastKey: Key ← NIL;
IF start # [YggRep.unknown, NIL] THEN {
keyRef ← CheckoutKey[];
keyRef.tpe ← start;
keyRef.did ← YggDID.FirstDID;
IF end # [YggRep.unknown, NIL] THEN {
lastKey ← CheckoutKey[];
lastKey.tpe ← end;
lastKey.did ← YggDID.LastDID;
TRUSTED {[] ← BTree.EnumerateEntries[tree: index.tree, relation: greater, key: keyRef, pathStk: NIL, useExistingPath: FALSE, Proc: enumProc];};
IF keyRef # NIL THEN RecycleKey[keyRef];
IF lastKey # NIL THEN RecycleKey[lastKey];
WriteEntry: PUBLIC PROC [index: Index, value: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement, did: YggDID.DID, replace: BOOLEANFALSE, trans: YggEnvironment.TransID] RETURNS [indexFound: BOOLTRUE] ~ {
Adds a new entry to the index.
writeEntryInner: UNSAFE PROCEDURE [entry: BTree.Entry] = UNCHECKED {
entryPtr: EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry];
IF firstTime THEN {
myStream: MyStream;
myStream ← NARROW[index.realStream.streamData];
myStream.tid ← trans;
firstTime ← FALSE;
entryPtr.docType ← value.docType;
SELECT value.docType FROM
YggRep.unknown => ERROR;
YggRep.int =>{
ri: REF INT32;
ri ← NARROW[value.bits];
entryPtr.int ← ri^;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.float => {
rReal: REF REAL32;
rReal ← NARROW[value.bits];
entryPtr.float ← rReal^;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.date => {
rAccurateGMT: YggRep.AccurateGMT;
rAccurateGMT ← NARROW[value.bits];
entryPtr.date ← rAccurateGMT^;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.shortRope => {
rRope: ROPE;
size: INT;
nBytes: INT;
nullsToMove: INT;
rRope ← NARROW[value.bits];
size ← Rope.Length[rRope];
TRUSTED {nBytes ← Rope.UnsafeMoveChars[block: [LOOPHOLE[@entryPtr.shortRope], 0, size], rope: rRope, start: 0];};
IF nBytes # size THEN ERROR;
nullsToMove ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[size+1]] - size;
IF nullsToMove <= 0 THEN ERROR;
TRUSTED {nBytes ← PBasics.ByteBlt[
from: [blockPointer: @AllNulls, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: nullsToMove],
to: [blockPointer: @entryPtr.shortRope, startIndex: size, stopIndexPlusOne: size+nullsToMove]];
IF nBytes # nullsToMove THEN ERROR;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.rope => {
rRope: ROPE;
nBytes: INT;
size: INT;
nullsToMove: INT;
rRope ← NARROW[value.bits];
size ← Rope.Length[rRope];
entryPtr.ropeSize ← size;
TRUSTED {nBytes ← Rope.UnsafeMoveChars[block: [LOOPHOLE[@entryPtr.rope], 0, size], rope: rRope, start: 0];};
IF nBytes # size THEN ERROR;
nullsToMove ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[size]] - size;
IF nullsToMove > 0 THEN TRUSTED {
nBytes ← PBasics.ByteBlt [
from: [blockPointer: @AllNulls, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: nullsToMove],
to: [blockPointer: @entryPtr.rope, startIndex: size, stopIndexPlusOne: size+nullsToMove]];
IF nBytes # nullsToMove THEN ERROR;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
YggRep.did => {
rDID ← NARROW[value.bits];
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: rDID, buffer: @entryPtr.did];
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
rBits: REF YggRep.BitsRep;
nullsToMove: INT;
nBytes: INT;
rBits ← NARROW[value.bits];
entryPtr.ropeSize ← rBits.validBytes;
TRUSTED {nBytes ← PBasics.ByteBlt [
from: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[rBits, LONG POINTER TO Basics.RawBytes] + SIZE[YggRep.BitsRep[0]] , startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: rBits.validBytes],
to: [blockPointer: @entryPtr.bits, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: rBits.validBytes]];};
IF nBytes # INT[rBits.validBytes] THEN ERROR;
nullsToMove ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[rBits.validBytes]] - rBits.validBytes;
IF nullsToMove > 0 THEN TRUSTED {
nBytes ← PBasics.ByteBlt [
from: [blockPointer: @AllNulls, startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: nullsToMove],
to: [blockPointer: @entryPtr.bits, startIndex: rBits.validBytes, stopIndexPlusOne: rBits.validBytes+nullsToMove]];
IF nBytes # nullsToMove THEN ERROR;
YggDID.StabilizeDID[did: did, buffer: @entryPtr.didWithValue];
firstTime: BOOLTRUE;
keyRef: Key ← NIL;
entSize: INT;
keyRef ← CheckoutKey[];
keyRef.tpe ← value;
keyRef.did ← did;
entSize ← SIZE[YggRep.DocType] + ValueSize[value] + YggDID.SizeForDID[did];
TRUSTED {BTree.UpdateEntry[tree: index.tree, key: keyRef, pathStk: NIL, useExistingPath: FALSE, words: entSize, Proc: writeEntryInner, updateType: insertOrReplace];};
DeleteEntry: PUBLIC PROC [index: Index, value: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement, did: YggDID.DID, trans: YggEnvironment.TransID] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN] ~ {
Deletes the entry that contains the given attribute value for the given key.
myStream: MyStream;
keyRef: Key ← NIL;
keyRef ← CheckoutKey[];
keyRef.tpe ← value;
keyRef.did ← did;
myStream ← NARROW[index.realStream.streamData];
myStream.tid ← trans;
found ← BTree.DeleteKey[tree: index.tree, key: keyRef, pathStk: NIL, useExistingPath: FALSE];
BTreeVM related procedures
OpenBTreeVM: PROC [ did: YggDID.DID, fileUse: ATOM, bytesPerPage: INT, cacheSize: BTreeVM.CacheSize, base: INT ← 0, initialize: BOOL, trans: YggEnvironment.TransID ← YggEnvironment.nullTransID ] RETURNS [ h: YggIndex.Index ← NIL] = {
btreevmHandle: BTreeVM.Handle ← NIL;
ce: REF CacheEntry;
innerOpen: ENTRY PROC = {
found: BOOL;
val: RefTab.Val;
scratchKey.backingStream ← backingStream;
[found, val] ← RefTab.Fetch[x: Cache, key: scratchKey];
IF found THEN {
ce ← NARROW[val];
h ← ce.myHandle;
WHILE ce.users = -1 DO WAIT MyCondition; ENDLOOP;
ce.users ← ce.users + 1;
IF h.unused THEN {
h.unused ← FALSE;
ce ← NEW[CacheEntry ← [backingStream, fileUse, trans, NIL, NIL, -1]];
IF ~RefTab.Insert[x: Cache, key: Cache, val: ce] THEN ERROR;
IF ~YggTransaction.IsNullTrans[trans] THEN {
ce.currentWriteStream ← YggFileStream.StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid[componentFiles: componentFiles, fileUse: fileUse, tid: trans];
doc: YggInternal.Document ← NIL;
componentFiles: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle;
backingStream: IO.STREAM;
doc ← YggDIDMap.OpenDocumentFromDID[did, YggEnvironment.nullTransID];
componentFiles ← YggDIDMap.GetComponentFiles[doc];
backingStream ← YggFileStream.StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid[componentFiles: componentFiles, fileUse: fileUse, tid: YggEnvironment.nullTransID];
opened: ENTRY PROC = {
ce.users ← 1;
ce.myHandle ← h;
BROADCAST MyCondition;
tree: BTree.Tree;
realStream: IO.STREAM;
realStream ← NewStreamForBTreeVM[componentFiles, fileUse];
btreevmHandle ← BTreeVM.Open[realStream, bytesPerPage, cacheSize, base];
h ← NEW[YggIndex.IndexRep];
h.btreevmHandle ← btreevmHandle;
h.realStream ← realStream;
h.backingStream ← backingStream;
tree ← BTree.New[
repPrim: [compare: Compare, entrySize: EntrySize],
storPrim: [referencePage: BTreeVM.ReferencePage, releasePage: BTreeVM.ReleasePage],
minEntrySize: SIZE[YggRep.DocType] + SIZE[CARD],
initialState: suspended
tree: tree,
storage: btreevmHandle,
pageSize: bytesPerPage,
initialize: initialize,
maintainRecomputableState: TRUE
h.tree ← tree;
CloseBTreeVM: ENTRY PROC [ h: Index ] = {
Done with the current use of the BTree.
ce: REF CacheEntry;
found: BOOL;
val: RefTab.Val;
scratchKey.backingStream ← h.backingStream;
[found, val] ← RefTab.Fetch[x: Cache, key: scratchKey];
IF found THEN {
ce ← NARROW[val];
ce.users ← ce.users - 1;
Compare: UNSAFE PROC [key: BTree.Key, entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [Basics.Comparison ← equal] = UNCHECKED {
keyRef: Key = NARROW[key];
entryPtr: EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry];
IF keyRef.tpe.docType = entryPtr.docType THEN {
SELECT keyRef.tpe.docType FROM
YggRep.unknown => ERROR;
YggRep.int => {
ri: REF INT32;
ri ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
IF ri^ < entryPtr.int THEN RETURN[less];
IF ri^ > entryPtr.int THEN RETURN[greater];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
YggRep.float => {
rReal: REF REAL32;
rReal ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
IF rReal^ < entryPtr.float THEN RETURN[less];
IF rReal^ > entryPtr.float THEN RETURN[greater];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
YggRep.date => {
rAccurateGMT: YggRep.AccurateGMT;
period: INT;
rAccurateGMT ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
period ← BasicTime.Period[rAccurateGMT.gmt, entryPtr.date.gmt];
IF period < 0 THEN RETURN[greater];
IF period > 0 THEN RETURN[less];
IF rAccurateGMT.usecs < entryPtr.date.usecs THEN RETURN[less];
IF rAccurateGMT.usecs > entryPtr.date.usecs THEN RETURN[greater];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
YggRep.shortRope => {
rRope: ROPE;
rRope ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
lenKey ← Rope.Length[rRope];
FOR i: CARDINAL IN [ 0 .. lenKey ) DO
keyC: CHAR = Rope.Fetch[rRope, i];
entryC: CHAR = entryPtr.shortRope[i];
IF keyC = entryC THEN LOOP; -- most probable case
IF entryC = Ascii.NUL THEN RETURN [greater];
< entryC => RETURN [less];
> entryC => RETURN [greater];
IF entryPtr.shortRope[lenKey] = Ascii.NUL THEN {
ropeLen: CARD;
ropeLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[lenKey+1]];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
YggRep.rope => {
rRope: ROPE;
lenKey: CARD32;
rRope ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
lenKey ← Rope.Length[rRope];
FOR i: CARD32 IN [ 0 .. MIN[lenKey, CARD32[entryPtr.ropeSize]] ) DO
keyC: CHAR = Rope.Fetch[rRope, i];
entryC: CHAR = entryPtr.rope[i];
IF keyC = entryC THEN LOOP; -- most probable case
< entryC => RETURN [less];
> entryC => RETURN [greater];
SELECT CARD32[entryPtr.ropeSize] FROM
< lenKey => RETURN [greater];
> lenKey => RETURN [less];
ropeLen: CARD;
ropeLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.ropeSize]];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
YggRep.did => {
comp: Basics.Comparison ← equal;
rDID ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
comp ← YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.did];
IF comp # equal THEN RETURN[comp];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
rBits: REF YggRep.BitsRep;
rBits ← NARROW[keyRef.tpe.bits];
FOR i: CARD32 IN [ 0 .. MIN[rBits.validBytes, CARD32[entryPtr.bitsSize]] ) DO
keyC: BYTE = rBits.b[i];
entryC: BYTE = entryPtr.bits[i];
IF keyC = entryC THEN LOOP; -- most probable case
< entryC => RETURN [less];
> entryC => RETURN [greater];
SELECT entryPtr.bitsSize FROM
< rBits.length => RETURN [greater];
> rBits.length => RETURN [less];
bitsLen: CARD;
bitsLen ← YggInline.BytesForWords[YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.bitsSize]];
RETURN [YggDID.CompareDIDs[keyRef.did, @entryPtr.didWithValue]];
IF keyRef.tpe.docType < entryPtr.docType THEN RETURN [less];
RETURN [greater];
EntrySize: UNSAFE PROC [entry: BTree.Entry] RETURNS [words: BTree.EntSize ← 4] = UNCHECKED {
entryPtr: EntryPtr = LOOPHOLE[entry];
SELECT entryPtr.docType FROM
YggRep.unknown => ERROR;
YggRep.int =>{
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.int]];
YggRep.float => {
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.float]];
YggRep.date => {
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.date]];
YggRep.shortRope => {
lenKey: CARD;
FOR lenKey IN [ 0 .. CARD.LAST ) DO
IF entryPtr.shortRope[lenKey] = Ascii.NUL THEN EXIT;
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.shortRope] + YggInline.WordsForBytes[lenKey+1]];
YggRep.rope => {
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.rope] + YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.ropeSize]];
YggRep.date => {
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.did]];
RETURN [WORDS[Entry.bits] + YggInline.WordsForBytes[entryPtr.bitsSize]];
ValueSize: PROC [value: YggRep.TypedPrimitiveElement] RETURNS [words: BTree.EntSize ← 4] = {
wordsForValue: INT;
SELECT value.docType FROM
YggRep.unknown => ERROR;
YggRep.int => wordsForValue ← WORDS[INT32];
YggRep.shortRope, YggRep.rope => {
bytesForValue: INT;
rRope: ROPE;
rRope ← NARROW[value.bits];
bytesForValue ← Rope.Length[rRope];
wordsForValue ← YggInline.WordsForBytes[bytesForValue];
YggRep.float => wordsForValue ← WORDS[REAL32];
YggRep.date => wordsForValue ← WORDS[YggRep.AccurateGMTRep];
YggRep.did => wordsForValue ← WORDS[YggDIDPrivate.DIDRep];
bytesForValue: INT;
rBits: REF YggRep.BitsRep;
rBits ← NARROW[value.bits];
bytesForValue ← rBits.length;
wordsForValue ← YggInline.WordsForBytes[bytesForValue];
words ← WORDS[YggRep.DocType] + wordsForValue;
GetStats: PROC [ h: Index ] RETURNS [hits, misses, reads, writes, cumChainLength, cumReadWriteTime: LONG CARDINAL] = {
stats: REF BTreeVM.Stats;
stats ← NEW[BTreeVM.Stats];
BTreeVM.GetStats[h.btreevmHandle, stats];
hits ← stats.hits;
misses ← stats.misses;
reads ← stats.reads;
writes ← stats.writes;
cumChainLength ← stats.cumChainLength;
cumReadWriteTime ← stats.cumReadWriteTime;
[hits, misses, reads, writes, cumChainLength, cumReadWriteTime] ← BTreeVM.GetStats[h.btreevmHandle];
FlushCache: PROC [ h: Index ] = {
FreeBuffers: PROC [ h: Index ] = {
SizeOfCache: PROC [ size: INT ] = {
desiredSizeOfCache ← size;
My streams
myStreamProcs: REF IO.StreamProcs ← IO.CreateStreamProcs[variety: inputOutput, class: $YggdrasilIndex, unsafeGetBlock: myUnsafeGetBlock, unsafePutBlock: myUnsafePutBlock, flush: myFlush, getLength: myGetLength, setIndex: mySetIndex];
MyStream: TYPE = REF MyStreamRep;
MyStreamRep: TYPE = RECORD [
tid: YggEnvironment.TransID,
componentFiles: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle,
fileUse: ATOM,
backingStream: IO.STREAM,
currentWriteStream: IO.STREAM
NewStreamForBTreeVM: PROC [componentFiles: LIST OF YggInternal.FileHandle, fileUse: ATOM] RETURNS [stream: IO.STREAM] = {
backingStream: IO.STREAMNIL;
backingStream ← YggFileStream.StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid[componentFiles: componentFiles, fileUse: fileUse, tid: YggEnvironment.nullTransID];
stream ← IO.CreateStream[streamProcs: myStreamProcs, streamData: NEW[MyStreamRep ← [tid: YggEnvironment.nullTransID, componentFiles: componentFiles, backingStream: backingStream, currentWriteStream: NIL]], backingStream: NIL];
NewTransForStream: PROC [trans: YggEnvironment.TransID, backingStream: IO.STREAM] = {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[backingStream.streamData];
IF ~YggTransaction.EqualTrans[trans, myStream.tid] THEN {
myStream.tid ← trans;
myStream.currentWriteStream ← NIL;
myUnsafeGetBlock: UNSAFE PROC [self: IO.STREAM, block: Basics.UnsafeBlock] RETURNS [nBytesRead: INT] ~ TRUSTED {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[self.streamData];
nBytesRead ← IO.UnsafeGetBlock[myStream.backingStream, block];
myUnsafePutBlock: PROC [self: IO.STREAM, block: Basics.UnsafeBlock] ~ {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[self.streamData];
IF myStream.currentWriteStream = NIL THEN {
myStream.currentWriteStream ← YggFileStream.StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid[componentFiles: myStream.componentFiles, fileUse: myStream.fileUse, tid: myStream.tid];
IO.UnsafePutBlock[myStream.currentWriteStream, block];
myFlush: PROC [self: IO.STREAM] ~ {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[self.streamData];
IF myStream.currentWriteStream = NIL THEN {
myStream.currentWriteStream ← YggFileStream.StreamFromComponentFilesAndTid[componentFiles: myStream.componentFiles, fileUse: myStream.fileUse, tid: myStream.tid];
myGetLength: PROC [self: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [length: INT] ~ {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[self.streamData];
length ← IO.GetLength[myStream.backingStream];
mySetIndex: PROC [self: IO.STREAM, index: INT] ~ {
myStream: MyStream = NARROW[self.streamData];
IO.SetIndex[self: myStream.backingStream, index: index];
IF myStream.currentWriteStream # NIL THEN IO.SetIndex[self: myStream.currentWriteStream, index: index];
stockKeys: ARRAY [0..numberOfStockKeys] OF Key ← ALL[NIL];
numberOfStockKeys: INT = 10;
stockKeyIndex: INT ← 0;
CheckoutKey: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [k: Key] = {
IF stockKeyIndex = 0 THEN k ← NEW [KeyRep]
stockKeyIndex ← stockKeyIndex - 1;
k ← stockKeys[stockKeyIndex];
RecycleKey: ENTRY PROC [k: Key] = {
IF stockKeyIndex < numberOfStockKeys THEN {
stockKeys[stockKeyIndex] ← k;
stockKeyIndex ← stockKeyIndex + 1;
equalProc: RefTab.EqualProc = {
PROC [key1, key2: Key] RETURNS [BOOL];
k1: REF CacheEntry;
k2: REF CacheEntry;
k1 ← NARROW[key1];
k2 ← NARROW[key2];
RETURN [k1.backingStream = k2.backingStream];
Initialization, cache trim, and finalization
IndexCacheTrimProcess: PROC = {
ticksToWait: Process.Ticks;
ticksToWait ← Process.MsecToTicks[222];
innerTrim: ENTRY PROC = {
eachPairAction: RefTab.EachPairAction = {
PROC [key: Key, val: Val] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
ce: REF CacheEntry;
ce ← NARROW[val];
IF ce.myHandle.unused THEN [] ← RefTab.Delete[x: Cache, key: ce];
size ← size - 1;
IF size <= desiredSizeOfCache THEN quit ← TRUE;
size: INT;
size ← RefTab.GetSize[Cache];
[] ← RefTab.Pairs[x: Cache, action: eachPairAction];
IF RefTab.GetSize[Cache] > desiredSizeOfCache THEN innerTrim[];
FinalizationProcess: PROC = {
fpInner: ENTRY PROC = {
h.unused ← TRUE;
h: Index ← NARROW [SafeStorage.FQNext[finalizationQueue]];
h ← NIL;
finalizationQueue: SafeStorage.FinalizationQueue ← SafeStorage.NewFQ[];
SafeStorage.EstablishFinalization[type: YggIndex.IndexRep.CODE, npr: 1, fq: finalizationQueue ! SafeStorage.CantEstablishFinalization => CONTINUE];
Process.Detach[FORK FinalizationProcess];
Process.Detach[FORK IndexCacheTrimProcess];
Process.SetTimeout[condition: @MyCondition, ticks: Process.MsecToTicks[153]];
Cache ← RefTab.Create[mod: 47, equal: equalProc, hash: NIL];
scratchKey ← NEW[CacheEntry];