TYPE = {
-- extension of "Reason" for internal use.
wentOffline, -- volume is not accessible (some drive has been offline)
nonCedarVolume, -- the operation is not possible on a non-cedar (Pilot?) volume.
inconsistent, -- the volume's (or file's) permanent data structures look inconsistent
software, -- i.e. label-check. The page on disk is not the one the software expected.
hardware, -- the disk hardware/microcode detected a hard disk error
unknownFile, -- the file does not exist (possibly deleted since it was opened)
unknownPage, -- the page would be beyond the end of the file
volumeFull, -- the volume has no free pages (and one is needed!)
fragmented, -- the file requires too many non-contiguous areas of disk
mixedDevices, -- a bootable file is not entirely on one device, or not on correct device
wrongVolume -- a bootable file is not on the correct volume
ERROR [why: Reason, diskPage:
INT ← -1];
This error may be raised by most of the procedures. The possible values of "why" are detailed with each procedure. This error is raised after releasing internal locks: the facilities of this interface may be used from catch-phrases. Page may not make sense for some Errors, in which case it will be -1; it tries to give information about what page caused the error. For debugging, extra information may be available in the frame that raises this error.