Copyright Ó 1988, 1989 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Bob Hagmann June 16, 1989 4:44:38 pm PDT
Access to per-segment data structures
The first version of this code was created by editing LogicalVolumeImpl.
Basics USING [ BITAND, bitsPerByte, BITXOR, RawBytes ],
Camelot USING [DSLogOldValueNewValue, DSPinObject, optrT, tidT ],
Process USING [ MsecToTicks, SetTimeout ],
Rope USING [ ROPE ],
YggDIDMap USING [ NullRun, Run ],
YggEnvironment USING [dsPort],
YggFile USING [ bytesPerPage, Error, PageCount, PageNumber ],
YggFileInternal USING [AllocWord, PTAllocBitmap, RunOpsList, SegmentMetadata, SegmentMetadataList];
YggFileSegmentImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS segment.first USING segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList
IMPORTS Basics, Camelot, PBasics, Process, YggEnvironment, YggFile
EXPORTS YggFileInternal
= {
Data types and variables
bitIn32BitWord: TYPE = CARD [0..32);
debugging: BOOLTRUE;
Exported procedures for allocation
IsUsed: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, page: YggFile.PageNumber] RETURNS [inUse: BOOLFALSE] ~ {
Test to see if a page is in-use. This test is done under the monitor, but no guarantee is made about how long the result will be true. This flavor of test is for the shadow bitmap.
high: INT;
low5bits: bitIn32BitWord;
alloc: YggFileInternal.AllocWord;
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[page];
TRUSTED {alloc ← segment.first.vmAddressForShadowAllocMap[high];};
RETURN [alloc.bits[low5bits] ];
SetPageUsed: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, page: YggFile.PageNumber, inUse: BOOL] RETURNS [wasInUse: BOOLFALSE] ~ {
Test to see if a page is in-use, and set it to "inUse". This test is done under the monitor, but no guarantee is made about how long the result will be true. This flavor of operation is for the shadow bitmap.
high: INT;
low5bits: bitIn32BitWord;
alloc: YggFileInternal.AllocWord;
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[page];
TRUSTED {alloc ← segment.first.vmAddressForShadowAllocMap[high];};
IF alloc.bits[low5bits] THEN RETURN[TRUE]
alloc.bits[low5bits] ← TRUE;
Alloc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList,
first: YggFile.PageNumber,
size, min: YggFile.PageCount,
minPage, maxPage: YggFile.PageNumber]
RETURNS [given: YggDIDMap.Run] ~ {
Find a logical run marked free in the in-memory bitmap. May be smaller than "size", but is never smaller than "min" if anything is allocated. If given.pages is 0 then no pages allocated. This flavor of allocation is for the shadow bitmap. To make the allocation stable, StableAlloc must be called with the run.
Restrict run length to LAST[CARDINAL], to maximize runs per run-table page
pos: YggFile.PageNumber;
realMaxPage: YggFile.PageNumber;
IF segment.first.freePages < size THEN RETURN WITH ERROR YggFile.Error[volumeFull];
IF size = 0 THEN RETURN[YggDIDMap.NullRun];
realMaxPage ← [MIN[segment.first.numberOfPages, maxPage]];
pos ← IF first = 0 THEN segment.first.rover ELSE first;
IF pos < minPage OR pos > maxPage THEN pos ← minPage;
min ← MAX[ MIN[min, size], 1 ]; -- otherwise the algorithm doesn't work!
Loop probing for a free page at "min" intervals
THROUGH [0 .. (realMaxPage-minPage+min-1)/min] DO
IF pos >= realMaxPage THEN pos ← [minPage];
IF NOT IsUsedInternal[segment, pos] THEN {
Expand around "pos" to see if there's a run of size at least "min"
start, end: YggFile.PageNumber ← pos;
given.pages ← 1;
WHILE start > 0 AND given.pages < size DO
IF IsUsedInternal[segment, [start-1]] THEN EXIT;
start ← [start-1];
given.pages ← given.pages + 1;
WHILE end < segment.first.numberOfPages-1 AND given.pages < size DO
IF IsUsedInternal[segment, [end+1]] THEN EXIT;
end ← [end+1];
given.pages ← given.pages + 1;
IF given.pages >= min THEN { given.segmentPage ← start; EXIT };
pos ← [pos+min];
segment.first.freePages ← segment.first.freePages - given.pages;
doFreeOrAllocate[segment.first.vmAddressForShadowAllocMap, [segmentId: segment.first.segmentId, segmentPage: given.segmentPage, firstPage: 0, pages: given.pages, leader: FALSE], TRUE];
IF first = 0 THEN segment.first.rover ← [given.firstPage];
given.segmentId ← segment.first.segmentId;
given.leader ← FALSE;
given.firstPage ← 0;
StableAlloc: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ {
Set the disk resident bitmap for this run. The tid is a top level transaction that is trying to commit.
InnerStableAllocOrFree[segment, run, tid, TRUE];
InnerStableAllocOrFree: INTERNAL PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run, tid: Camelot.tidT, allocation: BOOL] ~ {
Set the disk resident bitmap for this run. The tid is a top level transaction that is trying to commit.
oldValue: REF Basics.RawBytes;
optr: Camelot.optrT;
firstByte: INT;
lastByte: INT;
size: CARD32;
optr.segmentId ← segment.first.segmentId;
optr.highOffset ← 0;
firstByte ← run.segmentPage/Basics.bitsPerByte;
lastByte ← (run.segmentPage + run.pages - 1)/Basics.bitsPerByte;
size ← lastByte - firstByte + 1;
optr.lowOffset ← YggFile.bytesPerPage*segment.first.offsetToFirstAllocPage + firstByte;
[] ← Camelot.DSPinObject[dsPort: YggEnvironment.dsPort, tid: tid, optr: optr, size: size, raiseSignal: TRUE];
IF BYTES[UNIT] = 2 AND (optr.lowOffset MOD 2 =1 OR size MOD 2 =1) THEN { -- byte addressing doesn't work (e. g. Dorado) and we are not word alligned
evenFirstByte: INT;
evenLastBytePlusOne: INT;
evenSize: CARD32;
evenOptr: Camelot.optrT;
evenFirstByte ← PBasics.BITAND[firstByte, 0FFFFFFFEH];
evenLastBytePlusOne ← PBasics.BITAND[lastByte + 2, 0FFFFFFFEH];
evenSize ← evenLastBytePlusOne - evenFirstByte;
evenOptr ← optr;
evenOptr.lowOffset ← PBasics.BITAND[evenOptr.lowOffset, 0FFFFFFFEH];
oldValue ← NEW[Basics.RawBytes[evenSize]];
TRUSTED {IF evenSize # PBasics.ByteBlt[to: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[oldValue], startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: evenSize], from: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap], startIndex: evenFirstByte, stopIndexPlusOne: evenLastBytePlusOne]] THEN ERROR;};
doFreeOrAllocate[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap, run, allocation];
[] ← Camelot.DSLogOldValueNewValue[dsPort: YggEnvironment.dsPort, tid: tid, optr: evenOptr, oldValue: LOOPHOLE[oldValue], oldValueCnt: evenSize, newValue: LOOPHOLE[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap+evenFirstByte/BYTES[UNIT]], newValueCnt: evenSize, raiseSignal: TRUE];
ELSE { -- byte addressing works
oldValue ← NEW[Basics.RawBytes[size]];
TRUSTED {IF size # PBasics.ByteBlt[to: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[oldValue], startIndex: 0, stopIndexPlusOne: size], from: [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap], startIndex: firstByte, stopIndexPlusOne: lastByte + 1]] THEN ERROR;};
doFreeOrAllocate[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap, run, allocation];
[] ← Camelot.DSLogOldValueNewValue[dsPort: YggEnvironment.dsPort, tid: tid, optr: optr, oldValue: LOOPHOLE[oldValue], oldValueCnt: size, newValue: LOOPHOLE[segment.first.vmAddressForSegmentAllocMap+firstByte/BYTES[UNIT]], newValueCnt: size, raiseSignal: TRUE];
Free: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run] ~ {
Mark the logical run free in the in-memory (shadow) bitmap.
InnerFree[segment, run];
InnerFree: INTERNAL PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run] ~ {
Mark the logical run free in the in-memory (shadow) bitmap.
doFreeOrAllocate[segment.first.vmAddressForShadowAllocMap, run, FALSE];
segment.first.freePages ← segment.first.freePages + run.pages;
StableFree: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ {
Mark the logical run free in the stable bitmap.
InnerStableAllocOrFree[segment, run, tid, FALSE];
AllocAndFree: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, tid: Camelot.tidT, runOpsList: YggFileInternal.RunOpsList] ~ {
Set the disk resident bitmap for this run. The tid is a top level transaction that is trying to commit..
All changes for a segment are presented at one time for a transaction. This procedure is called in ascending segment order by a transaction. Since all latches are set for a transaction at one time and they are done in a determined order, we cannot deadlock.
FOR rol: YggFileInternal.RunOpsList ← runOpsList, rol.rest UNTIL rol = NIL DO
SELECT rol.first.opOnRun FROM
stableAlloc => {
InnerStableAllocOrFree[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid, allocation: TRUE];
SetLatches[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid];
stableFree => {
InnerStableAllocOrFree[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid, allocation: FALSE];
SetLatches[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid];
stableAndVolatileFree => {
InnerStableAllocOrFree[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid, allocation: FALSE];
InnerFree[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run];
SetLatches[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run, tid: tid];
volatileFree => {
InnerFree[segment: segment, run: rol.first.run];
ComLatch: TYPE = RECORD[tid: Camelot.tidT, firstPage: INT, lastPage: INT];
CommitFileLatches: CommitLatchList ← NIL;
CommitLatchList: TYPE = LIST OF CommitLatchRep;
CommitLatchRep: TYPE = RECORD[
segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList,
latchList: LIST OF ComLatch
SetLatches: INTERNAL PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, run: YggDIDMap.Run, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ {
cfl: CommitLatchList ← NIL;
firstPage: INT;
lastPage: INT;
firstPage ← PBasics.BITAND[run.segmentPage, 0FFFFFFF8H];
lastPage ← PBasics.BITAND[run.segmentPage + run.pages + 6, 0FFFFFFF8H];
FOR cfl ← CommitFileLatches, cfl.rest UNTIL cfl = NIL DO
IF cfl.first.segment = segment THEN EXIT;
CommitFileLatches ← CONS[[segment, NIL], CommitFileLatches];
cfl ← CommitFileLatches;
FOR ll: LIST OF ComLatch ← cfl.first.latchList, ll.rest UNTIL ll = NIL DO
IF ll.first.tid = tid THEN LOOP
IF lastPage < ll.first.firstPage OR firstPage > ll.first.lastPage THEN LOOP;
doAWait ← TRUE;
cfl.first.latchList ← CONS[[tid, firstPage, lastPage], cfl.first.latchList];
ClearLatches: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, tid: Camelot.tidT] ~ {
Drop all locks in the bitmaps.
cfl: CommitLatchList ← NIL;
FOR cfl ← CommitFileLatches, cfl.rest UNTIL cfl = NIL DO
IF cfl.first.segment = segment THEN EXIT;
IF cfl # NIL THEN {
prevLatchList: LIST OF ComLatch ← NIL;
FOR ll: LIST OF ComLatch ← cfl.first.latchList, ll.rest UNTIL ll = NIL DO
IF ll.first.tid = tid THEN {
IF prevLatchList # NIL THEN prevLatchList.rest ← ll.rest
ELSE cfl.first.latchList ← ll.rest;
ELSE prevLatchList ← ll;
Internal procedures
IsUsedInternal: INTERNAL PROC [segment: YggFileInternal.SegmentMetadataList, page: YggFile.PageNumber] RETURNS [inUse: BOOLFALSE] ~ {
Test to see if a page is in-use. This test is done under the monitor, but no guarantee is made about how long the result will be true. This flavor of test is for the shadow bitmap.
high: INT;
low5bits: bitIn32BitWord;
alloc: YggFileInternal.AllocWord;
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[page];
TRUSTED {alloc ← segment.first.vmAddressForShadowAllocMap[high];};
RETURN [alloc.bits[low5bits] ];
decomposePageNo: PROC [page: YggFile.PageNumber] RETURNS [high: INT, low5bits: bitIn32BitWord] ~ {
low5bits ← Basics.BITAND[page, 01Fh];
high ← PBasics.BITRSHIFT[page, 5];
doFreeOrAllocate: INTERNAL PROC [vmAddressForWhateverBitmap: YggFileInternal.PTAllocBitmap, run: YggDIDMap.Run, allocation: BOOL] ~ {
Mark the logical run free in the in-memory (shadow) bitmap.
currentPage: CARD ← run.segmentPage;
pagesLeft: CARD ← run.pages;
high: CARD;
low5bits: bitIn32BitWord;
bitsToDo: bitIn32BitWord;
alloc: YggFileInternal.AllocWord;
Do individual bits on non-entire word
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[[currentPage]];
bitsToDo ← MIN[32-CARD[low5bits], pagesLeft];
IF bitsToDo > 0 THEN {
TRUSTED {alloc ← vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[high];};
FOR bitNo: bitIn32BitWord IN [low5bits..low5bits+bitsToDo) DO
IF debugging AND alloc.bits[bitNo] = allocation THEN ERROR;
alloc.bits[bitNo] ← allocation;
TRUSTED {vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[high] ← alloc};
currentPage ← currentPage + bitsToDo;
pagesLeft ← pagesLeft - bitsToDo;
IF pagesLeft # 0 THEN {
pagesToDo: CARD;
pagesToDo ← decomposePageNo[[pagesLeft]].high;
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[[currentPage]];
IF pagesToDo > 0 THEN {
allOnesOrAllZeros: YggFileInternal.AllocWord;
a1or0: CARD32 ← 0;
IF ~allocation THEN a1or0 ← LOOPHOLE[0FFFFFFFFh];
allOnesOrAllZeros.card ← a1or0;
FOR c: CARD IN [high..high+pagesToDo) DO
TRUSTED {IF debugging AND PBasics.BITXOR[LOOPHOLE[allOnesOrAllZeros], LOOPHOLE[vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[c]]] # 0 THEN ERROR; };
TRUSTED {vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[c] ← allOnesOrAllZeros;};
currentPage ← currentPage + 32;
pagesLeft ← pagesLeft - 32;
[high, low5bits] ← decomposePageNo[[currentPage]];
bitsToDo ← MIN[CARD[32-low5bits], pagesLeft];
IF bitsToDo > 0 THEN {
TRUSTED {alloc ← vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[high];};
FOR bitNo: bitIn32BitWord IN [low5bits..low5bits+bitsToDo) DO
IF debugging AND alloc.bits[bitNo] = allocation THEN ERROR;
alloc.bits[bitNo] ← allocation;
TRUSTED {vmAddressForWhateverBitmap[high] ← alloc};
currentPage ← currentPage + bitsToDo;
pagesLeft ← pagesLeft - bitsToDo;
Process.SetTimeout[condition: @myLatch, ticks: Process.MsecToTicks[250]];