Copyright Ó 1984, 1985, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Logging facilities for monitoring Alpine, for both debugging and performance monitoring work.
Last Edited by:
Kupfer, February 7, 1985 2:32:19 pm PST
Bob Hagmann May 3, 1988 10:07:02 am PDT
YggEnvironment USING [LockFailure, LockMode, nullTransID, OperationFailure, PageNumber, TransID],
YggInternal USING [LockTransHeader],
TransID: TYPE = YggEnvironment.TransID;
nullTransID: TransID = YggEnvironment.nullTransID;
badPageNumber: YggEnvironment.PageNumber = -1; -- used as a placeholder
AbortReason: TYPE = {  -- reasons that a transaction might get aborted
unknown,   -- we don't know what happened to the trans
didntAbort,   -- didn't get aborted
requested,   -- either a user request or from the worker watchdog
workerNotReady,  -- worker not in recoverable state
commError,   -- error in communicating with worker
watchDog,   -- worker watchdog is about to request the abort
lockInfo -- not a reason; says that the record has lock info for an aborted worker
For each "class" of probe, there is a PROC which processes information from that probe. Initially, no PROCs are associated with any of the probes. Routines may then bind themselves into the VM and "export" one or more of these procs. These procs typically do some sort of logging, but they could do any other sort of processing as well.
The following records are used to pass information from inside Alpine to the proc which processes the data.
LockType: TYPE = {  -- entities that can be locked
size, -- (I don't know what this means; see FileLockImpl.AcquireSizeLock)
unknown   -- (we don't know what was being locked)
LockConflictInfo: TYPE = RECORD [
what: YggEnvironment.LockFailure ← ,
where: Rope.ROPE ← ,  -- name of the routine being probed
transID: TransID ← nullTransID, -- (null = unknown)
mode: YggEnvironment.LockMode ← , -- (what type of lock were we trying for?)
message: Rope.ROPE ← NIL,
specifics: SELECT type: LockType FROM-- info about what we wanted to lock
entireFile => [
fileName: Rope.ROPE
page => [
fileName: Rope.ROPE ← ,
page: YggEnvironment.PageNumber ←
volumeGroup => [
groupName: Rope.ROPE
size => [
fileName: Rope.ROPE
unknown => []
OpFailureInfo: TYPE = RECORD [
what: YggEnvironment.OperationFailure ← ,
where: Rope.ROPE ← ,  -- name of the routine being probed
transID: TransID ← nullTransID, -- (null = unknown)
message: Rope.ROPE ← NIL
TransactionAbortInfo: TYPE = RECORD [
transID: TransID ← ,
where: Rope.ROPE ← ,  -- name of the routine being probed
locks: YggInternal.LockTransHeader ← NIL, -- list of locks owned by a worker; only used if why = lockInfo
why: AbortReason ← ,  -- (usually) why the transaction was aborted
message: Rope.ROPENIL
TransactionBeginInfo: TYPE = RECORD [
transID: TransID ← ,
where: Rope.ROPE ← ,  -- name of the routine being probed
message: Rope.ROPENIL
TransactionCommitInfo: TYPE = RECORD [
transID: TransID ← ,
where: Rope.ROPE ← ,  -- name of the routine being probed
message: Rope.ROPENIL
Event: TYPE = {lockConflict, operationFailed, beginTransaction, commitTransaction, abortTransaction};
ProcsRecord: TYPE = RECORD [
lockConflict: PROC [LockConflictInfo] ← NIL,
operationFailed: PROC [OpFailureInfo] ← NIL,
beginTransaction: PROC [TransactionBeginInfo] ← NIL,
commitTransaction: PROC [TransactionCommitInfo] ← NIL,
abortTransaction: PROC [TransactionAbortInfo] ← NIL
notice: ProcsRecord;  -- as in "notice that something happened"
NameListFromRope: PROC [argList: LIST OF ROPE] RETURNS [names: ARRAY Event OF BOOL, gibberish: LIST OF ROPE];
"names" is an array in which each element corresponds to a SkiPatrolLog event. If the value is YES (TRUE), the event was named in the ROPE list. If the value is NO (FALSE), the event was not named. However, if "argList" is empty, then all elements are returned as YES. Case is not significant. "gibberish" contains a list of those ROPEs from "argList" that weren't recognized.
RopeFromEvent: PROC [Event] RETURNS [ROPE];
Returns a printable rope corresponding to the Event argument.
Edited on July 10, 1984 4:45:50 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Base SkiPatrolLog on viewers, not streams.
Edited on July 12, 1984 2:49:27 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Change the overall plan. Instead of having a central clearinghouse for a fixed format of logging messages, just have a general facility which supports a wide variety of logging implementations.
changes to: DIRECTORY, SkiPatrolLog
Edited on July 23, 1984 9:31:41 am PDT, by Kupfer
Add definitions for the new set of probes.
Edited on February 7, 1985 11:37:40 am PST, by Kupfer
For LockConflict's, record the file name and page number being fought for.