/* $Header: fc.c,v 1.3 87/06/22 12:22:27 toddb Exp $ */ #include #include /* #include #include */ /* #include */ extern char *malloc(), *realloc(); #include "misc.h" #include "X.h" #include "Xproto.h" #include "fontstruct.h" #include "font.h" #include "fc.h" /* used by converters only */ /* * DESCRIPTION * pure filter; filename argument only * * DISCLAIMER * not much thought has been given to error recovery. */ #define INDICES 256 #define MAXENCODING 0xFFFF extern char *gets(), *index(); static char *myname; /* initialized from argv[0] */ static char *currentfont; int linenum = 0; /* for error messages */ int or_glyphPad = 0; /* override glyphPading?? */ int or_bitorder = 0; /* override bitorder?? */ #ifdef vax int glyphPad = 1; /* default padding for glyphs */ int bitorder = LSBFirst; /* default bitmap bit order */ #else # ifdef sun int glyphPad = 4; /* default padding for glyphs */ int bitorder = MSBFirst; /* default bitmap bit order */ # else # ifdef apollo int glyphPad = 1; /* default padding for glyphs */ int bitorder = MSBFirst; /* default bitmap bit order */ # else # ifdef ibm032 int glyphPad = 1; /* default padding for glyphs */ int bitorder = MSBFirst; /* default bitmap bit order */ # else # ifdef princops int glyphPad = 4; int bitorder = MSBFirst; # else int glyphPad = 1; /* default padding for glyphs */ int bitorder = MSBFirst; /* default bitmap bit order */ # define UNSPECIFIED # endif # endif # endif # endif #endif /* * read the next line and keep a count for error messages */ char * getline(s) char *s; { s = gets(s); linenum++; while (s) { int len = strlen(s); if (len && s[len-1] == '\015') s[--len] = '\0'; if ((len==0) || prefix(s, "COMMENT")) { s = gets(s); linenum++; } else break; } return(s); } /* * malloc and copy a string value. Handle quoted strings. */ char * remember(s) char *s; { char *p, *pp; /* strip leading white space */ while (*s && (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t')) s++; if (*s == 0) return ""; if (*s != '"') { pp = s; /* no white space in value */ for (pp=s; *pp; pp++) if (*pp == ' ' || *pp == '\t' || *pp == '\015' || *pp == '\n') { *pp = 0; break; } p = malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(p, s); return p; } /* quoted string: strip outer quotes and undouble inner quotes */ s++; pp = p = malloc(strlen(s)+1); while (*s) { if (*s == '"') { if (*(s+1) != '"') { *p++ = 0; return pp; } else { s++; } } *p++ = *s++; } *p++ = 0; /* just in case; space for it allocated above */ return pp; } /* * Invert bit order within each BYTE of an array. * "In" and "out" may point to the same array. */ void bitorderinvert( in, out, nbytes) register unsigned char *in; register unsigned char *out; register int nbytes; { static int BOTableInitialized = 0; static unsigned char BOTable[256]; if ( !BOTableInitialized) { int btabi; int biti; for ( btabi=0; btabi<256; btabi++) for ( biti=0; biti<8; biti++) if (btabi & 1<> biti; BOTableInitialized++; } while ( nbytes--) *out++ = BOTable[ *in++]; } /* * return TRUE if str is a prefix of buf */ prefix(buf, str) char *buf, *str; { return strncmp(buf, str, strlen(str))? FALSE : TRUE; } /* * return TRUE if strings are equal */ streq(a, b) char *a, *b; { return strcmp(a, b)? FALSE : TRUE; } /* * make a byte from the first two hex characters in s */ unsigned char hexbyte(s) char *s; { unsigned char b = 0; register char c; int i; for (i=2; i; i--) { c = *s++; if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) b = (b<<4) + (c - '0'); else if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) b = (b<<4) + 10 + (c - 'A'); else if ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) b = (b<<4) + 10 + (c - 'a'); else return 0; /* bad data */ } return b; } /* * fatal error. never returns. */ fatal(msg, p1, p2, p3, p4) char *msg; { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s:", myname, currentfont); fprintf(stderr, msg, p1, p2, p3, p4); if (linenum) fprintf(stderr, " at line %d\n", linenum); else fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } /* * these properties will be generated if not already present. */ #define NULLPROP (FontPropPtr)0; FontPropPtr pointSizeProp = NULLPROP; FontPropPtr familyProp = NULLPROP; FontPropPtr resolutionProp = NULLPROP; FontPropPtr xHeightProp = NULLPROP; FontPropPtr weightProp = NULLPROP; FontPropPtr quadWidthProp = NULLPROP; #define GENPROPS 6 BOOL haveFontAscent = FALSE; BOOL haveFontDescent = FALSE; /* * check for known property values */ int specialproperty(pfp, pfi) FontPropPtr pfp; FontInfoPtr pfi; { if (streq(pfp->name, "FONT_ASCENT") && !pfp->indirect) { pfi->fontAscent = pfp->value; haveFontAscent = TRUE; return 0; } else if (streq(pfp->name, "FONT_DESCENT") && !pfp->indirect) { pfi->fontDescent = pfp->value; haveFontDescent = TRUE; return 0; } else if (streq(pfp->name, "DEFAULT_CHAR") && !pfp->indirect) { pfi->chDefault = pfp->value; return 0; } else if (streq(pfp->name , "POINT_SIZE")) pointSizeProp = pfp; else if (streq(pfp->name , "FAMILY_NAME")) familyProp = pfp; else if (streq(pfp->name , "RESOLUTION")) resolutionProp = pfp; else if (streq(pfp->name , "X_HEIGHT")) xHeightProp = pfp; else if (streq(pfp->name , "WEIGHT")) weightProp = pfp; else if (streq(pfp->name , "QUAD_WIDTH")) quadWidthProp = pfp; return 1; } computeweight(font) TempFont *font; { int i; int width = 0, area, bits = 0; register b; register unsigned char *p; for (i=0; ipFI); i++) width += font->pCI[i].metrics.characterWidth; area = width*(font->pFI->fontAscent+font->pFI->fontDescent); for (i=0,p=font->pGlyphs; ipFI->maxbounds.byteOffset; i++,p++) for (b=(*p); b; b >>= 1) bits += b & 1; return (int)((bits*1000.0)/area); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char * argv[]; { TempFont font; FontInfoRec fi; CharInfoPtr cinfos[INDICES]; /* rows waiting to be allocated */ int bytesGlAlloced = 1024; /* amount now allocated for glyphs (bytes) */ unsigned char *pGl = (unsigned char *)malloc( bytesGlAlloced); int bytesGlUsed = 0; int nGl = 0; int nchars; float pointSize; int xRes, yRes; char linebuf[BUFSIZ]; char namebuf[100]; char family[100]; char *bdffile = NULL; unsigned int attributes; int digitWidths = 0, digitCount = 0, ex = 0; int char_row, char_col; int i; CharInfoRec emptyCharInfo; myname = argv[0]; argc--, argv++; while (argc--) { if (argv[0][0] == '-') { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'p': /* Pad Glyphs to Word boundaries */ switch (argv[0][2]) { default: goto usage; case '1': case '2': case '4': case '8': glyphPad = argv[0][2] - '0'; break; } or_glyphPad = 1; break; case 'm': or_bitorder = 1; bitorder = MSBFirst; break; case 'l': or_bitorder = 1; bitorder = LSBFirst; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "bad flag -%c\n", argv[0][1]); break; } } else { if (bdffile) usage: fatal("usage: %s [-p#] [bdf file]", myname); bdffile = argv[0]; if (freopen( bdffile, "r", stdin) == NULL) fatal("could not open file %s\n", bdffile); } argv++; } emptyCharInfo.metrics.leftSideBearing = 0; emptyCharInfo.metrics.rightSideBearing = 0; emptyCharInfo.metrics.ascent = 0; emptyCharInfo.metrics.descent = 0; emptyCharInfo.metrics.characterWidth = 0; emptyCharInfo.byteOffset = 0; emptyCharInfo.exists = FALSE; emptyCharInfo.metrics.attributes = 0; for (i = 0; i < INDICES; i++) cinfos[i] = (CharInfoPtr)NULL; font.pFI = &fi; fi.firstRow = INDICES; fi.lastRow = 0; fi.chFirst = INDICES; fi.chLast = 0; fi.pixDepth = 1; fi.glyphSets = 1; fi.chDefault = 0; /* may be overridden by a property */ getline(linebuf); if ((sscanf(linebuf, "STARTFONT %s", namebuf) != 1) || !streq(namebuf, "2.1")) fatal("bad 'STARTFONT'"); getline(linebuf); if (sscanf(linebuf, "FONT %s", family) != 1) fatal("bad 'FONT'"); getline(linebuf); if (!prefix(linebuf, "SIZE")) fatal("missing 'SIZE'"); if ((sscanf(linebuf, "SIZE %f%d%d", &pointSize, &xRes, &yRes) != 3)) fatal("bad 'SIZE'"); if (xRes != yRes) fatal("x and y resolution must be equal"); getline(linebuf); if (!prefix(linebuf, "FONTBOUNDINGBOX")) fatal("missing 'FONTBOUNDINGBOX'"); getline(linebuf); if (prefix(linebuf, "STARTPROPERTIES")) { int nprops; FontPropPtr pfp; sscanf(linebuf, "%*s%d", &nprops); fi.nProps = nprops; pfp = (FontPropPtr)malloc((nprops+GENPROPS) * sizeof(FontPropRec)); font.pFP = pfp; getline(linebuf); while((nprops-- > 0) && !prefix(linebuf, "ENDPROPERTIES")) { if (sscanf(linebuf, "%s%d", namebuf, &pfp->value) == 2) { /* integer value */ pfp->indirect = FALSE; } else { /* value is (possibly quoted) string */ pfp->indirect = TRUE; pfp->value = (INT32)remember(linebuf+strlen(namebuf)+1); } pfp->name = (CARD32)remember(namebuf); if (specialproperty(pfp, &fi)) pfp++; else fi.nProps--; getline(linebuf); } if (!prefix(linebuf, "ENDPROPERTIES")) fatal("missing 'ENDPROPERTIES'"); if (!haveFontAscent || !haveFontDescent) fatal("must have 'FONT_ASCENT' and 'FONT_DESCENT' properties"); if (nprops != -1) fatal("%d too few properties", nprops+1); if (!familyProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("FAMILY_NAME"); pfp->value = (INT32)family; pfp->indirect = TRUE; familyProp = pfp++; } if (!pointSizeProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("POINT_SIZE"); pfp->value = (INT32)(pointSize*10.0); pfp->indirect = FALSE; pointSizeProp = pfp++; } if (!weightProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("WEIGHT"); pfp->value = -1; /* computed later */ pfp->indirect = FALSE; weightProp = pfp++; } if (!resolutionProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("RESOLUTION"); pfp->value = (INT32)((xRes*100.0)/72.27); pfp->indirect = FALSE; resolutionProp = pfp++; } if (!xHeightProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("X_HEIGHT"); pfp->value = -1; /* computed later */ pfp->indirect = FALSE; xHeightProp = pfp++; } if (!quadWidthProp) { fi.nProps++; pfp->name = (CARD32)("QUAD_WIDTH"); pfp->value = -1; /* computed later */ pfp->indirect = FALSE; quadWidthProp = pfp++; } } else { /* no properties */ fatal("missing 'PROPERTIES'"); } getline(linebuf); if (!prefix(linebuf, "CHARS")) fatal("missing 'CHARS'"); sscanf(linebuf, "%*s%d", &nchars); getline(linebuf); while ((nchars-- > 0) && prefix(linebuf, "STARTCHAR")) { int t; int ix; /* counts bytes in a glyph */ int wx; /* x component of width */ int bw; /* bounding-box width */ int bh; /* bounding-box height */ int bl; /* bounding-box left */ int bb; /* bounding-box bottom */ int enc, enc2; /* encoding */ char *p; /* temp pointer into linebuf */ int bytesperrow, row; char charName[100]; if (sscanf(linebuf, "STARTCHAR %s", charName) != 1) fatal("bad character name"); getline( linebuf); if ((t=sscanf(linebuf, "ENCODING %d %d", &enc, &enc2)) < 1) fatal("bad 'ENCODING'"); if (t == 2 && enc == -1) enc = enc2; if (enc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "character '%s'with encoding = -1 ignored at line %d\n", charName, linenum); do { char *s = getline(linebuf); if (!s) fatal("Unexpected EOF"); } while (!prefix(linebuf, "ENDCHAR")); getline(linebuf); continue; } if (enc > MAXENCODING) fatal("character '%s' has encoding(=%d) too large", charName, enc); char_row = (enc >> 8) & 0xFF; char_col = enc & 0xFF; fi.firstRow = MIN(fi.firstRow, char_row); fi.lastRow = MAX(fi.lastRow, char_row); fi.chFirst = MIN(fi.chFirst, char_col); fi.chLast = MAX(fi.chLast, char_col); if (!cinfos[char_row]) { cinfos[char_row] = (CharInfoPtr)malloc(sizeof(CharInfoRec)*INDICES); bzero(cinfos[char_row], sizeof(CharInfoRec)*INDICES); } getline( linebuf); if (!prefix(linebuf, "SWIDTH")) fatal("bad 'SWIDTH'"); getline( linebuf); sscanf( linebuf, "DWIDTH %d %*d", &wx); getline( linebuf); sscanf( linebuf, "BBX %d %d %d %d", &bw, &bh, &bl, &bb); getline( linebuf); if (prefix(linebuf, "ATTRIBUTES")) { for (p = linebuf + strlen("ATTRIBUTES "); (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'); p ++) /* empty for loop */ ; attributes = hexbyte(p)<< 8 + hexbyte(p+2); getline( linebuf); /* set up for BITMAP which follows */ } else attributes = 0; if (!prefix(linebuf, "BITMAP")) fatal("missing 'BITMAP'"); /* collect data for generated properties */ if ((strlen(charName) == 1)){ if ((charName[0] >='0') && (charName[0] <= '9')) { digitWidths += wx; digitCount++; } else if (charName[0] == 'x') { ex = (bh+bb)<=0? bh : bh+bb ; } } cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.leftSideBearing = bl; cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.rightSideBearing = bl+bw; cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.ascent = bh+bb; cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.descent = -bb; cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.characterWidth = wx; cinfos[char_row][char_col].byteOffset = bytesGlUsed; cinfos[char_row][char_col].exists = FALSE; /* overwritten later */ cinfos[char_row][char_col].metrics.attributes = attributes; bytesperrow = GLWIDTHBYTESPADDED(bw,glyphPad); for (row=0; row < bh; row++) { getline(linebuf); p = linebuf; for ( ix=0; ix < bytesperrow; ix++) { if ( bytesGlUsed >= bytesGlAlloced) pGl = (unsigned char *)realloc( pGl, (bytesGlAlloced *= 2)); pGl[bytesGlUsed] = hexbyte(p); p += 2; bytesGlUsed++; } /* * Now pad the glyph row our pad boundary. */ bytesGlUsed = GLWIDTHBYTESPADDED(bytesGlUsed<<3,glyphPad); } getline( linebuf); if (!prefix(linebuf, "ENDCHAR")) fatal("missing 'ENDCHAR'"); nGl++; getline( linebuf); /* get STARTCHAR or ENDFONT */ } if (!prefix(linebuf, "ENDFONT")) fatal("missing 'ENDFONT'"); if (nchars != -1) fatal("%d too few characters", nchars+1); if (nGl == 0) fatal("No characters with valid encodings"); fi.maxbounds.byteOffset = bytesGlUsed; font.pGlyphs = pGl; font.pCI = (CharInfoPtr)malloc(sizeof(CharInfoRec)*n2dChars(font.pFI)); i = 0; for (char_row = fi.firstRow; char_row <= fi.lastRow; char_row++) { if (!cinfos[char_row]) for (char_col = fi.chFirst; char_col <= fi.chLast; char_col++) { font.pCI[i] = emptyCharInfo; i++; } else for (char_col = fi.chFirst; char_col <= fi.chLast; char_col++) { font.pCI[i] = cinfos[char_row][char_col]; i++; } } computeNaccelerators(&font); /* generate properties */ if (xHeightProp && (xHeightProp->value == -1)) xHeightProp->value = ex? ex : fi.minbounds.metrics.ascent; if (quadWidthProp && (quadWidthProp->value == -1)) quadWidthProp->value = digitCount? (INT32)((float)digitWidths/(float)digitCount) : (fi.minbounds.metrics.characterWidth+fi.maxbounds.metrics.characterWidth)/2; if (weightProp && (weightProp->value == -1)) weightProp->value = computeweight(&font); if (bitorder == LSBFirst) bitorderinvert( pGl, pGl, bytesGlUsed); #ifdef UNSPECIFIED if (!or_glyphPad || !or_bitorder) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", currentfont); if (!or_glyphPad && !or_bitorder) fprintf(stderr, "bit order/pad unspecified:\n\t"); else if (!or_glyphPad) fprintf(stderr, "pad unspecified:\n\t"); else fprintf(stderr, "bit order unspecified:\n\t"); fprintf(stderr, "using "); if (!or_bitorder) fprintf(stderr, "order=%s", bitorder == LSBFirst ? "LSBFirst" : "MSBFirst"); if (!or_glyphPad && !or_bitorder) fprintf(stderr, ", "); if (!or_glyphPad) fprintf(stderr, "pad=%d", glyphPad); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } #endif WriteNFont( stdout, &font); exit(0); }