/*********************************************************** Copyright 1987 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Digital or MIT not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #include "X.h" #include "Xmd.h" #include "Xproto.h" #include "fontstruct.h" #include "dixfontstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "windowstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "pixmapstr.h" #include "regionstr.h" #include "mfb.h" #include "maskbits.h" #include "opaque.h" /* we should eventually special-case fixed-width fonts for ImageText. this works for fonts with glyphs <= 32 bits wide. the clipping calculations are done for worst-case fonts. we make no assumptions about the heights, widths, or bearings of the glyphs. if we knew that the glyphs are all the same height, we could clip the tops and bottoms per clipping box, rather than per character per clipping box. if we knew that the glyphs' left and right bearings were wlle-behaved, we could clip a single character at the start, output until the last unclipped character, and then clip the last one. this is all straightforward to determine based on max-bounds and min-bounds from the font. there is some inefficiency introduced in the per-character clipping to make what's going on clearer. (it is possible, for example, for a font to be defined in which the next-to-last character in a font would be clipped out, but the last one wouldn't. the code below deals with this.) Image text looks at the bits in the glyph and the fg and bg in the GC. it paints a rectangle, as defined in the protocol dcoument, and the paints the characters. to avoid source proliferation, this file is compiled three times: MFBIMAGEGLYPHBLT OPEQ mfbImageGlyphBltWhite |= mfbImageGlyphBltBlack &=~ the register allocations for startmask and endmask may not be the right thing. are there two other deserving candidates? xoff, pdst, pglyph, and tmpSrc seem like the right things, though. */ void MFBIMAGEGLYPHBLT(pDrawable, pGC, x, y, nglyph, ppci, pglyphBase) DrawablePtr pDrawable; GC *pGC; int x, y; unsigned int nglyph; CharInfoPtr *ppci; /* array of character info */ unsigned char *pglyphBase; /* start of array of glyphs */ { ExtentInfoRec info; /* used by QueryGlyphExtents() */ BoxRec bbox; /* string's bounding box */ xRectangle backrect;/* backing rectangle to paint. in the general case, NOT necessarily the same as the string's bounding box */ CharInfoPtr pci; int xorg, yorg; /* origin of drawable in bitmap */ int widthDst; /* width of dst in longwords */ /* these keep track of the character origin */ unsigned int *pdstBase; /* points to longword with character origin */ int xchar; /* xorigin of char (mod 32) */ /* these are used for placing the glyph */ register int xoff; /* x offset of left edge of glyph (mod 32) */ register unsigned int *pdst; /* pointer to current longword in dst */ int w; /* width of glyph in bits */ int h; /* height of glyph */ int widthGlyph; /* width of glyph, in bytes */ register unsigned char *pglyph; /* pointer to current row of glyph */ /* used for putting down glyph */ register int startmask; register int endmask; int nFirst; /* bits of glyph in current longword */ register unsigned int tmpSrc; /* for getting bits from glyph */ void (* oldFillArea)(); /* we might temporarily usurp this field in devPriv */ if (!(pGC->planemask & 1)) return; if (pDrawable->type == DRAWABLE←WINDOW) { xorg = ((WindowPtr)pDrawable)->absCorner.x; yorg = ((WindowPtr)pDrawable)->absCorner.y; pdstBase = (unsigned int *) (((PixmapPtr)(pDrawable->pScreen->devPrivate))->devPrivate); widthDst = (int) (((PixmapPtr)(pDrawable->pScreen->devPrivate))->devKind) >> L2BSP; } else { xorg = 0; yorg = 0; pdstBase = (unsigned int *)(((PixmapPtr)pDrawable)->devPrivate); widthDst = (int)(((PixmapPtr)pDrawable)->devKind) >> L2BSP; } QueryGlyphExtents(pGC->font, ppci, nglyph, &info); backrect.x = x + info.overallLeft; backrect.y = y - pGC->font->pFI->fontAscent; backrect.width = info.overallRight - info.overallLeft; backrect.height = pGC->font->pFI->fontAscent + pGC->font->pFI->fontDescent; x += xorg; y += yorg; bbox.x1 = x + info.overallLeft; bbox.x2 = x + info.overallRight; bbox.y1 = y - info.overallAscent; bbox.y2 = y + info.overallDescent; /* we know the mfbPolyFillRect uses only two fields in devPriv, one of which (ppPixmap) is irrelevant for solid filling, so we just poke the FillArea field. the GC is now in an inconsistent state, but we'll fix it as soon as PolyFillRect returns. fortunately, the server is single threaded. */ oldFillArea = ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->FillArea; /* pcc doesn't like this. why? ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->FillArea = (pGC->bgPixel ? mfbSolidWhiteArea : mfbSolidBlackArea); */ if (pGC->bgPixel) ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->FillArea = mfbSolidWhiteArea; else ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->FillArea = mfbSolidBlackArea; mfbPolyFillRect(pDrawable, pGC, 1, &backrect); ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->FillArea = oldFillArea; /* the faint-hearted can open their eyes now */ switch ((*pGC->pScreen->RectIn)( ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->pCompositeClip, &bbox)) { case rgnOUT: break; case rgnIN: pdstBase = pdstBase + ((long)widthDst * (long)y) + (x >> L2BP); xchar = x & BWM; while(nglyph--) { pci = *ppci; pglyph = pglyphBase + pci->byteOffset; w = GLYPHWIDTHPIXELS(pci); h = GLYPHHEIGHTPIXELS(pci); widthGlyph = GLYPHWIDTHBYTESPADDED(pci); /* start at top scanline of glyph */ pdst = pdstBase - ((long)pci->metrics.ascent * (long)widthDst); /* find correct word in scanline and x offset within it for left edge of glyph */ xoff = xchar + pci->metrics.leftSideBearing; if (xoff > (BW - 1)) { pdst++; xoff &= BWM; } else if (xoff < 0) { xoff += BW; pdst--; } if ((xoff + w) <= BW) { /* glyph all in one longword */ maskpartialbits(xoff, w, startmask); while (h--) { getleftbits(pglyph, w, tmpSrc); *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask); pglyph += widthGlyph; pdst += widthDst; } } else { /* glyph crosses longword boundary */ mask32bits(xoff, w, startmask, endmask); nFirst = BW - xoff; while (h--) { getleftbits(pglyph, w, tmpSrc); *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask); *(pdst+1) OPEQ (SCRLEFT(tmpSrc, nFirst) & endmask); pglyph += widthGlyph; pdst += widthDst; } } /* glyph crosses longwords boundary */ /* update character origin */ x += pci->metrics.characterWidth; xchar += pci->metrics.characterWidth; if (xchar > (BW - 1)) { xchar -= BW; pdstBase++; } else if (xchar < 0) { xchar += BW; pdstBase--; } ppci++; } /* while nglyph-- */ break; case rgnPART: { TEXTPOS *ppos; int nbox; BoxPtr pbox; int xpos; /* x position of char origin */ int i; BoxRec clip; int leftEdge, rightEdge; int topEdge, bottomEdge; int glyphRow; /* first row of glyph not wholly clipped out */ int glyphCol; /* leftmost visible column of glyph */ if(!(ppos = (TEXTPOS *)ALLOCATE←LOCAL(nglyph * sizeof(TEXTPOS)))) return; pdstBase = pdstBase + ((long)widthDst * (long)y) + (x >> L2BP); xpos = x; xchar = xpos & BWM; for (i=0; i<nglyph; i++) { pci = ppci[i]; ppos[i].xpos = xpos; ppos[i].xchar = xchar; ppos[i].leftEdge = xpos + pci->metrics.leftSideBearing; ppos[i].rightEdge = xpos + pci->metrics.rightSideBearing; ppos[i].topEdge = y - pci->metrics.ascent; ppos[i].bottomEdge = y + pci->metrics.descent; ppos[i].pdstBase = pdstBase; ppos[i].widthGlyph = GLYPHWIDTHBYTESPADDED(pci); xpos += pci->metrics.characterWidth; xchar += pci->metrics.characterWidth; if (xchar > (BW - 1)) { xchar &= BWM; pdstBase++; } else if (xchar < 0) { xchar += BW; pdstBase--; } } pbox = ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->pCompositeClip->rects; nbox = ((mfbPrivGC *)(pGC->devPriv))->pCompositeClip->numRects; /* HACK ALERT since we continue out of the loop below so often, it is easier to increment pbox at the top than at the end. don't try this at home. */ pbox--; while(nbox--) { pbox++; clip.x1 = max(bbox.x1, pbox->x1); clip.y1 = max(bbox.y1, pbox->y1); clip.x2 = min(bbox.x2, pbox->x2); clip.y2 = min(bbox.y2, pbox->y2); if ((clip.x2<=clip.x1) || (clip.y2<=clip.y1)) continue; for(i=0; i<nglyph; i++) { pci = ppci[i]; xchar = ppos[i].xchar; /* clip the left and right edges */ if (ppos[i].leftEdge < clip.x1) leftEdge = clip.x1; else leftEdge = ppos[i].leftEdge; if (ppos[i].rightEdge > clip.x2) rightEdge = clip.x2; else rightEdge = ppos[i].rightEdge; w = rightEdge - leftEdge; if (w <= 0) continue; /* clip the top and bottom edges */ if (ppos[i].topEdge < clip.y1) topEdge = clip.y1; else topEdge = ppos[i].topEdge; if (ppos[i].bottomEdge > clip.y2) bottomEdge = clip.y2; else bottomEdge = ppos[i].bottomEdge; h = bottomEdge - topEdge; if (h <= 0) continue; glyphRow = (topEdge - y) + pci->metrics.ascent; widthGlyph = ppos[i].widthGlyph; pglyph = pglyphBase + pci->byteOffset; pglyph += (glyphRow * widthGlyph); pdst = ppos[i].pdstBase - ((long)(y-topEdge) * (long)widthDst); glyphCol = (leftEdge - ppos[i].xpos) - (pci->metrics.leftSideBearing); xoff = xchar + (leftEdge - ppos[i].xpos); if (xoff > (BW - 1)) { xoff &= BWM; pdst++; } else if (xoff < 0) { xoff += BW; pdst--; } if ((xoff + w) <= BW) { maskpartialbits(xoff, w, startmask); while (h--) { getbits((int *)pglyph, glyphCol, w, tmpSrc); *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask); pglyph += widthGlyph; pdst += widthDst; } } else { mask32bits(xoff, w, startmask, endmask); nFirst = BW - xoff; while (h--) { getbits((int *)pglyph, glyphCol, w, tmpSrc); *pdst OPEQ (SCRRIGHT(tmpSrc, xoff) & startmask); *(pdst+1) OPEQ (SCRLEFT(tmpSrc, nFirst) & endmask); pglyph += widthGlyph; pdst += widthDst; } } } /* for each glyph */ } /* while nbox-- */ DEALLOCATE←LOCAL(ppos); break; } default: break; } }