-- Copyright (C) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- File: CSupport.config - created by NFS. Last edit: -- JKF 29-May-86 14:38:38 -- NFS 27-May-86 11:55:37 -- MEW 23-May-86 17:09:33 -- C library and runtime support. CSupport:CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS BcdOpsExtras, File, Format, Frame, Heap, Inline, IsAround, LoadState, MLoader, MFile, MStream, Process, Runtime, Space, SpecialMFile, SpecialRuntime, Stream, String, Volume EXPORTS ALL CONTROL CInstructions, RuntimeSupport, FloatingPt, Library, StartStateImpl = BEGIN RuntimeSupport:CONFIGURATION LINKS:CODE IMPORTS BcdOpsExtras, File, Format, Heap, IsAround, Frame, LoadState, MLoader, MFile, MStream, Process, Runtime, Space, SpecialRuntime, Stream, StartState, String, Volume EXPORTS BucketAlloc, CAbort, CBasics, CRuntime, CRuntimeInternal, CString, FBasics, Pipe, SpecialCRuntime CONTROL ST, CRuntimeA, CRuntimeC = { CRuntimeA; CRuntimeB; CRuntimeC; CStringImpl; PipeImpl; ST; BucketAllocImpl; FBasicsImpl; }; Library:CONFIGURATION LINKS:CODE IMPORTS BucketAlloc, CBasics, CRuntime, CString, DoubleIeee, DoubleReal, DoubleRealFns, DoubleRealOps, Heap, Inline, MFile, MStream, SpecialCRuntime, Stream, String EXPORTS CFormat, CFormatIOUtil, CHeap, CIOLib, CTypeArray, Libm, LibmSupport, StringOps, VarArgs <<All C pieces must be in control list because they will destroy the runtime support's association of processes with configurations if they are started when a library procedure is called.>> CONTROL ctype, doscan, StringOpsImpl, CFormatImpl, CMathLib = { CIOLibImpl; CFormatIO; VarArgsImpl; -- Source is assembly-coded. CPrintFormat; CHeapImpl; Atof; CFormatImpl; StringOpsImpl; doscan; ctype; CMathLib; }; CInstructions; RuntimeSupport; Library; StartStateImpl; FloatingPt; END.