-- FILE: <JPROG>RamDefs.mesa Last Edited by Mitchell, September 9, 1977 12:23 PM
PrivateRamDefs: FROM "PrivateRamDefs";
BEGIN -- module body
Version: CARDINAL = 1;
-- T H E I N T E R F A C E
LoadRamAndBoot: PROCEDURE[m: MuImage, boot: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [constDiffs: CARDINAL];
-- loads the ram from the MuImage, checks the constants and returns number of constant mismatches. If boot=TRUE, also does a silent boot: first, a silent boot is done to guarantee that the machine is in ground state (everything running in ROM0 - ok for Mesa?) and then, after loading the ram image, another silent boot is done as specified in the blv field of the MuImage.
NoEtherNetBoard: ERROR;
SilentBoot: PROCEDURE[blv: BootLocusVector];
-- check to see that a silent boot is possible (I.e., that Alto has an EtherNet board), sets boot locus vector and does the StartIO to cause a silent boot.
-- Do an SIO with ac0 passed in the Alto AC0.
MuFileAlreadyOpen: ERROR;
SuspiciousPackedMuFile: ERROR;
ReadPackedMuFile: PROCEDURE[name: STRING] RETURNS[theImage: MuImage];
-- Read and swap in a Packed Mu file and check it to increase our confidence that it is a valid MuImage as prepared by the program PackMu.Run.
ReleaseMuImage: PROCEDURE[theImage: MuImage];
-- Release the FileHandle for the current packed MuImage. IF muSeg#NIL, then swap it out first and get rid of the segment. Then release the file.
-- C O M P I L E - T I M E C O N S T A N T S A N D T Y P E S
BootLocusVector: TYPE = PrivateRamDefs.BootLocusVector;
MuImage: TYPE = POINTER TO PrivateRamDefs.PackedMuFile;
END. --RamDefs
Initial: Mitchell, May 24, 1977 12:54 PM
reason: Separated from RamLoad after it was initially debugged.
Compilation started: May 24, 1977 1:06 PM
Compiled Correctly: May 24, 1977 1:08 PM
Changed by: Mitchell, July 11, 1977 11:23 PM
reason: Converted to DBOSS interfacing conventions and changed definition of StartIO so that it does not return a value.
Compilation started: July 11, 1977 11:24 PM
Compiled Correctly: July 11, 1977 11:26 PM
reason: It was a mistake to change StartIO definition and so I have changed it back.
Compilation started: July 12, 1977 2:02 PM
Compiled Correctly: July 12, 1977 2:04 PM
Changed by: Mitchell, September 9, 1977 12:24 PM
reason: Converting from DBOSS to Mesa 3.0
Compilation started: September 9, 1977 12:24 PM
Compiled Correctly: DateTime
Changed by: Mitchell, DateTime
reason: ReasonForChange
Compilation started: DateTime
Compiled Correctly: DateTime