;		M E S A   M I C R O C O D E			  ;
; 			Version 34-3				  ;

; MesaROM.Mu - Instruction fetch and general subroutines
; Last modified by Levin - October 9, 1978  5:25 PM

$uCodeVersion	$L0,12000,100;					future versions, just $n;

;Completely rewritten by Roy Levin, Sept-Oct. 1977
;Modified by Johnsson; July 25, 1977  10:20 AM
;First version assembled 5 June 1975.
;Developed from Lampson's MESA.U of 21 March 1975.


; 1)  Stack representation:
;	stkp=0  => stack is empty
;	sktp=10 => stack is full
;	The validity checking that determines if the stack pointer is
;	within this range is somewhat perfunctory.  The approach taken is
;	to include specific checks only where there absence would not lead 
;	to some catastrophic error.  Hence, the stack is not checked for
;	underflow, since allowing it to become negative will cause a disaster
;	on the next stack dispatch.
; 2)  Notation:
;	Instruction labels correspond to opcodes in the obvious way. Suffixes
;	of A and B (capitalized) refer to alignment in memory.  'A' is intended
;	to suggest the right-hand byte of a memory word; 'B' is intended to
;	suggest the left-hand byte. Labels terminating in a lower-case letter
;	generally name local branch points within a particular group of
;	opcodes.  (Exception: subroutine names.)  Labels terminating in 'x' generally
;	exist only to satisfy alignment requirements imposed by various dispatches
;	(most commonly IR← and B/A in instruction fetch).
; 3)  Tasking:
;	Every effort has been made to ensure that a 'TASK' appears approximately
;	every 12 instructions.  Occasionally, this has not been possible,
;	but (it is hoped that) violations occur only in infrequently executed
;	code segments.
; 4)  New symbols:
;	In a few cases, the definitions of the standard Alto package
;	(ALTOCONSTS23.MU) have not been quite suitable to the needs of this
;	microcode.  Rather than change the standard package, we have defined
;	new symbols (with names beginning with 'm') that are to be used instead
;	of their standard counterparts.  All such definitions appear together in
;	Mesab.Mu.
; 5)  Subroutine returns:
;	Normally, subroutine returns using IDISP require one to deal with
;	(the nuisance of) the dispatch caused by loading IR.  Happily, however,
;	no such dispatch occurs for 'msr0' and 'sr1' (the relevant bits
;	are 0).  To cut down on alignment restrictions, some subroutines
;	assume they are called with only one of two returns and can
;	therefore ignore the possibility of a pending IR← dispatch.
;	Such subroutines are clearly noted in the comments.
; 6)  Frame pointer registers (lp and gp):
;	These registers normally (i.e. except during Xfer) contain the
;	addresses of local 2 and global 1, respectively.  This optimizes accesses
;	in such bytecodes as LL3 and SG2, which would otherwise require another cycle.

; Get definitions for ALTO and MESA

; Location-specific Definitions

; There is a fundamental difficulty in the selection of addresses that are known and
; used outside the Mesa emulator.  The problem arises in trying to select a single set of
; addresses that can be used regardless of the Alto's control memory configuration.  In
; effect, this cannot be done.  If an Alto has only a RAM (in addition, of course, to its
; basic ROM, ROM0), then the problem does not arise.  However, suppose the Alto has both a
; RAM and a second ROM, ROM1.  Then, when it is necessary to move from a control memory to
; one of the other two, the choice is conditioned on (1) the memory from which the transfer
; is occurring, and (2) bit 1 of the target address.  Since we expect that, in most cases, an
; Alto running Mesa will have the Mesa emulator in ROM1, the externally-known addresses have
; been chosen to work in that case.  They will also work, without alteration, on an Alto that
; has no ROM1.  However, if it is necessary to run Mesa on an Alto with ROM1 and it is desired
; to use a Mesa emulator residing in the RAM (say, for debugging purposes), then the address
; values in the RAM version must be altered.  This implies changes in both the RAM code itself
; and the Nova code that invokes the RAM (via the Nova JMPRAM instruction).  Details
; concerning the necessary changes for re-assembly appear with the definitions below.

%1,1777,0,nextBa;				forced to location 0 to save a word in JRAM

; Emulator Entry Point Definitions
;	These addresses are known by the Nova code that interfaces to the emulator and by
;	RAM code executing with the Mesa emulator in ROM1.  They have been chosen so that
;	both such "users" can use the same value.  Precisely, this means that bit 1 (the
;	400 bit) must be set in the address.  In a RAM version of the Mesa emulator intended
;	to execute on an Alto with a second ROM, bit 1 must be zero.

%1,1777,420,Mgo;				Normal entry to Mesa Emulator - load state
;						of process specified by AC0.

%1,1777,400,next,nextA;				Return to 'next' to continue in current Mesa
;						process after Nova or RAM execution.

$Minterpret	$L004400,0,0;			Documentation refers to 'next' this way.

%1,1777,776,DSTr1,Mstopc;			Return addresses for 'Savestate'.  By
;						standard convention, 'Mstopc' must be at 777.

; Linkage from RAM to ROM1
;	The following predefs must correspond to the label definitions in MesabROM.mu

%1,1777,406,Intstop;				i.e., Intstop at ROM1 location 406
; Linkage from Mesa emulator to ROM0
;	The Mesa emulator uses a number of subroutines that reside in ROM0.  In posting a
;	return address, the emulator must be aware of the control memory in which it resides,
;	RAM or ROM1.  These return addresses must satisfy the following constraint:
;		no ROM1 extant or emulator in ROM1 => bit 1 of address must be 1
;		ROM1 extant and emulator in RAM  => bit 1 of address must be 0
;	In addition, since these addresses must be passed as data to ROM0, it is desirable
;	that they be available in the Alto's constants ROM.  Finally, it is desirable that
;	they be chosen not to mess up too many pre-defs.  It should be noted that these
;	issues do not affect the destination location in ROM0, since its address remains
;	fixed (even with respect to bit 1 mapping) whether the Mesa emulator is in RAM or
;	ROM1.

; MUL/DIV linkage:
;	An additional constraint peculiar to the MUL/DIV microcode is that the high-order
;	bits of the return address be 1's.  Hence, the recommended values are:
;	  no ROM1 extant or emulator in ROM1 => MULDIVretloc = 177675B
;	  ROM1 extant and emulator in RAM  => MULDIVretloc = 177162B
$ROMMUL		$L004120,0,0;			MUL routine address (120B) in ROM0
$ROMDIV		$L004121,0,0;			DIV routine address (121B) in ROM0

$MULDIVretloc	$177675;

; The first value in the following pre-def must be:
;	(MULDIVretloc AND 777B)+1		(yes, 'plus', not 'OR').

!676,2,MULDIVret,MULDIVret1;			return addresses from MUL/DIV in ROM0

; BITBLT linkage:
;	An additional constraint peculiar to the BITBLT microcode is that the high-order
;	bits of the return address be 1's.  Hence, the recommended values are:
;	  no ROM1 extant or emulator in ROM1 => BITBLTret = 177714B 
;	  ROM1 extant and emulator in RAM  => BITBLTret = 177175B
$ROMBITBLT	$L004124,0,0;			BITBLT routine address (124B) in ROM0

$BITBLTret	$177714;

; The first value in the following pre-def must be:  (BITBLTret AND 777B)

!714,2,BITBLTintr,BITBLTdone;			return addresses from BITBLT in ROM0

; CYCLE linkage:
;	A special constraint here is that WFretloc be odd.  Recommended values are:
;	  no ROM1 extant or emulator in ROM1 => Fieldretloc = 452B, WFretloc = 605B 
;	  ROM1 extant and emulator in RAM  => Fieldretloc = 335B, WFretloc = 203B
$RAMCYCX	$L004022,0,0;			CYCLE routine address (22B) in ROM0

$Fieldretloc	$452;				RAMCYCX return to Fieldsub
$WFretloc	$605;				RAMCYCX return to WF

; The first value in the following pre-def must be the same as 'Fieldretloc' above.

!452,1,Fieldrc;					return address from RAMCYCX to Fieldsub

; The first value in the following pre-def must be the same as 'WFretloc' above.

!605,2, WFnzct,WFret;				return address from RAMCYCX to WF
; I n s t r u c t i o n   f e t c h
; State at entry:
;   1)	ib holds either the next instruction byte to interpret
;	(right-justified) or 0 if a new word must be fetched.
;   2)	control enters at one of the following points:
;	  a) next: ib must be interpreted
;	  b) nextA: ib is assumed to be uninteresting and a
;		new instruction word is to be fetched.
;	  c) nextXB: a new word is to be fetched, and interpretation
;		is to begin with the odd byte.
;	  d) nextAdeaf: similar to 'nextA', but does not check for
;		pending interrupts.
;	  e) nextXBdeaf: similar to 'nextXB', but does not check for
;		pending interrupts.
; State at exit:
;   1)	ib is in an acceptable state for subsequent entry.
;   2)	T contains the value 1.
;   3)	A branch (1) is pending if ib = 0, meaning the next
;	instruction may return to 'nextA'. (This is subsequently
;	referred to as "ball 1", and code that nullifies its
;	effect is labelled as "dropping ball 1".)
;   4)	If a branch (1) is pending, L = 0.  If no branch is
;	pending, L = 1.
; Address pre-definitions for bytecode dispatch table.

; Table must have 2 high-order bits on for BUS branch at 'nextAni'.
; Warning!  Many address inter-dependencies exist - think (at least) twice
; before re-ordering.  Inserting new opcodes in previously unused slots,
; however, is safe.

%7,1777,1410,LG0,LG1,LG2,LG3,LG4,LG5,LG6,LG7;				010-017
%7,1777,1420,LGB,LGDB,SG0,SG1,SG2,SG3,SGB,SGDB;				020-027
%7,1777,1430,LL0,LL1,LL2,LL3,LL4,LL5,LL6,LL7;				030-037
%7,1777,1440,LLB,LLDB,SL0,SL1,SL2,SL3,SL4,SL5;				040-047
%7,1777,1450,SL6,SL7,SLB,SLDB,LI0,LI1,LI2,LI3;				050-057
%7,1777,1460,LI4,LI5,LI6,LIN1,LIB,LIW,LINB,;				060-067
%7,1777,1470,,,,,,,,;							070-077
%7,1777,1500,R0,R1,R2,R3,R4,RB,W0,W1;					100-107
%7,1777,1510,W2,WB,RF,WF,RDB,RD0,WDB,WD0;				110-117
%7,1777,1520,RSTR,WSTR,RXLP,WXLP,RILP,RIGP,WILP,RIL0;			120-127
%7,1777,1530,,,,,,,,;							130-137
%7,1777,1540,,WS0,WSB,WSF,WSDB,RFC,RFS,WFS;				140-147
%7,1777,1550,PUSH,POP,EXCH,PUSHX,DUP,,,;				150-157
%7,1777,1560,J2,J3,J4,J5,J6,J7,J8,J9;					160-167
%7,1777,1570,JB,JW,JEQ2,JEQ3,JEQ4,JEQ5,JEQ6,JEQ7;			170-177
%7,1777,1600,JEQ8,JEQ9,JEQB,JNE2,JNE3,JNE4,JNE5,JNE6;			200-207
%7,1777,1610,JNE7,JNE8,JNE9,JNEB,JLB,JGEB,JGB,JLEB;			210-217
%7,1777,1630,,,,,,,,;							230-237
%7,1777,1640,,,,,,,,;							240-247
%7,1777,1650,,,,,DESCB,DESCBS,,;					250-257
%7,1777,1660,ADD,SUB,MUL,DBL,DIV,LDIV,NEG,INC;				260-267
%7,1777,1670,AND,OR,XOR,SHIFT,DADD,DSUB,DCOMP,ADD01;			270-277
%7,1777,1700,EFC0,EFC1,EFC2,EFC3,EFC4,EFC5,EFC6,EFC7;			300-307
%7,1777,1710,EFC8,EFC9,EFC10,EFC11,EFC12,EFC13,EFC14,EFC15;		310-317
%7,1777,1720,EFCB,LFC1,LFC2,LFC3,LFC4,LFC5,LFC6,LFC7;			320-327
%7,1777,1730,LFC8,LFC9,LFC10,LFC11,LFC12,LFC13,LFC14,LFC15;		330-337
%7,1777,1740,LFC16,LFCB,SFC,RET,LLKB,PORTO,PORTI,KFCB;			340-347
%7,1777,1760,STOP,CATCH,,,BITBLT,STARTIO,JRAM,;				360-367
%7,1777,1770,DST,LST,LSTF,,WR,RR,BRK,StkUf;				370-377
; Main interpreter loop

;  Enter here to interpret ib.  Control passes here to process odd byte of previously
;  fetched word or when preceding opcode "forgot" it should go to 'nextA'.  A 'TASK'
;  should appear in the instruction preceding the one that branched here.

next:		L←0, :nextBa;					(if from JRAM, switch banks)
nextBa:		SINK←ib, BUS;					dispatch on ib
		ib←L, T←0+1, BUS=0, :NOOP;			establish exit state

; NOOP - must be opcode 0
;	control also comes here from certain jump instructions


NOOP:		L←mpc+T, TASK, :nextAput;
;  Enter here to fetch new word and interpret even byte.  A 'TASK' should appear in the
;  instruction preceding the one that branched here.

nextA:		L←XMAR←mpc+1, :nextAcom;			initiate fetch

;  Enter here when fetch address has been computed and left in L.  A 'TASK' should
;  appear in the instruction that branches here.

nextAput:	temp←L;						stash to permit TASKing
		L←XMAR←temp, :nextAcom;

;  Enter here to do what 'nextA' does but without checking for interrupts

nextAdeaf:	L←XMAR←mpc+1;
nextAdeafa:	mpc←L, BUS=0, :nextAcomx;

;  Common fetch code for 'nextA' and 'nextAput'

nextAcom:	mpc←L;						updated pc
		SINK←NWW, BUS=0;				check pending interrupts
nextAcomx:	T←177400, :nextAi;

;  No interrupt pending.  Dispatch on even byte, store odd byte in ib.

nextAni:	L←MD AND T, BUS, :nextAgo;			L←"B"↑8, dispatch on "A"
nextAgo:	ib←L LCY 8, L←T←0+1, :NOOP;			establish exit state

;  Interrupt pending - check if enabled.

nextAi:		L←MD;
		SINK←wdc, BUS=0;				check wakeup counter
		T←M.T, :nextAini;				isolate left byte
nextAini:	SINK←M, L←T, BUS, :nextAgo;			dispatch even byte

;  Interrupt pending and enabled.

nextAii:	L←mpc-1;					back up mpc for Savpcinframe
		mpc←L, L←0, :nextXBii;
;  Enter here to fetch word and interpret odd byte only (odd-destination jumps).

nextXB:		L←XMAR←mpc+T;
		SINK←NWW, BUS=0, :nextXBdeaf;			check pending interrupts
;  Enter here (with branch (1) pending) from Xfer to do what 'nextXB' does but without
;  checking for interrupts.  L has appropriate word PC.

nextXBdeaf:	mpc←L, :nextXBi;

;  No interrupt pending.  Store odd byte in ib.

nextXBni:	L←MD, TASK, :nextXBini;
nextXBini:	ib←L LCY 8, :next;				skip over even byte (TASK
;								prevents L←0, :nextBa)

;  Interrupt pending - check if enabled.

nextXBi:	SINK←wdc, BUS=0, :nextXBni;			check wakeup counter

;  Interrupt pending and enabled.

nextXBii:	ib←L, :Intstop;					ib = 0 for even, ~= 0 for odd
; S u b r o u t i n e s

;  The two most heavily used subroutines (Popsub and Getalpha) often
;  share common return points.  In addition, some of these return points have
;  additional addressing requirements.  Accordingly, the following predefinitions
;  have been rather carefully constructed to accommodate all of these requirements.
;  Any alteration is fraught with peril.
;  [A historical note:  an attempt to merge in the returns from FetchAB as well
;   failed because more than 31D distinct return points were then required.  Without
;   adding new constants to the ROM, the extra returns could not be accommodated.
;   However, for Popsub alone, additional returns are possible - see Xpopsub.]

; Return Points (sr0-sr17)


; Extended Return Points (sr20-sr37)
;	Note: KFCr and EFCr must be odd!


; Returns for Xpopsub only


; Extended Return Machinery (via Xret)


Xret:		SINK←DISP, BUS, :XretB;

XretB:		:XbrkBr;
XretA:		SINK←0, BUS=0, :XbrkBr;				keep ball 1 in air
; Pop subroutine:
;	Entry conditions:
;	  Normal IR linkage
;	Exit conditions:
;	  Stack popped into T and L

!1,1,Popsub;							shakes B/A dispatch
!7,1,Popsuba;							shakes IR← dispatch

Popsub:		L←stkp-1, BUS, TASK, :Popsuba;
Popsuba:	stkp←L, :Tpop;					old stkp > 0

; Xpop subroutine:
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L has return number
;	Exit conditions:
;	  Stack popped into T and L
;	Invoking instruction should specify 'TASK'
!1,1,Xpopsub;							shakes B/A dispatch

Xpopsub:	saveret←L;
Tpop:		IR←sr17, :Popsub;				returns to Xpopret
;								Note:  putting Tpop here makes
;								stack underflow logic work if
;								stkp=0

Xpopret:	SINK←saveret, BUS;
; Getalpha subroutine:
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L untouched from instruction fetch
;	Exit conditions:
;	  alpha byte in T
;	  branch 1 pending if return to 'nextA' desirable
;	  L=0 if branch 1 pending, L=1 if no branch pending
!7,1,Getalphax;							shake IR← dispatch
!7,1,GetalphaAx;						shake IR← dispatch

Getalpha:	T←ib, IDISP;
Getalphax:	ib←L RSH 1, L←0, BUS=0, :Fieldra;		ib←0, set branch 1 pending

GetalphaA:	L←XMAR←mpc+1;					initiate fetch
GetalphaAx:	mpc←L;
		T←177400;					mask for new ib
		L←MD AND T, T←MD;				L: new ib, T: whole word
Getalphab:	T←377.T, IDISP;					T now has alpha
		ib←L LCY 8, L←0+1, :Fieldra;			return: no branch pending

; FetchAB subroutine:
;	Entry conditions:  none
;	Exit conditions:
;	  T: <<mpc>+1>
;	  ib: unchanged (caller must ensure return to 'nextA')
!1,1,FetchAB;							drops ball 1
!7,1,FetchABx;							shakes IR← dispatch
!7,10,LIWr,JWr,,,,,,;						return points

FetchAB:	L←XMAR←mpc+1, :FetchABx;
FetchABx:	mpc←L, IDISP;
		T←MD, :LIWr; 
; Splitalpha subroutine:
;	Entry conditions:
;	  L: return index
;	  entry at Splitalpha if instruction is A-aligned, entry at
;	    SplitalphaB if instruction is B-aligned
;	  entry at Splitcomr splits byte in T (used by field instructions)
;	Exit conditions:
;	  lefthalf: alpha[0-3]
;	  righthalf: alpha[4-7]
!1,1,Splitx;							drop ball 1
!7,10,RILPr,RIGPr,WILPr,RXLPra,WXLPra,Fieldrb,,;		subroutine returns

Splitalpha:	saveret←L, L←0+1, :Splitcom;			L←1 for Getalpha
SplitalphaB:	saveret←L, L←0, BUS=0, :Splitcom;		(keep ball 1 in air)

Splitcom:	IR←sr33, :Getalpha;				T:alpha[0-7]
Splitcomr:	L←17 AND T, :Splitx;				L:alpha[4-7]
Splitx:		righthalf←L, L←T, TASK;				L:alpha, righthalf:alpha[4-7]
		temp←L;						temp:alpha
		L←temp, BUS;					dispatch on alpha[1-3]
		temp←L LCY 8, SH<0, :Split0;			dispatch on alpha[0]

Split0:		L←T←0, :Splitout0;				L,T:alpha[1-3]
Split1:		L←T←ONE, :Splitout0;
Split2:		L←T←2, :Splitout0;
Split3:		L←T←3, :Splitout0;
Split4:		L←T←4, :Splitout0;
Split5:		L←T←5, :Splitout0;
Split6:		L←T←6, :Splitout0;
Split7:		L←T←7, :Splitout0;

Splitout1:	L←10+T, :Splitout0;				L:alpha[0-3]

Splitout0:	SINK←saveret, BUS, TASK;			dispatch return
		lefthalf←L, :RILPr;				lefthalf:alpha[0-3]
; D i s p a t c h e s

; Pop-into-T (and L) dispatch:
;	dispatches on old stkp, so Tpop0 = 1 mod 20B.

Tpop0:		L←T←stk0, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop1:		L←T←stk1, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop2:		L←T←stk2, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop3:		L←T←stk3, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop4:		L←T←stk4, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop5:		L←T←stk5, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop6:		L←T←stk6, IDISP, :Tpopexit;
Tpop7:		L←T←stk7, IDISP, :Tpopexit;

Tpopexit:	:Fieldra;					to permit TASK in Popsub
; pushMD dispatch:
;	pushes memory value on stack
;	The invoking instruction must load MAR and may optionally keep ball 1
;	 in the air by having a branch pending.  That is, entry at 'pushMD' will
;	 cause control to pass to 'next', while entry at 'pushMDA' will cause
;	 control to pass to 'nextA'.

pushMD:		L←stkp+1, IR←stkp;				(IR← causes no branch)
		stkp←L, T←0+1, :pushMDa;

pushMDA:	L←stkp+1, IR←stkp;				(IR← causes no branch)
		stkp←L, T←0, :pushMDa;

pushMDa:	SINK←DISP, L←T, BUS;				dispatch on old stkp value
		L←MD, SH=0, TASK, :push0;

; Push-T dispatch:
;	pushes T on stack
;	The invoking instruction may optionally keep ball 1 in the air by having a
;	  branch pending.  That is, entry at 'pushTB' will cause control to pass
;	  to 'next', while entry at 'pushTA' will cause control to pass to 'nextA'.
!1,2,pushT1B,pushT1A;						keep ball 1 in air

pushTB:		L←stkp+1, BUS, :pushT1B;
pushTA:		L←stkp+1, BUS, :pushT1A;

pushT1B:	stkp←L, L←T, TASK, :push0;
pushT1A:	stkp←L, BUS=0, L←T, TASK, :push0;		BUS=0 keeps branch pending

; push dispatch:
;	strictly vanilla-flavored
;	may (but need not) have branch (1) pending if return to 'nextA' is desired
;	invoking instruction should specify TASK

; Note: the following pre-def occurs here so that dpushof1 can be referenced in push10


push0:		stk0←L, :next;
push1:		stk1←L, :next;
push2:		stk2←L, :next;
push3:		stk3←L, :next;
push4:		stk4←L, :next;
push5:		stk5←L, :next;
push6:		stk6←L, :next;
push7:		stk7←L, :next;
push10:		:dpushof1;					honor TASK, stack overflow
; Double-word push dispatch:
;	picks up alpha from ib, adds it to T, then pushes <result> and
;	  <result+1>
;	entry at 'Dpusha' substitutes L for ib.
;	returns to 'nextA' <=> ib = 0  or entry at 'Dpush'
!4,1,Dpushx;							shakes IR←2000 dispatch

Dpush:		L←T←ib+T+1;
		IR←0, :Dpushb;
Dpusha:		L←T←M+T+1;
		IR←ib, :Dpushb;
Dpushb:		MAR←L←M-1;
		temp←L, T←0+1;
		L←stkp+T+1;					stkp←stkp+2
		MAR←temp+1, :DpA;

DpA:		IR←0, :Dpushc;					(IR← causes no dispatch,
;								but subsequent mACSOURCE
;								will produce 0.)
DpB:		IR←2000, :Dpushc;				mACSOURCE will produce 1

Dpushc:		L←taskhole, :Dpushx;
Dpushx:		SINK←stkp, BUS;					dispatch on new stkp

dpush:		T←MD, :dpush;

dpush1:		stk0←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push1;		stack cells are S-registers,
dpush2:		stk1←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push2;		so mACSOURCE does not affect
dpush3:		stk2←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push3;		addressing.
dpush4:		stk3←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push4;
dpush5:		stk4←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push5;
dpush6:		stk5←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push6;
dpush7:		stk6←L, L←T, TASK, mACSOURCE, :push7;
dpushof1:	T←sStackOverflow, :KFCr;
dpushof2:	T←sStackOverflow, :KFCr;
; TOS+T dispatch:
;	adds TOS to T, then initiates memory operation on result.
;	used as both dispatch table and subroutine - fall-through to 'pushMD'.
;	dispatches on old stkp, so MAStkT0 = 1 mod 20B.


MAStkT0:	MAR←stk0+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT1:	MAR←stk1+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT2:	MAR←stk2+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT3:	MAR←stk3+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT4:	MAR←stk4+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT5:	MAR←stk5+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT6:	MAR←stk6+T, :pushMD;
MAStkT7:	MAR←stk7+T, :pushMD;

; Common exit used to reset the stack pointer
;	the instruction that branches here should have a 'TASK'
;	Setstkp must be odd, StkOflw used by PUSH

Setstkp:	stkp←L, :next;					branch (1) may be pending

StkOflw:	:dpushof1;					honor TASK, dpushof1 is odd

; Stack Underflow Handling

StkUf:		T←sStackUnderflow, :KFCr;			catches dispatch of stkp = -1
; Store dispatch:
;	pops TOS to MD.
;	called from many places.
;	dispatches on old stkp, so MDpop0 = 1 mod 20B.
;	The invoking instruction must load MAR and may optionally keep ball 1
;	  in the air by having a branch pending.  That is, entry at 'StoreB' will
;	  cause control to pass to 'next', while entry at 'StoreA' will cause
;	  control to pass to 'nextA'.


StoreB:		L←stkp-1, BUS;
StoreBa:	stkp←L, TASK, :MDpopuf;
StoreA:		L←stkp-1, BUS;
		stkp←L, BUS=0, TASK, :MDpopuf;			keep branch (1) alive

MDpop0:		MD←stk0, :next;
MDpop1:		MD←stk1, :next;
MDpop2:		MD←stk2, :next;
MDpop3:		MD←stk3, :next;
MDpop4:		MD←stk4, :next;
MDpop5:		MD←stk5, :next;
MDpop6:		MD←stk6, :next;
MDpop7:		MD←stk7, :next;

; Double-word pop dispatch:
;	picks up alpha from ib, adds it to T, then pops stack into result and
;	  result+1
;	entry at 'Dpopa' substitutes L for ib.
;	returns to 'nextA' <=> ib = 0  or entry at 'Dpop'

!1,1,Dpopb;							required by placement of
;								MDpopuf only.

Dpop:		L←T←ib+T+1;
MDpopuf:	IR←0, :Dpopb;					Note: MDpopuf is merely a
;								convenient label which leads
;								to a BUS dispatch on stkp in
;								the case that stkp is -1.  It
;								is used by the Store dispatch
;								above.
Dpopa:		L←T←M+T+1;
		IR←ib, :Dpopb;
Dpopb:		MAR←T, temp←L;
dpopuf2:	L←stkp-1, BUS;
		stkp←L, TASK, :dpopuf2;

dpopuf1:	:StkUf;						stack underflow, honor TASK
dpop1:		MD←stk1, :Dpopx;
dpop2:		MD←stk2, :Dpopx;
dpop3:		MD←stk3, :Dpopx;
dpop4:		MD←stk4, :Dpopx;
dpop5:		MD←stk5, :Dpopx;
dpop6:		MD←stk6, :Dpopx;
dpop7:		MD←stk7, :Dpopx;

Dpopx:		SINK←DISP, BUS=0;
MAStkT:		MAR←temp-1, :StoreB;
; Get operation-specific code from other files
