module to handle markers in voice, of two types
i) a special character which the user can place at a selection and remove using button-pushes
ii) annotation of voice with text [if I get round to it]
Ades, May 1, 1986 10:39:24 am PDT
Convert USING [RopeFromInt, IntFromRope],
ImagerFont USING [Find, Font, Width],
Menus USING [MenuProc],
MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink],
Real USING [Fix],
Rope USING [ROPE, Length, Substr, Concat, Fetch, Cat, Find],
SoundList USING [SoundChars],
TextEdit USING [PutCharProp],
TextNode USING [Ref],
TiogaButtons USING [TextNodeRef],
TiogaOps USING [GetSelection, FirstChild, ViewerDoc, CallWithLocks],
TiogaOpsDefs USING [Location, Ref],
ViewerClasses USING [Viewer],
ViewerOps USING [FetchProp, PaintViewer],
VoicePlayBack USING [RedrawViewer],
VoiceViewers USING [VoiceViewerInfo, GetVoiceLock, SetVoiceViewerEditStatus, TextMarkEntry, TextMarkRec, SoundInterval, soundRopeCharLength],
VoiceMarkersImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, ImagerFont, MessageWindow, Real, Rope, SoundList, TextEdit, TiogaButtons, TiogaOps, ViewerOps, VoicePlayBack, VoiceViewers, VoiceMarkers EXPORTS VoiceMarkers = BEGIN
at present, when selections are used to delete/add markers, selections do not change - fix!
[char marks manually before calling VoicePlayback.Redraw, text marks manually]
---- routines to do with character markers: these are transitory and do not form part of the contents of the viewer
AddCharMark: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
adds marks to the selected voice viewer at each end of the selection if pending delete, otherwise at the position of the caret
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
start, end: TiogaOpsDefs.Location;
pendingDelete, caretBefore: BOOLEAN;
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo;
[viewer: viewer, start: start, end: end, pendingDelete: pendingDelete, caretBefore: caretBefore] ←
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF viewerInfo = NIL
{ MessageWindow.Append["Make a selection in a voice viewer first", TRUE];
IF VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN
IF ~ (start.node = end.node AND start.node = TiogaOps.FirstChild[TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[viewer]]) THEN ERROR;
IF pendingDelete OR caretBefore THEN MarkChar[viewerInfo, start.where];
IF pendingDelete OR ~caretBefore THEN MarkChar[viewerInfo, end.where];
{ trueContents: Rope.ROPE ← SoundList.SoundChars[viewerInfo].soundRope;
[] ← VoicePlayBack.RedrawViewer[viewer, trueContents, 0, 0, 0, viewerInfo.remnant, FALSE, unAltered];
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE
MarkChar: PROC [viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo, position: INT] = {
restOfList: LIST OF INT;
IF viewerInfo.charMarkList = NIL THEN viewerInfo.charMarkList ← CONS [position, NIL]
{ IF viewerInfo.charMarkList.first >= position THEN
{ IF viewerInfo.charMarkList.first > position THEN viewerInfo.charMarkList ← CONS [position, viewerInfo.charMarkList] }
FOR restOfList ← viewerInfo.charMarkList, restOfList.rest WHILE restOfList.rest # NIL DO IF restOfList.rest.first >= position THEN
IF restOfList.rest.first > position THEN restOfList.rest ← CONS [position, restOfList.rest];
restOfList.rest ← CONS [position, NIL]
LockedAddCharMark: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, position: INT] = {
called when a viewer is known to be a voice viewer with at least position+1 characters in it: the caller should aready hold the VoiceLock
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF viewerInfo = NIL THEN ERROR;
MarkChar[viewerInfo, position];
{ trueContents: Rope.ROPE ← SoundList.SoundChars[viewerInfo].soundRope;
[] ← VoicePlayBack.RedrawViewer[viewer, trueContents, 0, 0, 0, viewerInfo.remnant, FALSE, unAltered];
DeleteCharMarks: PUBLIC Menus.MenuProc = {
viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
start, end: TiogaOpsDefs.Location;
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo;
RemoveMarkChars: PROC [from, to: INT] = {
WHILE viewerInfo.charMarkList # NIL AND viewerInfo.charMarkList.first IN [from..to] DO viewerInfo.charMarkList ← viewerInfo.charMarkList.rest ENDLOOP;
IF viewerInfo.charMarkList # NIL THEN FOR l: LIST OF INT ← viewerInfo.charMarkList, l.rest WHILE l # NIL AND l.rest # NIL DO IF l.rest.first IN [from..to] THEN l.rest ← l.rest.rest ENDLOOP -- the dual WHILE condition is because we can delete the next entry and it could be the last
IF mouseButton = blue THEN -- right click means delete all marks in the viewer
{ viewer ← NARROW[parent, ViewerClasses.Viewer];
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN
{ viewerInfo.charMarkList ← NIL;
{ trueContents: Rope.ROPE ← SoundList.SoundChars[viewerInfo].soundRope;
[] ← VoicePlayBack.RedrawViewer[viewer, trueContents, 0, 0, 0, viewerInfo.remnant, FALSE, unAltered];
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE
ELSE -- both other clicks mean delete all marks from selection
{ [viewer: viewer, start: start, end: end] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF viewerInfo = NIL
{ MessageWindow.Append["Make a selection in a voice viewer first", TRUE];
IF VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN
IF ~ (start.node = end.node AND start.node = TiogaOps.FirstChild[TiogaOps.ViewerDoc[viewer]]) THEN ERROR;
RemoveMarkChars[start.where, end.where];
{ trueContents: Rope.ROPE ← SoundList.SoundChars[viewerInfo].soundRope;
[] ← VoicePlayBack.RedrawViewer[viewer, trueContents, 0, 0, 0, viewerInfo.remnant, FALSE, unAltered];
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE

DisplayCharMarks: PUBLIC PROC [unMarkedRope: Rope.ROPE, charMarkList: LIST OF INT, skipChars: INT] RETURNS [markedRope: Rope.ROPE] = {
this gets called by SoundList.SoundChars, which has been called to build the viewer contents corresponding to some soundlist, the first skipChars omitted: takes that rope and replaces normal characters with marker characters as appropriate
endChar: INT ← unMarkedRope.Length - 1;
lastMark: INT ← -1;
nextMark: INT;
markedRope ← NIL;
WHILE charMarkList # NIL AND charMarkList.first < skipChars DO charMarkList ← charMarkList.rest ENDLOOP;
nextMark ← IF charMarkList = NIL THEN endChar + 1 ELSE charMarkList.first - skipChars;
markedRope ← markedRope.Concat[unMarkedRope.Substr[lastMark+1, nextMark-lastMark-1]];
IF nextMark = endChar + 1 THEN RETURN;
markedRope ← markedRope.Concat["@"]; -- the marker character
lastMark ← nextMark;
charMarkList ← charMarkList.rest
ExtractCharMarks: PUBLIC PROC [viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo, soundInterval: VoiceViewers.SoundInterval] = {
return as selection.charMarkList a copy [n.b.] of the section of the character mark list in viewerInfo falling in to the region of selection.ropeInterval
currLastInList: LIST OF INT;
soughtStart: INT ← soundInterval.ropeInterval.start/VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength;
soughtEnd: INT ← (soundInterval.ropeInterval.start + soundInterval.ropeInterval.length)/VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength;
soundInterval.charMarkList ← NIL; -- should be already so, but . . .
FOR l: LIST OF INT ← viewerInfo.charMarkList, l.rest WHILE l # NIL AND l.first < soughtEnd DO
IF l.first >= soughtStart THEN
{ IF soundInterval.charMarkList = NIL
{ soundInterval.charMarkList ← CONS [l.first - soughtStart, NIL];
currLastInList ← soundInterval.charMarkList;
{ currLastInList.rest ← CONS [l.first - soughtStart, NIL];
currLastInList ← currLastInList.rest
EditCharMarks: PUBLIC PROC [viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo, unchangedHead, deleteChars, insertChars: INT, soundInterval: VoiceViewers.SoundInterval] = {
this gets called when an edit is made to the contents of the viewer: it keeps the charMarkList in step with the edit
it is not a very efficient implementation - better ones are an exercise for the reader
WHILE atHead AND viewerInfo.charMarkList # NIL DO
SELECT viewerInfo.charMarkList.first FROM
>= unchangedHead+deleteChars => {viewerInfo.charMarkList.first ← viewerInfo.charMarkList.first + insertChars - deleteChars; atHead ← FALSE};
>= unchangedHead => viewerInfo.charMarkList ← viewerInfo.charMarkList.rest;
ENDCASE => atHead ← FALSE;
IF viewerInfo.charMarkList # NIL THEN
{ l ← viewerInfo.charMarkList;
WHILE l # NIL AND l.rest # NIL DO --the dual WHILE condition is because we can delete the next entry and it could be the last
SELECT l.rest.first FROM
>= unchangedHead+deleteChars =>
{l.rest.first ← l.rest.first + insertChars - deleteChars;
l ← l.rest};
>= unchangedHead => l.rest ← l.rest.rest;
ENDCASE => l ← l.rest
IF soundInterval # NIL AND soundInterval.charMarkList # NIL
THEN -- now put the character marks from the soundInterval into the list at the appropriate point
beforeInsert, afterInsert: LIST OF INTNIL;
newSection, endNewSection: LIST OF INT;
IF viewerInfo.charMarkList # NIL THEN
{ IF viewerInfo.charMarkList.first >= unchangedHead
THEN afterInsert ← viewerInfo.charMarkList
{ l ← viewerInfo.charMarkList;
WHILE l.rest # NIL AND l.rest.first < unchangedHead DO l ← l.rest ENDLOOP;
beforeInsert ← l; afterInsert ← l.rest
{ insertMarks: LIST OF INT ← soundInterval.charMarkList.rest;
newSection ← CONS [soundInterval.charMarkList.first + unchangedHead, NIL];
endNewSection ← newSection;
WHILE insertMarks # NIL DO
endNewSection.rest ← CONS [soundInterval.charMarkList.first + unchangedHead, NIL];
endNewSection ← endNewSection.rest;
insertMarks ← insertMarks.rest
endNewSection.rest ← afterInsert;
IF beforeInsert = NIL THEN viewerInfo.charMarkList ← newSection ELSE beforeInsert.rest ← newSection
---- routines to do with textual markers: these markers are really a part of the viewer contents. They are saved when the voice is saved and altering them makes the window status 'edited'
TextInput: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, input: Rope.ROPE] = {
node: TextNode.Ref;
textEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
AddArtwork: PROC [root: TiogaOpsDefs.Ref] = {
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $Artwork, NARROW["VoiceMarker", Rope.ROPE]]; -- the NARROW prevents a REF TEXT being created
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $VoiceMark, textEntry.text.Substr[0, textEntry.displayChars]];
selectionViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
start, end, char: TiogaOpsDefs.Location;
insertPosition: INT;
caretBefore: BOOLEAN;
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo;
charsAlreadyDisplayed: INT ← 0;
[viewer: selectionViewer, start: start, end: end, caretBefore: caretBefore] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF selectionViewer # viewer THEN ERROR;
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF ~VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN RETURN;
char ← IF caretBefore THEN start ELSE end;
node ← TiogaButtons.TextNodeRef[char.node];
insertPosition ← char.where;
IF viewerInfo.textMarkList = NIL OR viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position > insertPosition
{ textEntry ← NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← [insertPosition, input, 0, 0]];
viewerInfo.textMarkList ← CONS [textEntry, viewerInfo.textMarkList];
LimitText[textEntry, IF viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest.first.position - insertPosition];
redraw ← TRUE
{ IF viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position = insertPosition
{ textEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList.first;
charsAlreadyDisplayed ← textEntry.displayChars;
textEntry.text ← textEntry.text.Concat[input];
LimitText[textEntry, IF viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest.first.position - insertPosition];
IF textEntry.displayChars # charsAlreadyDisplayed
THEN {TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork]; redraw ← TRUE}
{ l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList;
WHILE l.rest # NIL AND l.rest.first.position < insertPosition DO l ← l.rest ENDLOOP;
IF l.rest = NIL OR l.rest.first.position > insertPosition
THEN -- insert a new entry: previous entry may need trimming
{ oldWidth: INT ← l.first.width;
textEntry ← l.first;
LimitText[textEntry, insertPosition - textEntry.position];
IF textEntry.width # oldWidth THEN {TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork]; redraw ← TRUE};
textEntry ← NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← [insertPosition, input, 0, 0]];
l.rest ← CONS [textEntry, l.rest]
ELSE -- appending text to an entry already there
{ textEntry ← l.rest.first;
textEntry.text ← textEntry.text.Concat[input];
charsAlreadyDisplayed ← textEntry.displayChars
l ← l.rest; -- point at the new/modified entry
LimitText[textEntry, IF l.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE l.rest.first.position - insertPosition];
IF textEntry.displayChars # charsAlreadyDisplayed
THEN {TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork]; redraw ← TRUE}
**** a Plass-bug: shouldn't be necessary and he says he'll have a look at it
IF redraw THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer, hint: client, clearClient: TRUE, whatChanged: NIL];
viewerInfo.edited ← TRUE;
IF ~redraw THEN VoiceViewers.SetVoiceViewerEditStatus[viewer]; -- not needed if the redraw was performed, as viewer's displayed status will be `edited' already
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE
LimitText: PROC [entry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry, maxLength: INT] = {
entry potentially contains the supplied entry.text: this may only extend over maxLength voice characters, so it may not be possible to display all of it. Set entry.displayChars appropriately and set entry.width to say how much space is taken up by the text actually on display
maxEscapement: REALREAL[maxLength]*VoiceMarkers.voiceCharWidth;
textLength: INT ← entry.text.Length;
currPos: INT ← 0;
currEscapement: REAL ← 0.0;
WHILE currPos < textLength DO
newEscapement: REAL ← currEscapement + ImagerFont.Width[VoiceMarkers.voiceMarkerFont, [VoiceMarkers.voiceCharSet, entry.text.Fetch[currPos]-'\000]].x;
IF newEscapement > maxEscapement THEN EXIT;
currPos ← currPos + 1;
currEscapement ← newEscapement
text limiting is currently accomplished by preserving all the text but only displaying that part which can be displayed: this means that when text obscuring other text is deleted the obscured text reappears for example. It could be arranged that the obscured text was actually eradicated: this would be done by inserting the following line and deleting the displayChars field of the TextMarkEntry and all the code that accesses it
IF currPos # textLength THEN entry.text ← entry.text.Substr[0, currPos];
entry.width ← Real.Fix[(currEscapement+VoiceMarkers.voiceCharWidth-1.0)/ VoiceMarkers.voiceCharWidth];
entry.displayChars ← currPos;
BackSpace: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = {
if there is a textual marker at the selection then remove its last character
node: TextNode.Ref;
textEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
AddArtwork: PROC [root: TiogaOpsDefs.Ref] = {
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $Artwork, NARROW["VoiceMarker", Rope.ROPE]]; -- the NARROW prevents a REF TEXT being created
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $VoiceMark, textEntry.text.Substr[0, textEntry.displayChars]];
selectionViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
start, end, char: TiogaOpsDefs.Location;
deletePosition, charsToNextPosition: INT;
caretBefore: BOOLEAN;
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo;
[viewer: selectionViewer, start: start, end: end, caretBefore: caretBefore] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF selectionViewer # viewer THEN ERROR;
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
IF ~VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN RETURN;
char ← IF caretBefore THEN start ELSE end;
node ← TiogaButtons.TextNodeRef[char.node];
deletePosition ← char.where;
textEntry ← NIL;
FOR l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO
IF l.first.position >= deletePosition THEN
{ IF l.first.position = deletePosition THEN
{ textEntry ← l.first;
charsToNextPosition ← IF l.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE l.rest.first.position - deletePosition
IF textEntry = NIL
THEN MessageWindow.Append["No textual annotation at point of selection", TRUE]
{ charsOnDisplay: INT ← textEntry.displayChars;
textEntry.text ← textEntry.text.Substr[0, textEntry.text.Length -1];
LimitText[textEntry, charsToNextPosition];
viewerInfo.edited ← TRUE;
IF charsOnDisplay # textEntry.displayChars
{ TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork];
**** a Plass-bug: shouldn't be necessary and he says he'll have a look at it
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer, hint: client, clearClient: TRUE, whatChanged: NIL]
ELSE VoiceViewers.SetVoiceViewerEditStatus[selectionViewer]
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE
BackWord: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer] = {
if there are textual markers within the selection then remove them completely - perhaps a rather odd interpretation of BackWord?
node: TextNode.Ref;
textEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
AddArtwork: PROC [root: TiogaOpsDefs.Ref] = {
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $Artwork, IF textEntry.text = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NARROW["VoiceMarker", Rope.ROPE]]; -- the NARROW prevents a REF TEXT being created
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $VoiceMark, IF textEntry.text = NIL THEN NIL ELSE textEntry.text.Substr[0, textEntry.displayChars]];
selectionViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
start, end: TiogaOpsDefs.Location;
textRemoved: BOOLEANFALSE;
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo;
[viewer: selectionViewer, start: start, end: end] ← TiogaOps.GetSelection[];
IF selectionViewer # viewer THEN ERROR;
IF start.node # end.node THEN ERROR;
viewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
node ← TiogaButtons.TextNodeRef[start.node];
IF ~VoiceViewers.GetVoiceLock[viewerInfo] THEN RETURN;
IF viewerInfo.textMarkList = NIL THEN
{ viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE;
IF viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position >= start.where
THEN -- any text to removed is at the head of the list
WHILE viewerInfo.textMarkList # NIL AND viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position <= end.where DO
textEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList.first;
textEntry.text ← NIL;
textRemoved ← TRUE;
viewerInfo.textMarkList ← viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest
{ l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList;
WHILE l.rest # NIL AND l.rest.first.position < start.where DO l ← l.rest ENDLOOP;
WHILE l.rest # NIL AND l.rest.first.position <= end.where DO
textEntry ← l.rest.first;
textEntry.text ← NIL;
textRemoved ← TRUE;
l.rest ← l.rest.rest
IF textRemoved THEN
{ currChars: INT;
textEntry ← l.first;
currChars ← textEntry.displayChars;
LimitText[textEntry, IF l.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE l.rest.first.position - textEntry.position];
IF currChars # textEntry.displayChars THEN TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork]
IF textRemoved THEN
{ viewerInfo.edited ← TRUE;
**** a Plass-bug: shouldn't be necessary and he says he'll have a look at it
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: viewer, hint: client, clearClient: TRUE, whatChanged: NIL]
viewerInfo.editInProgress ← FALSE
RedrawTextMarkers: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer, voiceCharNode: TiogaOpsDefs.Ref] = {
called by voicePlayBack's redraw procedure [under a voice lock] to place all the textual markers back in a voice viewer
AddArtwork: PROC [root: TiogaOpsDefs.Ref] = {
textEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← l.first;
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $Artwork, NARROW["VoiceMarker", Rope.ROPE]]; -- the NARROW prevents a REF TEXT being created
TextEdit.PutCharProp[node, textEntry.position, $VoiceMark, textEntry.text.Substr[0, textEntry.displayChars]];
node: TextNode.Ref ← TiogaButtons.TextNodeRef[voiceCharNode];
viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo ← NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $voiceViewerInfo], VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo];
l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
FOR l ← viewerInfo.textMarkList, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO TiogaOps.CallWithLocks[AddArtwork] ENDLOOP
ExtractTextMarks: PUBLIC PROC [viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo, soundInterval: VoiceViewers.SoundInterval] = {
return as selection.textMarkList a copy [n.b.] of the section of the textual mark list in viewerInfo falling in to the region of selection.ropeInterval
currLastInList: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
soughtStart: INT ← soundInterval.ropeInterval.start/VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength;
soughtEnd: INT ← (soundInterval.ropeInterval.start + soundInterval.ropeInterval.length)/VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength;
soundInterval.textMarkList ← NIL; -- should be already so, but . . .
FOR l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList, l.rest WHILE l # NIL AND l.first.position < soughtEnd DO
IF l.first.position >= soughtStart THEN
{ newEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← l.first^];
newEntry.position ← newEntry.position - soughtStart;
IF soundInterval.textMarkList = NIL
{ soundInterval.textMarkList ← CONS [newEntry, NIL];
currLastInList ← soundInterval.textMarkList;
{ currLastInList.rest ← CONS [newEntry, NIL];
currLastInList ← currLastInList.rest
EditTextMarks: PUBLIC PROC [viewerInfo: VoiceViewers.VoiceViewerInfo, unchangedHead, deleteChars, insertChars: INT, soundInterval: VoiceViewers.SoundInterval] = {
this gets called when an edit is made to the contents of the viewer: it keeps the textMarkList in step with the edit
it is not a very efficient implementation - better ones are an exercise for the reader
l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
first alter the old list to remove the text in the deleted area and move text after that area
WHILE atHead AND viewerInfo.textMarkList # NIL DO
SELECT viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position FROM
>= unchangedHead+deleteChars =>
{viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position ← viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position + insertChars - deleteChars; atHead ← FALSE};
>= unchangedHead => viewerInfo.textMarkList ← viewerInfo.textMarkList.rest;
ENDCASE => atHead ← FALSE;
IF viewerInfo.textMarkList # NIL THEN
{ l ← viewerInfo.textMarkList;
WHILE l # NIL AND l.rest # NIL DO --the dual WHILE condition is because we can delete the next entry and it could be the last
SELECT l.rest.first.position FROM
>= unchangedHead+deleteChars =>
{l.rest.first.position ← l.rest.first.position + insertChars - deleteChars;
l ← l.rest};
>= unchangedHead => l.rest ← l.rest.rest;
ENDCASE => l ← l.rest
IF soundInterval # NIL AND soundInterval.textMarkList # NIL
THEN -- now put the textual marks from the soundInterval into the list at the appropriate point
beforeInsert, afterInsert: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← NIL;
newSection, endNewSection: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
IF viewerInfo.textMarkList # NIL THEN
{ IF viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position >= unchangedHead
THEN afterInsert ← viewerInfo.textMarkList
{ l ← viewerInfo.textMarkList;
WHILE l.rest # NIL AND l.rest.first.position < unchangedHead DO l ← l.rest ENDLOOP;
beforeInsert ← l; afterInsert ← l.rest
{ insertMarks: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← soundInterval.textMarkList.rest;
newSection ← CONS [NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← soundInterval.textMarkList.first^], NIL];
newSection.first.position ← newSection.first.position + unchangedHead;
endNewSection ← newSection;
WHILE insertMarks # NIL DO
endNewSection.rest ← CONS [NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← soundInterval.textMarkList.first^], NIL];
endNewSection ← endNewSection.rest;
insertMarks ← insertMarks.rest;
endNewSection.first.position ← endNewSection.first.position + unchangedHead
endNewSection.rest ← afterInsert;
LimitText[endNewSection.first, IF endNewSection.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE endNewSection.rest.first.position - endNewSection.first.position];
IF beforeInsert = NIL
THEN viewerInfo.textMarkList ← newSection
{ beforeInsert.rest ← newSection;
LimitText[beforeInsert.first, newSection.first.position - beforeInsert.first.position]
ELSE -- no new entries to be inserted, but we must LimitText on the entry previous to the cut
{IF viewerInfo.textMarkList # NIL AND viewerInfo.textMarkList.first.position < unchangedHead THEN
{ beforeCut: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← viewerInfo.textMarkList;
WHILE beforeCut.rest # NIL AND beforeCut.rest.first.position < unchangedHead DO beforeCut ← beforeCut.rest ENDLOOP;
LimitText[beforeCut.first, IF beforeCut.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE beforeCut.rest.first.position - beforeCut.first.position]
RopeFromTextList: PUBLIC PROC [l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry] RETURNS [r: Rope.ROPENIL] = {
convert the list of text markers in a voice viewer into a rope suitable for saving in a textual document at the position of a talks bubble
textEntry: Rope.ROPE ← l.first.text;
positionInSamples: INT ← l.first.position*VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength;
r ← r.Cat[Convert.RopeFromInt[positionInSamples], ":", Convert.RopeFromInt[textEntry.Length], ":"];
r ← r.Concat[textEntry];
l ← l.rest
TextListFromRope: PUBLIC PROC [r: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [l: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← NIL] = {
and go the other way
endOfList: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry;
WHILE r.Length > 0 DO
nextColon: INT ← r.Find[":"];
newEntry: VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← NEW [VoiceViewers.TextMarkRec ← [Convert.IntFromRope[r.Substr[0, nextColon]]/VoiceViewers.soundRopeCharLength, NIL, 0, 0]];
textLength: INT;
r ← r.Substr[nextColon+1];
nextColon ← r.Find[":"];
textLength ← Convert.IntFromRope[r.Substr[0, nextColon]];
r ← r.Substr[nextColon+1];
newEntry.text ← r.Substr[0, textLength];
r ← r.Substr[textLength];
IF l = NIL
{ l ← CONS [newEntry, NIL];
endOfList ← l
{ endOfList.rest ← CONS [newEntry, NIL];
endOfList ← endOfList.rest
FOR list: LIST OF VoiceViewers.TextMarkEntry ← l, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO
LimitText[list.first, IF list.rest = NIL THEN LAST[INT] ELSE list.rest.first.position - list.first.position]
voiceMarkerFont: PUBLIC ImagerFont.Font ← ImagerFont.Find["xerox/tiogafonts/tioga10"];