DIRECTORY Atom USING [ DottedPairNode, GetPName ], Commander USING [ CommandProc, Register ], Convert USING [ CardFromRope ], IO, LarkPlay USING [ MergeToneSpecs, PlayString, ToneSpec, ToneSpecRec ], LarkSmartsMonitorImpl, MBQueue USING [ QueueClientAction ], NamesGV USING [ GVGetAttribute ], Nice, RefID USING [ ID, Reseal, Unseal ], RefTab USING [ Create, Fetch, Ref, Store ], Rope USING [ Concat, ROPE ], ThNet USING [ pd ], ThParty USING [ Advance, ConversationInfo, DescribeParty, GetConversationInfo, GetKeyTable, GetPartyInfo, PartyInfo ], ThPartyPrivate USING [ GetCurrentParty ], Thrush USING [ ConvEvent, ConversationID, PartyID, PartyType, NB, notReallyInConv, nullConvID, nullID, Reason, ROPE, SHHH, SmartsID, StateID, StateInConv ], ThSmartsPrivate USING [ ConvDesc, ConvDescBody, ConvRequest, ConvRequestBody, EnterLarkState, LarkState, OpenConversations, ParseState, SmartsInfo ], ThSmartsRpcControl, Triples USING [ Select ], TU, VoiceUtils USING [ MakeAtom, ProblemFR, Report, ReportFR ] ; LarkSmartsSupImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS root IMPORTS Atom, Commander, Convert, IO, LarkPlay, root: LarkSmartsMonitorImpl, MBQueue, NamesGV, Nice, RefID, RefTab, Rope, ThNet, ThParty, ThPartyPrivate, ThSmartsPrivate, Triples, TU, VoiceUtils EXPORTS ThSmartsPrivate SHARES LarkSmartsMonitorImpl = { OPEN IO; ConversationID: TYPE = Thrush.ConversationID; nullConvID: ConversationID=Thrush.nullConvID; ConvDesc: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.ConvDesc; ConvEvent: TYPE = Thrush.ConvEvent; Reseal: PROC[r: REF] RETURNS[RefID.ID] = INLINE {RETURN[RefID.Reseal[r]]; }; NB: TYPE = Thrush.NB; OpenConversations: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.OpenConversations; PartyID: TYPE = Thrush.PartyID; nullID: RefID.ID = Thrush.nullID; ROPE: TYPE = Thrush.ROPE; SmartsID: TYPE = Thrush.SmartsID; SmartsInfo: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.SmartsInfo; StateInConv: TYPE = Thrush.StateInConv; LORA: TYPE = LIST OF REF ANY; PD: TYPE = RECORD [ timeoutNoAction: INTEGER _ 5, doReports: BOOL_FALSE, larkRegistry: ROPE _ ".lark", doNice: BOOL_FALSE ]; pd: REF PD _ NEW[PD_[]]; LarkProgress: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ interface: ThSmartsRpcControl.InterfaceRecord, shh: Thrush.SHHH, convEvent: Thrush.ConvEvent ] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; -- RestoreInvariant; info: SmartsInfo = GetSmartsInfo[smartsID: convEvent.self.smartsID]; IF info=NIL THEN { Report["No info at Progress", NIL]; RETURN; }; info.requests.QueueClientAction[QdLarkProgress, convEvent]; }; LarkSubstitution: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ interface: ThSmartsRpcControl.InterfaceRecord, shh: Thrush.SHHH, convEvent: Thrush.ConvEvent, oldPartyID: Thrush.PartyID, newPartyID: Thrush.PartyID ] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; -- RestoreInvariant; info: SmartsInfo = GetSmartsInfo[smartsID: convEvent.self.smartsID]; IF info=NIL THEN { Report["No info at Substitution", NIL]; RETURN; }; info.requests.QueueClientAction[QdSubstitution, convEvent]; }; QdLarkProgress: ENTRY PROC[r: REF] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; -- RestoreInvariant; convEvent: Thrush.ConvEvent = NARROW[r]; info: SmartsInfo = GetSmartsInfo[smartsID: convEvent.self.smartsID]; cDesc: ConvDesc; convID: ConversationID = convEvent.self.convID; whatNeedsDoing: WhatNeedsDoing; IF info=NIL THEN { Report["Smarts Info Missing at Progress", NIL]; RETURN; }; cDesc _ GetConv[ info, convID, TRUE ]; IF convEvent.self.partyID = convEvent.other.partyID THEN { -- own state changed NoteNewState[cDesc, convEvent]; SELECT info.currentConvID FROM convID, nullConvID => NULL; ENDCASE => DoRejectCall[cDesc, convEvent]; RETURN; }; IF convID#info.currentConvID THEN { Report["Strange progress report",]; ForgetConv[cDesc]; RETURN; }; whatNeedsDoing _ whatNeedsDoingIf[cDesc.situation.self.state][convEvent.other.state]; SELECT whatNeedsDoing FROM $noop, $ntiy => NULL; -- No action is needed, or we don't know what one to take. $imp => ERROR; -- This is supposed to be impossible! $xrep => Report["Didn't expect state change report", info]; $frgt => ForgetConv[cDesc]; $invl => { Report["Invalid state transition", info]; []_ChangeState[cDesc: cDesc, state: $failed, reason: $error, comment: "System Error: Invalid state transition"]; }; $idle => { nb2: NB; reason: Thrush.Reason; cInfo: ThParty.ConversationInfo; [nb2, cInfo] _ ThParty.GetConversationInfo[convID: convEvent.self.convID]; reason _ IF nb2 # $success THEN $error ELSE convEvent.reason; IF nb2 # $success OR (cInfo.numParties-cInfo.numIdle) <= 1 THEN []_ChangeState[cDesc, IF reason=$terminating THEN $idle ELSE $failed, reason]; }; $rback => []_ChangeState[cDesc, $ringback]; -- Provide ring-back signal $actv => []_ChangeState[cDesc, $active]; -- Go active $reac => NULL; -- Will be used to reactivate when somebody else leaves inactive $deac => NULL; -- Will be used to deactivate when everybody else leaves active; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; QdSubstitution: ENTRY PROC [r: REF] ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; -- RestoreInvariant; convEvent: Thrush.ConvEvent = NARROW[r]; info: SmartsInfo = GetSmartsInfo[smartsID: convEvent.self.smartsID]; cDesc: ConvDesc; IF info=NIL THEN { Report["Smarts Info Missing at Substitution", NIL]; RETURN; }; cDesc _ GetConv[ info, convEvent.self.convID, FALSE ]; IF cDesc=NIL THEN RETURN; NoteNewState[cDesc, convEvent]; }; QdNotification: ENTRY PROC [r: REF] ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; -- RestoreInvariant; cDesc: ConvDesc = NARROW[r]; { OPEN now: cDesc.situation.self; IF now.state # $notified THEN RETURN; -- Nothing to do any more?? []_ChangeState[cDesc, IF VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[DBInfo[now.partyID, $autoanswer].value] = $true THEN $active ELSE $ringing]; }; }; DoAdvance: INTERNAL PROC[convRequest: ThSmartsPrivate.ConvRequest] RETURNS [nb: NB] = { cDesc: ConvDesc = convRequest.cDesc; DO -- for possible stateMismatch loop OPEN now: cDesc.situation.self, desired: convRequest.desiredSituation.self; convEvent: Thrush.ConvEvent; IF now.state=$idle OR now.state = desired.state THEN RETURN; [nb, convEvent] _ ThParty.Advance[ credentials: now, state: desired.state, reason: convRequest.desiredSituation.reason, comment: convRequest.desiredSituation.comment, reportToAll: shouldReportToAll[desired.state] ]; SELECT nb FROM $success =>[cDesc, convEvent]; $stateMismatch => {[cDesc, convEvent]; IF desired.state = $idle THEN LOOP; }; $noSuchConv => Report["Conv doesn't exist at Advance",]; $partyAlreadyActive => NULL; -- Deal with $canActivate here some time ENDCASE => AssessDamage[nb, cDesc, convEvent]; EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; DoRejectCall: INTERNAL PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc, convEvent: ConvEvent] = { []_ChangeState[cDesc, $idle, $busy]; }; NoteNewState: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc, convEvent: ConvEvent] ~ { OPEN now: cDesc.situation.self; nb: NB; larkStateData: LORA _NIL; state: StateInConv _ convEvent.self.state; previousState: StateInConv = cDesc.situation.self.state; savedCurrentConvID: ConversationID; cDesc.situation _ convEvent^; IF state = previousState THEN RETURN; -- No conceivable value in acting. IF THEN _ cDesc.situation.self.convID; savedCurrentConvID _; -- ForgetConv might clear it. SELECT state FROM $notified => { -- Somebody else did the notifying. We have to respond.[QdNotification, cDesc]; }; $ringing, $ringback => larkStateData _ LIST[SetupRingTunes[cDesc]]; $idle, $neverWas => { ForgetConv[cDesc]; }; $active => { value: ROPE; dbAtom: ATOM; larkStateData _ LIST[ComputeConnection[cDesc]]; [, dbAtom, value] _ DBInfo[now.partyID, $audiosource]; larkStateData _ CONS[NEW[Atom.DottedPairNode_[$audioSource, VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[value]]], larkStateData]; --[[$audioSource,audioSource],...] value _ DBInfo[now.partyID, $transmitonly, dbAtom].value; larkStateData _ CONS[NEW[Atom.DottedPairNode_[$transmitOnly, VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[value]]], larkStateData]; }; ENDCASE; IF state > Thrush.notReallyInConv AND cDesc.keyTable=NIL THEN { [nb, cDesc.keyTable] _ ThParty.GetKeyTable[credentials: now]; IF nb # $success THEN cDesc.keyTable_NIL; }; IF state> Thrush.notReallyInConv AND AND cDesc.keyTable#NIL THEN larkStateData _ CONS[cDesc.keyTable, larkStateData]; IF now.convID = savedCurrentConvID THEN SetLarkState[cDesc, larkStateData]; }; AssessDamage: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [nb: NB, cDesc: ConvDesc, convEvent: ConvEvent] ~ { }; ChangeState: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[ cDesc: ConvDesc, state: StateInConv _ idle, reason: Thrush.Reason _ NIL, -- $wontSay comment: ROPE_NIL ] RETURNS [nb: NB] = { convRequest: ThSmartsPrivate.ConvRequest; IF cDesc = NIL THEN RETURN; convRequest _ NEW[ThSmartsPrivate.ConvRequestBody _ [cDesc: cDesc]]; convRequest.desiredSituation.self.state _ state; convRequest.desiredSituation.reason _ reason; convRequest.desiredSituation.comment _ comment; nb _ DoAdvance[convRequest]; }; GetConv: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[info: SmartsInfo, convID: ConversationID, createOK: BOOL_FALSE ] RETURNS [ cDesc: ConvDesc_NIL ] = --INLINE-- { FOR convs: OpenConversations _ info.conversations, WHILE convs#NIL DO IF convs.first.situation.self.convID = convID THEN RETURN[convs.first]; ENDLOOP; IF ~createOK THEN RETURN; cDesc _ NEW[ThSmartsPrivate.ConvDescBody_[]]; cDesc.situation.self _ [ convID: convID, smartsID: info.smartsID, partyID: ThPartyPrivate.GetCurrentParty[smartsID: info.smartsID].partyID ]; -- nb check? _ info; info.conversations _ CONS[cDesc, info.conversations]; IF pd.doReports THEN ReportFR[" ** NewConv %t %g\n", info, time[convID], TU.RefAddr[info] ]; }; ForgetConv: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc] = { info: SmartsInfo =; prev: OpenConversations_NIL; IF cDesc.situation.self.convID = info.currentConvID THEN info.currentConvID _ nullConvID; FOR convs: OpenConversations _ info.conversations, WHILE convs#NIL DO IF convs.first # cDesc THEN { prev_convs; LOOP; }; IF prev#NIL THEN _ ELSE info.conversations _; RETURN; ENDLOOP; }; ComputeConnection: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc] RETURNS [pInfo: ThParty.PartyInfo _ NIL] = { nb: NB; [nb, pInfo] _ ThParty.GetPartyInfo[credentials: cDesc.situation.self, nameReq: $none, allParties: TRUE]; IF nb # $success OR pInfo[0].partyID=0 THEN { Problem["No conversation info, or incomplete",]; pInfo_NIL; RETURN; }; -- This is really bad! }; GetSmartsInfo: PUBLIC PROC[smartsID: SmartsID] RETURNS [info: SmartsInfo_NIL] = { sd: REF _ RefID.Unseal[smartsID]; IF sd#NIL THEN RETURN[NARROW[Triples.Select[$SmartsData, sd, --info--]]]; }; DBInfo: PUBLIC PROC[partyID: Thrush.PartyID, attribute: ATOM_NIL, prevDbAtom: ATOM_NIL] RETURNS [dbRname: ROPE_NIL, dbAtom: ATOM_NIL, value: ROPE_NIL] = { nb: NB _ $success; rName: ROPE; dbAtom _ prevDbAtom; IF dbAtom#NIL THEN rName _ Atom.GetPName[dbAtom] ELSE IF partyID#nullID THEN [nb, rName] _ ThParty.DescribeParty[partyID: partyID, nameReq: $current]; IF nb # $success OR rName=NIL THEN RETURN; dbRname _ rName.Concat[pd.larkRegistry]; IF dbAtom=NIL THEN dbAtom _ VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[rName: rName, case: FALSE]; IF attribute#NIL THEN value _ NamesGV.GVGetAttribute[dbRname, attribute, NIL]; }; Problem: PROC[comment: ROPE, info: SmartsInfo] = { VoiceUtils.ProblemFR[Rope.Concat["LarkSmarts(%g): ", comment], $Smarts, info, TU.RefAddr[info]]; }; Report: PROC[what: ROPE, info: SmartsInfo] = { IF NOT pd.doReports THEN RETURN; VoiceUtils.Report[what, $Lark, info.larkInfo]; }; ReportFR: PROC[what: ROPE, info: SmartsInfo, a1, a2, a3: IO.Value_rope[NIL]] = { IF NOT pd.doReports THEN RETURN; VoiceUtils.ReportFR[what, $Lark, info.larkInfo, a1, a2, a3]; }; BeNice: PROC[r: REF, d: INT, info: SmartsInfo] = { IF NOT pd.doNice THEN RETURN; Nice.BeNice[r, d, $Lark, info.larkInfo]; }; ringTunes: RefTab.Ref_RefTab.Create[59]; ringTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec _ NIL; subduedRingTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec _ NIL; outsideRingTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec _ NIL; outsideRingTune: PUBLIC LarkPlay.ToneSpec _ NIL; outsideRingTuneRope: ROPE _ "@300;G%>G<%G%>G<%G%>G<%G%>G<%G%>*C"; ringTuneDelay: NAT _ 2400; -- ms. delay between tune starts. SetupRingTunes: PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc] RETURNS [toneSpec: LarkPlay.ToneSpec] = { OPEN self: cDesc.situation.self; partyID: Thrush.PartyID = self.partyID; dbName: ROPE = DBInfo[partyID].dbRname; otherPartyID: Thrush.PartyID_nullID; otherDbName: ROPE; otherTune: LarkPlay.ToneSpec_NIL; otherType: Thrush.PartyType; defaultSpec: LarkPlay.ToneSpec; -- outside or inside ringing nb: NB; pInfo: ThParty.PartyInfo; divisor: NAT _ 1; rope: ROPE; now: BasicTime.GMT = BasicTime.Now[]; expiration: BasicTime.GMT _ now; ringMode: ATOM; ringDo: ATOM; [nb, pInfo] _ ThParty.GetPartyInfo[credentials: [convID: self.convID, partyID: partyID], allParties: TRUE, nameReq: $none]; IF pInfo.numParties=2 THEN { otherPartyID _ pInfo[1].partyID; otherType _ pInfo[1].type; otherDbName_ DBInfo[otherPartyID].dbRname; }; IF ThNet.pd.ringsInvalid THEN MakeDefaultRingTunes[]; SELECT self.state FROM $ringback => { toneSpec _ GetRingTune[otherPartyID]; IF toneSpec=NIL THEN RETURN; toneSpec _ NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec _ toneSpec^]; toneSpec.volume _ ThNet.pd.tonesVolume+2; toneSpec.repeatIndefinitely _ TRUE; RETURN; }; $ringing => NULL; -- main case continues below ENDCASE => RETURN; -- what are we doing here anyhow? defaultSpec _ SELECT otherType FROM $trunk => outsideRingTone, ENDCASE => ringTone; rope _ NamesGV.GVGetAttribute[dbName, $expiration, NIL]; IF rope#NIL THEN expiration _ BasicTime.FromNSTime[Convert.CardFromRope[rope]]; rope _ NamesGV.GVGetAttribute[dbName, IF BasicTime.Period[from: now, to: expiration] > 0 THEN $timedringmode ELSE $ringmode, NIL]; ringMode _ IF rope=NIL THEN $r ELSE VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[rName: rope, case: FALSE]; SELECT ringMode FROM -- $o, $s, $r $o => RETURN[NIL]; $s => RETURN[subduedRingTone]; $r => NULL; -- largest case continues below ENDCASE => RETURN[defaultSpec]; -- unknown case; act vanilla rope _ NamesGV.GVGetAttribute[dbName, $dotune, NIL]; ringDo _ IF rope=NIL THEN $standard ELSE VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[rName: rope, case: FALSE]; SELECT ringDo FROM $false, $standard => RETURN[defaultSpec]; $both => { SELECT otherType FROM $individual, $telephone => { divisor _ 2; rope _ NamesGV.GVGetAttribute[otherDbName, $dotune, NIL]; ringDo _ IF rope=NIL THEN $standard ELSE VoiceUtils.MakeAtom[rName: rope, case: FALSE]; IF ringDo=$both THEN otherTune _ GetRingTune[otherPartyID]; }; $trunk => otherTune _ outsideRingTune; ENDCASE; }; $true, $tune => NULL; -- continue below ENDCASE => RETURN[defaultSpec]; toneSpec _ GetRingTune[partyID]; IF toneSpec=NIL THEN RETURN[defaultSpec]; IF otherTune#NIL THEN toneSpec _ LarkPlay.MergeToneSpecs[toneSpec, otherTune, divisor, ringTuneDelay]; }; GetRingTune: PROC[party: PartyID] RETURNS [ringTune: LarkPlay.ToneSpec_NIL] = { nameAtom: ATOM; name: ROPE; ringTuneRope: ROPE; IF party = nullID THEN RETURN; [name, nameAtom, ringTuneRope] _ DBInfo[party, $ringtune]; IF ringTuneRope=NIL THEN RETURN; ringTune _ NARROW[ringTunes.Fetch[nameAtom].val]; IF ringTune#NIL AND ringTune.asRope=ringTuneRope THEN RETURN; ringTune _ LarkPlay.PlayString[music: ringTuneRope, file: FALSE, volume: ThNet.pd.defaultRingVolume]; []_ringTunes.Store[nameAtom, ringTune] }; MakeDefaultRingTunes: PROC = { ringTone _ NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec _ [ repeatIndefinitely: TRUE, volume: ThNet.pd.defaultRingVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[ [f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 2000, off: 4000], [f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 2000, off: 4000]]]]]; outsideRingTone _ NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec _ [ repeatIndefinitely: TRUE, volume: ThNet.pd.defaultRingVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[ [f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 500, off: 500], [f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 500, off: 4500]]]]]; subduedRingTone _ NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec _ [ repeatIndefinitely: FALSE, volume: ThNet.pd.defaultRingVolume+ThNet.pd.subduedVolumeInterval, tones: LIST[LIST[[f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 500, off: 0]]] ]]; outsideRingTune _ LarkPlay.PlayString[outsideRingTuneRope, FALSE, ThNet.pd.defaultRingVolume]; ThNet.pd.ringsInvalid _ FALSE; }; larkStateForState: ARRAY StateInConv OF ThSmartsPrivate.LarkState _ [ silence, idle, errorTone, dialTone, silence, silence, silence, ringBack, ringing, silence, talking, silence ]; SetLarkState: INTERNAL PROC[cDesc: ConvDesc, data: LORA ] = { larkState: ThSmartsPrivate.LarkState _ larkStateForState[cDesc.situation.self.state]; SELECT larkState FROM $talking => { spec: ThParty.PartyInfo; FOR dL: LORA _ data, WHILE dL#NIL DO WITH dL.first SELECT FROM pI: ThParty.PartyInfo => spec _ pI; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; IF spec=NIL THEN ERROR; IF spec.numParties=2 AND spec[0] = spec[1] THEN larkState _; -- don't change }; $errorTone => larkState _ SELECT cDesc.situation.reason FROM $busy, $notImportantEnough => $busyTone, $absent, $noCircuits, $noParticular, $notFound, $error => $errorTone, ENDCASE => $errorTone; ENDCASE; ThSmartsPrivate.EnterLarkState[, larkState, data]; }; shouldReportToAll: ARRAY StateInConv OF BOOL = [ FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE ]; WhatNeedsDoing: TYPE = ATOM; -- { whatNeedsDoingIf: ARRAY StateInConv OF ARRAY StateInConv OF WhatNeedsDoing _ [ [ $imp, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt, $frgt], --neverWas [ $imp, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $ntiy ], -- idle [ $imp, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $noop, $ntiy ], -- failed [ $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp ], -- reserved [ $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp, $imp ], -- parsing [ $imp, $idle,$noop, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $xrep,$rback,$actv, $actv, $actv ], -- initiating [ $imp, $idle,$noop, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $noop, $noop, $ntiy, $noop, $ntiy ], -- notified [ $imp, $idle,$noop,$invl, $invl, $invl, $noop, $xrep, $noop, $ntiy, $actv, $ntiy ], -- ringback [ $imp, $idle,$noop, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $xrep, $noop, $ntiy, $noop, $ntiy ], -- ringing [ $imp, $idle,$noop, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $xrep, $noop, $ntiy, $noop, $ntiy ], -- canActivate [ $imp, $idle,$noop, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $xrep, $noop, $ntiy, $reac, $deac ], -- active [ $imp, $idle,$invl, $invl, $invl, $invl, $xrep, $xrep, $noop, $ntiy, $ntiy, $ntiy ] -- inactive (current ^) ]; ViewCmd: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { Nice.View[pd, "Lark PD"]; }; Commander.Register["VuLarkSmarts", ViewCmd, "Program Management variables for Lark Smarts"]; }. &˜LarkSmartsSupImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last modified by D. Swinehart, April 21, 1986 8:41:20 am PST Polle Zellweger (PTZ) August 27, 1985 9:07:50 pm PDT Definitions Party-invoked actions Some party has changed state in a conversation we know about. A poacher has substituted for a poachee, or the other way around. Update state so that if it's us, we know who we are. Queued procedures  via request or party->smarts report All have prefix "Qd" (queued request) Three cases: Another smarts initiated a state change for this party, and we're not receptive. (For now, when we don't know about that conversation and already in another) Another smarts initiated a change for this party, and we're receptive. (New conversation and we're idle or a conversation we're in already) Another party changed state in a conversation we know about. (new conversation and we're idle) or (this is the one we like) We have to reject this, since we're already dealing with another conv. We are (still) willing to seriously consider only one conversation at a time. Situation is that someone else reported a change of theirs concerning a conversation we've expressed no interest in. I don't believe this should happen. Someone else's state changed in a conv. we're interested in; see if it means anything to us! We don't expect reports of state changes like $notified and $ringback to be reported to us unless it's us. We were told something about a conversation we didn't particularly care to know about. Forget it. We don't know a valid interpretation of this transition on someone else's part when we're in the state we're in. If everybody else is gone, go too. I'm sure I've got the dial-tone stuff messed up. Poacher has substituted for Poachee or vice/versa. No conversation state has changed, so just update our notion of our state and quit. We have been invited to join a conversation, and we were not otherwise occupied. Decide how to deal with it. r is the updated cDesc The only question is whether to ring or to accept right away. Action procedures: change state, queue up interval request, and so on. All have prefix "Do" More comfortable if this were a complete check for reasonable transitions. For now, if the initial request wasn't a transition to $idle and we got a state mismatch, we've given up, assuming that what our other smarts did was as reasonable as what we wanted to do. Later queued actions, and later actions in LarkSmartsImpl (synchronous with user actions) will have to detect any anomalies and deal with them.  We and some other smarts acting on our behalf requested something at the same time. The other one won. If we were trying to hang up, we must persist. Otherwise, assume the winner was right. Unusual, but possible if idle report took a real long time to get here. Update procedures: record state changes, take local actions based on what they are, and so on. All Update procedures have prefix "Note". These procedures should never result directly in another ThParty request, to avoid uncontrolled recursions. (It might be necessary for them to queue another -- thinking particularly of the "going idle" case.) cDesc hasn't been updated with convEvent, yet, so comparisons of previous and current state are possible here if desirable. This is the only time a change in our own state has to be reacted to? Could possibly do the ChangeState here, but feel more comfortable queueing it. If off-hook or speakerphone on, schedule a new dial-tone? I'm sure there's not enough info around to know why the other party quit, at this time. Earliest opportunity to get keys The test prevents changes in lark state for a conversation that we're participating in but don't have the voice terminal connected to. nb # $success after a call to ThParty. It was also not one of the failures that one expects in normal discourse. Decide how bad it is. SELECT nb FROM Connection Management Utilities Just remove its cDesc from info.conversations; also clear info.currentConvID if it's us. Socket assignment: Each transmitting host gets an assigned socket (ThParty makes them) and ThParty.GetConversationInfo returns a list of them (self first). One transmits voice to a socket comprised of the other host's address combined with one's OWN socket number. In a conference, the other host is the multicast host. One listens to some number of sockets, comprised of the other host's (or multicast) address, and their own socket numbers. This makes the multicast case consistent. A ConnectionSpec, when sent to the lark, includes: buffer: {in1, in2, out1, out2, out3}. A buffer to which analog-to-ethernet (ini, corresponding to txi) or ethernet-to-analog (outj, corresponding to rxj) samples for this connection will be queued. When running the standard program O3I1 (1 in, 3 out) only in1 can be used, and any ethernet-to-analog connection can be assigned to any of the outj buffers. This is the conference mode. When running O2I2 (2 in, 2 out), in1 and out1 are paired, as are in2 and out2; out3 is not used. This is the "simultaneous back door and front door call" mode. localSocket: for ini (txi) buffers, this is ignored by the Lark Pup code. For outj (rxj) buffers, this specifies the socket on which to listen -- see above. remoteSocket: ignored for outj (rxj) buffers. For in1 (tx1) buffers, specifies the socket to send to. This call now simply gets the PartyInfo from ThParty; LarkOutImpl produces the actual connection specs and sends them on to the lark. Other Utilities Ring Tune Stuff  but for GFI's, would move to another file. Doesn't handle conference situations: look for a party in ringing or ringBack state! We are being called. Figure out how to respond. If there's an expiration for a temporary ringing mode, and it hasn't expired yet, use it. If there isn't one or it has expired, use the permanent ringing mode. We're ringing. Figure out how to do it. This produces a second ring tune, compatible with the callee's; they will be played together. Returns the ring tune, if any, associated with the party. If the caller wants to change anything, it must copy the results, since GetRingTune doesn't. State Transition Tables neverWas, idle, failed, reserved, parsing, initiating, pending, maybe, ringing, canActivate, active, inActive If connection is to the back door on the same machine, Trunk smarts has already set state to trunkTalking, or is about to. Don't change it. See the discussion of sockets  they'll be equal only when sender and receiver is same host. We're disallowing conferences in this case. Should we report this transition to everyone, or just to our own smartses? never idle error reserved parsing init notified ringback ringing canAc active inactive Just codes to dispatch on in Supervisor; explained there $noop, $idle, $actv, $rback, $reac, $deac, $frgt, -- cases explained in code $invl, -- considered an invalid request $xrep, -- we got a report we feel we shouldn't have got $ntiy, -- not implemented yet $imp -- this situation should not arise even in the face of invalid requests }; If we're in the state identified by the row, and someone else in the conversation reports a transition onto the state identified by the column, what should we do? never idle failed resrv pars init notif rback ring canAc activ inact -- _ (other) (Clip this table to view without these comments.) This situation arises when we've forgotten about the conversation that somebody else is still reporting on. The actions of other parties are not of interest to us yet, since they're not in this conv. Ditto. They can either enter ringing to indicate interest, or go active without ringing We don't expect to hear from others while we're deciding whether to play They have earlier expressed interest noopringing), and are now joining the fray The only thing that interests us here is everybody else quitting. Debugging nonsense Swinehart, May 15, 1985 11:05:22 am PDT Cedar 6.0, add Prose stuff as direct copy of Interval stuff. changes to: IntervalSpecs, ProseSpec, ProseSpecs, LarkState, LarkProgress, LarkSupervise, EnqueueProses Swinehart, May 22, 1985 12:15:11 pm PDT hotLine => autoAnswer changes to: LarkSupervise Swinehart, July 2, 1985 10:09:14 am PDT Fixing up trunkTalking stuff changes to: LarkSupervise, LarkStateForState Polle Zellweger (PTZ) July 11, 1985 6:15:01 pm PDT changes to: DIRECTORY, EnqueueProses, ReportProseDone, LarkSupervise Polle Zellweger (PTZ) July 16, 1985 9:42:51 pm PDT changes to: LarkProgress, LarkSupervise, ReportProseDone Polle Zellweger (PTZ) July 30, 1985 4:41:39 pm PDT Handle copying of newProses correctly - give Lark its own copy. changes to: LarkSupervise Swinehart, August 6, 1985 2:26:39 pm PDT Merge PTZ ProseSpec changes changes to: DIRECTORY, LarkProgress, LarkSupervise, EnqueueProses Polle Zellweger (PTZ) August 14, 1985 6:12:13 pm PDT Prose flushing, also fix undesired speakerphone hangup for intervals, proseSpecs. changes to: LarkProgress, LarkSupervise Polle Zellweger (PTZ) August 22, 1985 2:04:45 pm PDT changes to: LarkProgress -- comment out some optimizing queue flushing Swinehart, October 28, 1985 9:58:08 am PST Handle => ID, H => Reseal, Log => VoiceUtils changes to: DIRECTORY, LarkSmartsSupImpl, ConversationID, Reseal, IntervalSpec, NB, nullID, PartyID, SmartsID, LarkProgress, LarkSupervise, GetConv, GetSmartsInfo Swinehart, November 9, 1985 5:03:39 pm PST Major revision: MBQueue replaces supervisor process. More responsibility for own state transitions, socket calculations, key maintenance, ... changes to: LarkProgress, NoteProgress, LarkSupervise, GetConv, larkStateForState, transForStates, ConvEvent, NoteProgress, RejectCall, NoteNewState, LarkSupervise, whatNeedsDoingIf, pairedState, WhatNeedsDoing, ] Κ˜šœ™Icodešœ Οmœ1™™>—šžœ#˜*JšœF™FK™M—Kšžœ˜K˜——šžœžœ˜#J™™J˜.Jšœ˜Jšžœ˜Jšœ˜—J˜Jšœ\™\KšœU˜Ušžœž˜Kšœžœ :˜PKšœžœ %˜4šœ;˜;K™j—˜K™b—šœ ˜ K™pKšœ)˜)šœ,˜,KšœC˜C—Kšœ˜—šœ ˜ KšœV™VKšœžœ˜K˜Kšœ ˜ KšœJ˜JKšœ=˜=šžœžœ'ž˜?Kšœžœžœžœ˜N—K˜—Kšœ, ˜GKšœ)  ˜5Kšœ žœ B˜QKšœ žœ @œ ˜QKšžœžœ˜—J˜J˜—šŸœžœžœžœ˜'K™‡Kšžœžœžœ ˜.Kšœžœ˜(JšœD˜DJ˜Jš žœžœžœ1žœžœ˜QJšœ.žœ˜6Jšžœžœžœžœ˜J˜K˜J˜—šŸœžœžœžœ˜'K™…Kšžœžœžœ ˜.Kšœžœ˜˜Kšžœ˜K™=Kšžœžœžœ ˜Ašœ˜šžœEžœ˜SKšžœ ˜——K˜—K˜J˜——™FJ™J˜šŸ œžœžœ*˜BKšžœžœ˜K˜$Kšžœ "˜%KšžœG˜KK˜šžœžœžœžœ˜