-- Copyright (C) 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Stub file was translated on May 15, 1985 9:14:47 am PDT by Lupine of March 15, 1985 2:49:13 pm PST -- Source interface Lark came from file Lark.bcd, which was created on May 14, 1985 3:47:35 pm PDT with version stamp 255#223#21106310654 from source of May 14, 1985 3:42:49 pm PDT. -- The RPC stub modules for Lark are: -- LarkRpcControl.mesa; -- LarkRpcClientImpl.mesa; -- LarkRpcBinderImpl.mesa; -- LarkRpcServerImpl.mesa. -- The parameters for this translation are: -- Target language = Cedar -- Default parameter passing = VALUE -- Deallocate server heap arguments = TRUE -- Inline RpcServerImpl dispatcher stubs = TRUE -- Declare signals = TRUE -- Warn about short POINTER ("MDS") allocations = TRUE -- Maximum number of dynamic heap NEWs = 50, MDS NEWs = 50 -- Acceptable parameter protocols = VersionRange[1..1]. DIRECTORY DESFace, PupTypes, Rope, RPC, RPCPkt, Lark, RPCLupine USING [ImportHandle]; LarkRpcControl: DEFINITIONS SHARES Lark = BEGIN OPEN Lark, RpcPublic: RPC, RpcPrivate: RPCLupine; -- Public RPC types and constants. InterfaceName: TYPE = RpcPublic.InterfaceName; VersionRange: TYPE = RpcPublic.VersionRange; Principal: TYPE = RpcPublic.Principal; EncryptionKey: TYPE = RpcPublic.EncryptionKey; Zones: TYPE = RpcPublic.Zones; defaultInterfaceName: InterfaceName = RpcPublic.defaultInterfaceName; standardZones: Zones = RpcPublic.standardZones; -- Standard remote binding routines. ImportInterface: SAFE PROCEDURE [ interface: InterfaceRecord, interfaceName: InterfaceName _ defaultInterfaceName, parameterStorage: Zones _ standardZones ]; ExportInterface: SAFE PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: InterfaceName _ defaultInterfaceName, user: Principal, password: EncryptionKey, parameterStorage: Zones _ standardZones ]; UnexportInterface: SAFE PROCEDURE; -- Dynamic instantiation and binding. ImportNewInterface: SAFE PROCEDURE [ interfaceName: InterfaceName _ defaultInterfaceName, parameterStorage: Zones _ standardZones ] RETURNS [interfaceRecord: InterfaceRecord]; -- NewInterfaceRecord is necessary for Cedar clients who want to -- manufacture a private interface instance, because -- RpcBindingImpl has finalization on type InterfaceRecord. NewInterfaceRecord: SAFE PROCEDURE RETURNS [interfaceRecord: InterfaceRecord]; InterfaceRecord: TYPE = REF InterfaceRecordObject; InterfaceRecordObject: TYPE = RECORD [ myInterface: RpcPrivate.ImportHandle _ NIL, paramZones: RpcPublic.Zones _ RpcPublic.standardZones, clientStubReset: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, rName: ROPE], clientStubSpecifyTones: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, queueIt: BOOLEAN, tones: ToneSpec] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN], clientStubFeep: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, on: Milliseconds, off: Milliseconds, waveTable: CARDINAL, queueIt: BOOLEAN, notify: CommandEvent, events: CommandEvents] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN], clientStubCommands: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, events: CommandEvents], clientStubConnect: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, specs: ConnectionSpec], clientStubDisconnect: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, buffer: VoiceBuffer], clientStubPleaseRegister: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH], clientStubWhatIsStatus: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, which: CARDINAL] RETURNS [next: CARDINAL, events: StatusEvents], clientStubWhatAreConnections: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, which: CARDINAL] RETURNS [next: CARDINAL, specs: ConnectionSpec], clientStubWhatAreTones: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH] RETURNS [BOOLEAN], clientStubSetKeyTable: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, table: KeyTable], clientStubCommandString: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, device: Device, commands: Rope.ROPE], clientStubPleaseLogin: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH] RETURNS [will: BOOL], clientStubEchoSupression: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, echo: EchoParameters], clientStubSetHostNumber: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, host: Machine], bound: BOOL _ FALSE]; Reset: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, rName: ROPE] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubReset[interface, shh, rName]}; SpecifyTones: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, queueIt: BOOLEAN, tones: ToneSpec] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubSpecifyTones[interface, shh, queueIt, tones]}; Feep: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, on: Milliseconds, off: Milliseconds, waveTable: CARDINAL, queueIt: BOOLEAN, notify: CommandEvent, events: CommandEvents] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubFeep[interface, shh, on, off, waveTable, queueIt, notify, events]}; Commands: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, events: CommandEvents] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubCommands[interface, shh, events]}; Connect: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, specs: ConnectionSpec] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubConnect[interface, shh, specs]}; Disconnect: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, buffer: VoiceBuffer] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubDisconnect[interface, shh, buffer]}; PleaseRegister: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubPleaseRegister[interface, shh]}; WhatIsStatus: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, which: CARDINAL] RETURNS [next: CARDINAL, events: StatusEvents] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubWhatIsStatus[interface, shh, which]}; WhatAreConnections: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, which: CARDINAL] RETURNS [next: CARDINAL, specs: ConnectionSpec] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubWhatAreConnections[interface, shh, which]}; WhatAreTones: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubWhatAreTones[interface, shh]}; SetKeyTable: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, table: KeyTable] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubSetKeyTable[interface, shh, table]}; CommandString: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, device: Device, commands: Rope.ROPE] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubCommandString[interface, shh, device, commands]}; PleaseLogin: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH] RETURNS [will: BOOL] = CHECKED INLINE { RETURN interface.clientStubPleaseLogin[interface, shh]}; EchoSupression: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, echo: EchoParameters] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubEchoSupression[interface, shh, echo]}; SetHostNumber: SAFE PROCEDURE [interface: InterfaceRecord, shh: SHHH, host: Machine] = CHECKED INLINE { interface.clientStubSetHostNumber[interface, shh, host]}; -- Definitions for the stubs. LupineProtocolVersion: PUBLIC VersionRange = [first: 1, last: 1]; InterMdsCallsOnly: PUBLIC BOOLEAN = FALSE; ProcedureIndex: PRIVATE TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { LupineUnusedIndex (0), LupineLastIndex (3), Reset (4), SpecifyTones (5), Feep (6), Commands (7), Connect (8), Disconnect (9), PleaseRegister (10), WhatIsStatus (11), WhatAreConnections (12), WhatAreTones (13), SetKeyTable (14), CommandString (15), PleaseLogin (16), EchoSupression (17), SetHostNumber (18)}; SignalIndex: PRIVATE TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { LupineUnusedIndex (0), LupineLastIndex (3)}; END. -- LarkRpcControl.