treeRootName: ROPE,-- File name for Tree, FTree, and Data files: extensions determine which
wpTree: BTreeSimple.Tree, -- Tree: BTree to white pages, sorted by RName.
wpFile: FS.OpenFile, -- open handle for file backing wpTree
wpFeepTree: BTreeSimple.Tree, -- Tree: BTree to white pages, sorted by FeepName *.
wpFeepFile: FS.OpenFile, -- open handle for file backing wpFeepTree
wpDataVMFile: FS.OpenFile, -- File containing the actual white pages entries,
wpDataVM: BTreeVM.Handle, -- indexed by entries in both BTrees. Uses BTreeVM to
wpDataVMLen: INT𡤀, -- manage its pages
wpDataVMValid: BOOL←TRUE, -- not sure what the value of this is any more.
wpExtInt: RefTab.Ref, --Map from names in text-format input files to key ATOMs in tree
accessOptions: FS.AccessOptions←$read, -- $read, $create, $write
wpOpen: BOOL←FALSE -- TRUE when trees and all their files are ready for business.
* FeepName is the numeric string resulting from spelling out the RName on a DTMF pad:
"Q" is presumed to live between "P" and "R" on the "7" key.
"Z" is presumed to live after "Y" on the "9" key.
All punctuation, digits, non-alphabetic keys are mapped to "1".
name(1), rName(2), officeNumber(3), officeDDDNumber(4),
outsideNumber(5), officeAddress(6), officeLocation(7), organization(8),
homeAddress(9), frequency(10), mailSystem(11), primaryKey(12),