Last modified by D. Swinehart, January 13, 1985 12:57:56 pm PST
Actual hardware interface to Lark; includes process to keep tones going and eventually to deal with failure.
Last Edited by: Pier, May 10, 1984 1:30:18 pm PDT
Commander USING [ CommandProc, Register ],
Lark USING [ bStar, bThorp, ConnectionSpec, CommandEvent, CommandEvents, CommandEventSequence, Device, disabled, EchoParameters, EchoParameterRecord, enabled, endNum, Event, KeyTable, Milliseconds, o3i1, o2i2, o1i1, Passel, reset, SHHH, StatusEvent, Tone, ToneSpec, ToneSpecRec ],
LarkPlay USING [ ToneList, ToneSpec, ToneSpecRec ],
Log USING [ ProblemFR, Report, SLOG ],
Process USING [ Detach, EnableAborts, MsecToTicks, SetTimeout ],
Rope USING [ Fetch, Length, ROPE ],
RPC USING [ CallFailed ],
ThNet USING [ pd ],
ThPartyPrivate USING [ SmartsData ],
Thrush USING[ H, pERROR, ROPE, SHHH, SmartsHandle, ThHandle ],
ThSmartsPrivate USING [
ConvDesc, GetConvDesc, HookState, LarkInfo, LarkState, LarkStateSpec, LSwitches, LState, ProgressTones, SmartsInfo, TerminalType ],
TU USING [ RefAddr ]
LarkOutImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS info USING info: LarkInfo
Commander, IO, Log, Nice, Process, Rope, RPC, ThNet, Thrush, ThSmartsPrivate, TU
EXPORTS ThSmartsPrivate= {
ConvDesc: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.ConvDesc;
H: PROC[r: REF] RETURNS[Thrush.ThHandle] = INLINE {RETURN[Thrush.H[r]]; };
LarkInfo: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.LarkInfo;
LarkState: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.LarkState;
SmartsData: TYPE = ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData;
SmartsInfo: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.SmartsInfo;
SmartsHandle: TYPE = Thrush.SmartsHandle;
TerminalType: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.TerminalType;
firstTone: LarkState = FIRST[ThSmartsPrivate.ProgressTones];
bStar: Lark.Event = Lark.bStar;
bThorp: Lark.Event = Lark.bThorp;
enabled: Lark.Event = Lark.enabled;
endNum: Lark.Event = Lark.endNum;
disabled: Lark.Event = Lark.disabled;
reset: Lark.Event = Lark.reset;
larkRegistry: ROPE ← ".Lark";
waitForTelco: CARDINAL ← 500,
telcoMinOn: CARDINAL ← 60,
telcoMinOff: CARDINAL ← 60,
flashWaitTime: CARDINAL ← 800,
idleWaitTime: CARDINAL ← 20000, -- time for supervisor to wait for more events.
callTimeoutOK: BOOLFALSE, -- set to keep Thrush alive when debugging a Lark.
echoControl: BOOLTRUE,
tonesInvalid: BOOLTRUE,
tonesLast: BOOLTRUE -- sets up alternate lark setup situation in supervisor loop
<<Presently not used.>>
pd: REF PDNEW[PD←[]];
dialTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec ← NIL;
busyTone: LarkPlay. ToneSpec ← NIL;
errorTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec ← NIL;
ringbackTone: LarkPlay.ToneSpec ← NIL;
quenchSpec: Lark.ToneSpec ← NEW[Lark.ToneSpecRec ←[volume: 0, totalTime: 0, tones: LIST[[0,0,0,0]]]];
External Procedures
EnterLarkState: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ] = {
EnterLarkSt[info, newState, sInfo];
EnterLarkSt: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ]={
newSpec: LIST OF ThSmartsPrivate.LarkStateSpec = LIST[[newState, sInfo]];
trans: LSTrans ← lsTrans[info.larkState][newState];
oldState: LarkState = info.larkState;
cDesc: ConvDesc←NIL;
keyTable: Lark.KeyTable;
spec: Lark.ConnectionSpec;
echoAction: REFNIL;
toneSpec: LarkPlay.ToneSpec ← NIL;
IF pd.tonesInvalid THEN SetTones[];
Each select statement combines cases to execute a subset of the required actions efficiently.
nop => RETURN; -- Certifiably nothing at all to do, or inappropriate time to do it.
set => { info.larkState←newState; RETURN; };
X => { LarkProblem["%g: Invalid LarkState Transition", sInfo]; RETURN; };
rec => { info.larkState←recovering; LarkFailed[sInfo]; --RETURN--};
fai => {
info.larkState ← failed; LarkProblem["%g: Lark failure requested by server", sInfo];
info.larkProcess ← NIL;
NOTIFY info.stateChange; -- Be sure process notices failure and disappears.
IF sInfo#NIL THEN cDesc ← ThSmartsPrivate.GetConvDesc[sInfo];
IF cDesc.newKeys THEN keyTable ← cDesc.cState.keyTable;
IF cDesc.newSpec THEN spec ← cDesc.cState.spec;
When leaving talking state but not going idle, must explicitly take down Ethernet connection.
Does this ever happen?
SELECT tDisconn[trans] FROM
disconnect => {
Queue up request to eliminate connections.
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[ info, 'd ];
QueueLarkAction[info, aDisconnect, sInfo];
Select tone/tune specifications.
toneSpec ← SELECT trans FROM
dia, diu => dialTone, -- to handset receiver
rbk, rbu => IF info.ringTune#NIL THEN info.ringTune ELSE ringbackTone,
bzy, bzu => busyTone,
err, eru => errorTone,
rng, rgu => info.ringTune,
SELECT tDoTones[trans] FROM
doTones => {
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[ info, 'T ];
IF toneSpec#NIL THEN QueueLarkAction[info, toneSpec, sInfo];
stopTones => { IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[ info, 't ]; QueueLarkAction[info, aNoTones, sInfo]; };
Go offhook and enter speakerphone mode if noises need to be heard and phone isn't offhook
Go back onhook when idling from spkr (not sPkr) or monitor mode.
SELECT tHookState[trans] FROM
reset => SELECT info.hookState FROM
spkr, monitor => { info.hookState←onhook; info.terminalType←std; }; -- going totally idle
spkrTrans => IF info.hookState=onhook THEN {-- dialtone, direct connect or ringback, Hafra
info.hookState ← spkr; info.terminalType ← IF THEN radio ELSE spkr; };
ENDCASE; -- no state change cases.
IF info.terminalType#info.lastTerminalType THEN sw←TRUE;
SELECT tSwitch[trans] FROM
switch => sw←TRUE;
switchIfDiff => IF oldState<firstTone OR newState<firstTone THEN sw←TRUE;
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[info, 'M, rope[larkCommands[info.terminalType][newState]]];
echoAction ← QueueCommandSequence[info,
larkCommands[info.terminalType][newState], @info.lState, info.scratchEv, sInfo];
IF trans=fls THEN {
Process.Detach[FORK FlashWait[info, sInfo]];
info.larkState ← trunkTalking; -- never really enter fls state.
info.lastTerminalType ← info.terminalType;
sgl, sgn => {
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[info, 'F];
QueueLarkAction[info, RopeToDTMF[sInfo.phoneNumber], sInfo];
IF keyTable#NIL THEN SELECT tSetKey[trans] FROM
setKey => {
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[info, 'K];
QueueLarkAction[info, keyTable, sInfo];
sup, spn, tlk, frd, frn => {
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[info, 'C,
card[], card[]];
QueueLarkAction[info, spec, sInfo];
IF echoAction#NIL THEN {
IF ThNet.pd.debug THEN Deb[info, 'E];
QueueLarkAction[info, echoAction, sInfo];
IF info.newActions=NIL THEN RETURN;
LarkFailed: PUBLIC ERROR [sInfo: SmartsInfo] = CODE;
TonesDone: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC[info: LarkInfo, commandEvent: Lark.StatusEvent, sInfo: SmartsInfo ] = {
Deb[info, 'z];
QueueLarkAction[info, NEW[ATonesDoneType ← [commandEvent.event]], sInfo];
FlashWait: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[info: LarkInfo, sInfo: SmartsInfo ] = TRUSTED {
flashWait: CONDITION;
Process.SetTimeout[@flashWait, Process.MsecToTicks[pd.flashWaitTime]]; -- 600 ms or so.
Deb[info, 'w];
WAIT flashWait;
Deb[info, 'W];
IF info.larkState=trunkTalking THEN -- nothing has gone wrong
<<Alternative: leave it in state fls until now.>>
larkCommands[info.terminalType][info.larkState], @info.lState, info.scratchEv, sInfo];
Internal Procedures
LarkSupervisor: PROCEDURE[ info: LarkInfo, sInfo: SmartsInfo ] = {
In a loop, keep the state of the Lark up to date. Awakens itself whenever any pending
tone is otherwise likely to time out. Awakened by EnterLarkState whenever the state
of tones, switches, and the like might have to change.
sInfo is the SmartsInfo in use when the process was initiated. It's used to report errors, but bear in mind that it may or may not be the one in effect when a particular complaint occurs.
toneSpec: LarkPlay.ToneSpec←NIL;
nextToneList: LIST OF LarkPlay.ToneList ← NIL;
larkToneSpec: Lark.ToneSpec ←
NEW[Lark.ToneSpecRec ← [volume: 0, totalTime: 0, tones: NIL]];
req: REF;
FailE: ENTRY PROC[info: LarkInfo] = {Fail[info];};
Fail: INTERNAL PROC[info: LarkInfo] = {
IF info.larkState#recovering THEN info.larkState�iled; };
WaitForAction: ENTRY PROC[info: LarkInfo] RETURNS [ref: REFNIL] = TRUSTED {
elt: LIST OF REF ← info.newActions;
IF info.larkState=failed OR info.larkState=recovering THEN RETURN[NIL];
IF elt # NIL THEN {
info.newActions ←;
Process.SetTimeout[@info.stateChange, Process.MsecToTicks[pd.idleWaitTime]];
WAIT info.stateChange;
IF info.newActions = NIL THEN {
IF nextToneList#NIL THEN Fail[info]; -- Notification is late.
TRUSTED { Process.EnableAborts[@info.stateChange]; };
WHILE (req←WaitForAction[info])#NIL DO
-- Deal with communications failure.
RPC.CallFailed => IF pd.callTimeoutOK THEN RESUME ELSE {
LarkProblem["%g: Call Failed", sInfo]; GOTO Failed; };
LarkProblem["%g: LarkSupervisor aborted", sInfo]; GOTO Failed; };
DoTones: PROC[newTones: BOOL] = { -- Does one tone from current list of tones
larkToneSpec.volume ← toneSpec.volume;
info.expectedNotification ←
IF info.expectedNotification='z THEN 'a ELSE info.expectedNotification+1;
larkToneSpec.notification ← [tones, info.expectedNotification];
larkToneSpec.tones ← nextToneList.first;
[]←info.interface.SpecifyTones[shh: info.shh, queueIt: ~newTones, tones: larkToneSpec];
d: REF ADisconnectType => {
info.interface.Disconnect[ shh: info.shh, buffer: out1];
info.interface.Disconnect[ shh: info.shh, buffer: in1];
ts: LarkPlay.ToneSpec => {
nextToneList ← toneSpec.tones;
td: REF ATonesDoneType => IF toneSpec#NIL THEN {
IF td.event#info.expectedNotification THEN GOTO Failed;
IF nextToneList#NIL AND THEN
nextToneList ←
ELSE IF NOT toneSpec.repeatIndefinitely THEN { toneSpec←NIL; nextToneList←NIL }
ELSE nextToneList ← toneSpec.tones;
IF nextToneList#NIL THEN DoTones[FALSE];
a: REF ANoTonesType => {
quenchSpec.tones.first.on ← 0;
[]←info.interface.SpecifyTones[shh: info.shh, tones: quenchSpec, queueIt: FALSE];
echoParameters: Lark.EchoParameters =>
[]←info.interface.EchoSupression[shh: info.shh, echo: echoParameters];
commands: Lark.CommandEvents =>
IF commands#NIL THEN
IF commands[0].device=touchPad THEN {
quenchSpec.tones.first.on ← pd.waitForTelco;
[]←info.interface.SpecifyTones[shh: info.shh, tones: quenchSpec, queueIt: FALSE];
[]←info.interface.Feep[shh: info.shh, on: pd.telcoMinOn, off: pd.telcoMinOff, notify: [tones, 'F],
waveTable: ThNet.pd.feepVolume, queueIt: TRUE, events: commands];
ELSE info.interface.Commands[ info.shh, commands ];
keyTable: Lark.KeyTable => info.interface.SetKeyTable[shh: info.shh, table: keyTable];
spec: Lark.ConnectionSpec => {
spec.buffer ← out1;
info.interface.Connect[shh: info.shh, specs: spec ];
Connect output buffer
spec.buffer ← in1;
info.interface.Connect[shh: info.shh, specs: spec ];
REPEAT Failed => { FailE[info]; };
info.larkProcess ← NIL;
Queue is a FIFO list of REFs, with a lastAction pointer to aid in rapid enqueuing.
QueueLarkAction: INTERNAL PROC[info: LarkInfo, ref: REF, sInfo: SmartsInfo] = {
elt: LIST OF REF = LIST[ref];
lst: LIST OF REF = info.lastAction;
IF info.newActions=NIL THEN info.newActions ← elt ELSE IF lst=NIL THEN Thrush.pERROR ELSE ← elt;
info.lastAction ← elt;
IF info.larkProcess=NIL THEN TRUSTED {
Process.Detach[info.larkProcess ← FORK LarkSupervisor[ info, sInfo ]]; };
NOTIFY info.stateChange;
LarkProblem: PROC[remark: ROPE, sInfo: SmartsInfo] = {
Log.ProblemFR[remark, $Lark, sInfo.larkInfo, TU.RefAddr[sInfo]];
QueueCommandSequence: INTERNAL PROC[
info: LarkInfo, commands: ROPE,
lState: LONG POINTER TO LState, scratchEv: Lark.CommandEvents, sInfo: SmartsInfo]
eventIndex: INTEGER←-1;
c: CHAR;
i: NAT;
index: INTEGER;
event: Lark.Event;
events: Lark.CommandEvents ← scratchEv;
nextState: LState ← [echoStyle: '0];
len: NAT;
echoAction ← echosOff[lState.echoStyle];
IF commands=NIL THEN RETURN; -- status quo
len ← commands.Length[];
FOR i IN [0..len) DO
SELECT (c𡤌ommands.Fetch[i]) FROM 'J, 'j => IF ~pd.backDoorOH THEN LOOP; ENDCASE;
'Z => { lState.xbar←ALL[0]; lState.lSw ← ALL[Lark.enabled]; event ← Lark.reset; };
'X, 'x => {
row: NAT← Digit[commands.Fetch[i+1]];
outputs: PACKED ARRAY [0..8) OF BOOLEANLOOPHOLE[nextState.xbar[row]];
outputs[Digit[commands.Fetch[i+2]]] ← (c='X);
nextState.xbar[row] ← LOOPHOLE[outputs];
'E, 'e => {
nextState.echoStyle ← commands.Fetch[i←i+1];
echoAction ← echosOn[nextState.echoStyle];
'M, 'm => {
nextState.voiceMode ← SELECT commands.Fetch[i←i+1] FROM
'0 => Lark.o3i1,
'1 => Lark.o2i2,
'2 => Lark.o1i1,
IF c IN ['a..'z] THEN { event ← Lark.disabled; c𡤌-('a-'A); }
ELSE event ← Lark.enabled;
IF lStateForLetter[c]#none THEN nextState.lSw[lStateForLetter[c]] ← event;
IF nextState=lState^ THEN RETURN [NIL];
IF nextState.echoStyle=lState.echoStyle OR ~pd.echoControl THEN echoAction←NIL;
FOR iteration: NAT IN [0..1] DO -- 0: compute size; 1: fill in result sequence.
IF nextState.voiceMode#lState.voiceMode THEN
events[index←index+1] ← [voiceMode, nextState.voiceMode];
FOR i: LSwitches DECREASING IN LSwitches DO IF nextState.lSw[i]#lState.lSw[i] THEN
events[index←index+1] ← [lDevs[i], nextState.lSw[i]]; ENDLOOP;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..8) DO IF nextState.xbar[i]#lState.xbar[i] THEN {
outputs: PACKED ARRAY[0..8) OF BOOLEAN = LOOPHOLE[lState.xbar[i]];
nxtOutputs: PACKED ARRAY[0..8) OF BOOLEAN = LOOPHOLE[nextState.xbar[i]];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..8) DO IF outputs[j]#nxtOutputs[j] THEN
events[index←index+1] ← [
Lark.Device[LOOPHOLE[IF nxtOutputs[j] THEN 23 ELSE 22]],
LOOPHOLE[i*16+j] ];
IF index=-1 THEN { events←NIL; EXIT; };
IF iteration=0 THEN events ← NEW[Lark.CommandEventSequence[index+1]]; ENDLOOP;
QueueLarkAction[info, events, sInfo];
lState^ ← nextState;
lState.lSw[xBarAll] ← Lark.disabled;
Digit: PROC[c: CHAR] RETURNS [digit: NAT] = INLINE { RETURN[c-'0]; };
RopeToDTMF: PROC [r: Thrush.ROPE] RETURNS [ce: Lark.CommandEvents] = {
len: INTMIN[Lark.Passel.LAST, r.Length[]];
ce ← NEW[Lark.CommandEventSequence[len]];
FOR j: INT IN [0..ce.length) DO
c: CHAR = r.Fetch[j];
ce.e[j] ← [touchPad, SELECT c FROM
IN ['0..'9] => LOOPHOLE[128 + c - '0],
IN ['a..'d] => LOOPHOLE[138 + c - 'a],
IN ['\001..'\037] => LOOPHOLE[LOOPHOLE[c,INTEGER]*10], -- 100 ms. pauses, 12-14 illegal!
'* => Lark.bStar,
'# => Lark.bThorp,
ENDCASE => Lark.bStar];
SetTones: INTERNAL PROC[] = {
IF ~pd.tonesInvalid THEN RETURN;
pd.tonesInvalid ← FALSE;
dialTone ← NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec ← [repeatIndefinitely: TRUE,
volume: ThNet.pd.tonesVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[
[f1: 350, f2: 440, on: 5000, off: 0],
[f1: 350, f2: 440, on: 5000, off: 0]]]]];
busyTone ← NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec ← [repeatIndefinitely: TRUE,
volume: ThNet.pd.tonesVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[
[f1: 480, f2: 620, on: 500, off: 500, repetitions: 5],
[f1: 480, f2: 620, on: 500, off: 500, repetitions: 5]]]]];
errorTone ← NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec ← [repeatIndefinitely: TRUE,
volume: ThNet.pd.tonesVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[
[f1: 480, f2: 620, on: 250, off: 250, repetitions: 10],
[f1: 480, f2: 620, on: 250, off: 250, repetitions: 10]]]]];
ringbackTone ← NEW[LarkPlay.ToneSpecRec ← [repeatIndefinitely: TRUE,
volume: ThNet.pd.tonesVolume, tones: LIST[LIST[
[f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 2000, off: 4000],
[f1: 440, f2: 480, on: 2000, off: 4000]]]]];
Deb: PROC[info: LarkInfo, c: CHAR, p1, p2, p3, p4: IO.Value←[null[]]] = {
IF ~ThNet.pd.debug THEN RETURN;
s.PutF["<%g", char[c]];
'M => s.PutF["-- %g", p1];
'C => {
s.PutF[" -- [%b, %b]", p3, p4];
s.PutF[" %b(%d), %b(%d)", p1, p1, p2, p2];
Log.Report[s.RopeFromROS[], $LarkDetailed, info];
QuickState: ARRAY LarkState OF IO.Value = [
rope["none"], rope["idle"], rope["talking"], rope["trunkSignalling"],
rope["trunkTalking"], rope["trunkForwarding"], rope["trunkFlashing"], rope["failed"], rope["recovering"], rope["ringing"], rope["silence"],
rope["dialTone"], rope["ringBack"], rope["busyTone"], rope["errorTone"]];
Hardware Switching Tables
toneStdCommand: ROPE = "SX01X14X06";
toneSpkrCommand: ROPE = "LSX03X14X06";
toneMonitorCommand: ROPE = "SX01X03X14X06";
silentSignalling: ROPE ← "HIX02X14";
noisySignalling: ROPE ← "HISTX02X10X21X26X14"; -- same as trunk talking (feedback problems?)
noisierSignalling: ROPE ← "HITLX02X30X23X26X24"; -- same as spkr trunk talking (feedback problems?)
trunkSignalling: ROPE ← silentSignalling;
Interpretation of the command string characters:
En-- echo mode; n IN [0..3); selects echoStyleStd (default), ...FD, ...BD, or ...Fwd
F -- T/R lead reversion
G -- A/A1 hookswitch control reversion
H -- Assert Telewall hookswitch
I -- Assert A/A1 to Telewall
J -- Assert Telewall hookswitch, maybe (depends on boolean variable)
L -- Lights led
R -- overrides volume control for ringing through speaker
S -- enables telset sidetone
T -- spMode; configures codecs for electronic trunk action
Xij -- connects crossbar input i to output j
Mn -- voiceMode; n IN [0..2); selects program O3I1 (default), O2I2, or O1I1
Z -- Resets hardware and crossbar
Crossbar Connections:
Port Input Output
0 dec1 co1
1 Xmtr Rcvr
2 from Telewall to Telewall
3 mike speaker
4 silence DTMF receiver
5 dec2 co2
6 line 1 out line 1 in
7 line 2 out line 2 in
larkCommands: ARRAY TerminalType OF ARRAY LarkState OF ROPE ← [
[ NIL, -- none
"ZE4", -- idle
"SX01X06X10X14", -- talking
trunkSignalling, -- trunkSignalling
"HISTX02X10X21X26X14", -- trunkTalking, codec-assisted electronic mode
"E3HIX02X20X24", -- trunkForwarding, trunk to remote Lark connection. (need gain setting for echo?)
"Z", -- trunkFlashing, on-hook for a second.
"STX02X10X21X26X14", -- trunkFlashing, on-hook but otherwise unchanged.
"Z", -- failed
"Z", -- recovering
"RX03X06", -- ringing
"SX14", -- silence
toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand -- tones
[ NIL, -- none
"ZE4", -- idle
"E1LX03X06X30X14", -- talking
"HIX02X14X06", -- trunkSignalling
"E2M1THILX30X02X25X26X24X53", -- trunkTalking, gain-controlled digital mode
"E3HIX02X20X24", -- trunkForwarding; device stuff for this mode doesn't have much meaning.
"Z", -- trunkFlashing, on-hook for a second.
"TLX02X30X23X26X24", -- trunkFlashing
"Z", -- failed
"Z", -- recovering
"RX03X06", -- ringing
"LX14", -- silence
toneSpkrCommand, toneSpkrCommand, toneSpkrCommand, toneSpkrCommand -- tones
Monitoring Telset
[ NIL, -- none
"Z", -- idle
"SX01X03X06X10X14", -- talking
"HIX02X14X06", -- trunkSignalling
"HISTLX02X10X21X23X14X26", -- trunkTalking, codec-assisted electronic mode
"E3HIX02X20X24", -- trunkForwarding, trunk to remote Lark connection. (meaning?)
"Z", -- trunkFlashing, on-hook for a second.
"STLX10X21X23X14X26", -- trunkFlashing
"Z", -- failed
"Z", -- recovering
"RX03X06", -- ringing
"SX14", -- silence
toneMonitorCommand, toneMonitorCommand, toneMonitorCommand, toneMonitorCommand -- tones
Radio Input, Telset/radio monitoring
[ NIL, -- none
"Z", -- idle
"SX01X06X60X14", -- talking
"HIX02X14X06", -- trunkSignalling
"Z", -- trunkTalking
"E3HIX02X20X24", -- trunkForwarding, trunk to remote Lark connection. (meaning?)
"Z", -- trunkFlashing
"STLX10X21X23X14X26", -- trunkFlashing
"Z", -- failed
"Z", -- recovering
"RX03X06", -- ringing
"SX14", -- silence
toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand, toneStdCommand -- tones
echoStyleFD: REFNEW[Lark.EchoParameterRecord ←[
Front Door call using Speakerphone
buffer: out1,
buffer2Controlled: FALSE,
buffer1Controlled: TRUE,
decayTime: 5,
gain: [ 1024, 2048, 2048, 2048, 32767 ]
echoStyleFwd: REF ← echoStyleFD;
echoStyleBD: REFNEW[Lark.EchoParameterRecord ←[
Back Door call using Speakerphone
buffer: in2,
buffer2Controlled: FALSE,
buffer1Controlled: TRUE,
decayTime: 10,
gain: [ 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32767 ]
echoStyleNoFD: REFNEW[Lark.EchoParameterRecord ←[
Standard FD or BD handset mode, no forwarding
buffer: out1, -- not interesting
buffer2Controlled: FALSE,
buffer1Controlled: FALSE,
decayTime: 0,
gain: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
echoStyleNoFwd: REF ← echoStyleNoFD;
echoStyleNoBD: REFNEW[Lark.EchoParameterRecord ←[
Standard FD or BD handset mode, no forwarding
buffer: in2, -- not interesting
buffer2Controlled: FALSE,
buffer1Controlled: FALSE,
decayTime: 0,
gain: [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
echosOn: ARRAY CHAR['0..'4] OF REF←[ NIL, echoStyleFD, echoStyleBD, echoStyleFwd, NIL ];
echosOff: ARRAY CHAR ['0..'4] OF REF←[ NIL, echoStyleNoFD, echoStyleNoBD, echoStyleNoFwd, echoStyleNoFD ];
'4 is for initialization, to force echo settings off on first use. This is because the "Z" specification doesn't clear echo settings to the standard ones.
State tables
LSwitches: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.LSwitches;
LState: TYPE = ThSmartsPrivate.LState;
lDevs: ARRAY LSwitches OF Lark.Device = [
crossBar, offHookRelay, aRelay, sideTone, ringEnable, revertRelay, revertHookswitch, led, spMode, crossBar--random...not used-- ];
lStateForLetter: ARRAY CHAR['A..'Z] OF LSwitches = [
none, none, none, none, none, -- A to E
revert, revertHook, hook, aSwitch, hook, none, led, -- F to L
none, none, none, none, none, -- M to Q
ringO, sideTone, spMode, none, none, none, none, none, -- R to Y
xBarAll -- Z --
LSTrans: TYPE = {
nop, -- nothing to do
set, -- enter specified state (usu. step to recovery) without taking any other actions.
zap, zpu, zpn, -- reset Lark hardware (u means unconnect first, n means silence tones first)
trk, tkn, -- Set for electronic phone connection (n means silence tones first)
frd, frn, -- Trunk-to-network forwarding versions of trk, tkn (frn probably doesn't exist; wrong end <<Sep. FD/BD>>)
tlk, -- like supervision, but must also adjust switching.
sup, spn, -- supervision, OK to change connection, key table. (n means silence tones first)
ksp, -- key supervision, OK to change key table.
sgl, sgn, -- Do trunk signalling (n means silence tones first)
fls, -- Flash the phone line
rng, rgu, -- Set for ringing (u means unconnect first, r means repeating tone)
dia, diu, -- Set for dial tone (tones should be more generic and user-programmable than this!)
rbk, rbu, -- Set for ring back
bzy, bzu, -- Set for busy tone
err, eru, -- Set for error tone
sil, -- silence tones, ksp obtains
fai, -- enter failed state, by Smarts-level request. Don't complain, just do it. Make sure process goes away.
rec, -- move from failed state to recovering state, but complain to caller that Lark has failed, via signal.
X -- invalid transition; complain, then remain in present state (go idle?)
lsTrans: ARRAY LarkState OF ARRAY LarkState OF LSTrans = [[
non idl tlk sig trk fwd fls fai rec rng shh dia rbk bzy err ←new old \/
nop, zap, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X ],[-- non (none)
X, nop, spn, sgl, trk, frd, X, fai, X, rng, nop, dia, rbk, bzy, err ],[-- idl (idle)
X, zpu, sup, X, X, X, X, fai, X, rgu, nop, diu, rbu, bzu, eru ],[-- tlk (talking)
X, zpn, X, ksp, trk, frd, X, fai, X, X, nop, X, X, X, X ],[-- sig (trkSignalling)
X, zap, X, X, ksp, X, fls, fai, X, X, nop, X, X, X, X ],[-- trk (trkTalking)
X, zpu, X, X, X, sup, X, fai, X, X, nop, diu, rbu, bzu, eru ],[-- fwd (trkForwarding)
X, zap, X, X, trk, X, sup, fai, X, X, nop, X, X, X, X ],[-- fls (trkFlash)
set, rec, rec, rec, rec, rec, rec, set, set, rec, rec, rec, rec, rec, rec ],[-- fai (failed)
set, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop, nop ],[-- rec (recovering)
X, zpn, spn, sgn, tkn, frn, X, fai, X, ksp, sil, dia, rbk, bzy, err ],[-- rng (ringing)
X, zap, tlk, sgl, trk, frd, X, fai, X, rng, ksp, dia, rbk, bzy, err ],[-- shh (silence)
X, zpn, spn, sgn, tkn, frn, X, fai, X, rng, sil, ksp, rbk, bzy, err ],[-- dia (dialTone)
X, zpn, spn, sgn, tkn, frn, X, fai, X, rng, sil, dia, ksp, bzy, err ],[-- rbk (ringBack)
X, zpn, spn, sgn, tkn, frn, X, fai, X, rng, sil, dia, rbk, ksp, err ],[-- bzy (busyTone)
X, zpn, spn, sgn, tkn, frn, X, fai, X, rng, sil, dia, rbk, bzy, ksp ] -- err (errorTone)
Subtransition codes and tables
TDisconn: TYPE = { X, disconnect };
tDisconn: ARRAY LSTrans OF TDisconn = [ -- zpu, rgu, diu, rbu, bzu, eru
X, X, X, disconnect, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X, disconnect, X, disconnect, X, disconnect, X, disconnect, X, disconnect, X, X, X, X ];
TDoTones: TYPE = { X, doTones, stopTones };
tDoTones: ARRAY LSTrans OF TDoTones = [ -- rng, rgu, dia, diu, rbk, rbu, bzy, bzu, err, eru; zpn, tkn, spn, sgn, sil
X, X, X, X, stopTones, X, stopTones, X, X, X, X, stopTones, X, X, stopTones, X, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, doTones, stopTones, X, X, X ];
THookState: TYPE = { X, reset, spkrTrans };
tHookState: ARRAY LSTrans OF THookState = [ -- zap, zpu, zpn; trk, tkn, tlk, spn, fls, dia, diu, rbk, rbu, bzy, bzu, err, eru, sil
X, X, reset, reset, reset, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, X, X, spkrTrans, X, spkrTrans, X, X, X, spkrTrans, X, X, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, spkrTrans, X, X, X ];
TSwitch: TYPE = { X, switch, switchIfDiff };
tSwitch: ARRAY LSTrans OF TSwitch = [-- zap, zpu, zpn, trk, tkn, frd, frn, tlk, spn, sgl, sgn, fls; rng, rgu, dia, diu, rbk, rbu, bzy, bzu, err, eru
X, X, switch, switch, switch, switch, switch, switch, switch, switch, X, switch, X, switch, switch, switch, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switchIfDiff, switch, X, X, X ];
TSetKey: TYPE = { X, setKey };
tSetKey: ARRAY LSTrans OF TSetKey = [
-- trk, tkn, frd, frn, tlk, sup, spn, ksp, sgl, sgn, fls, rng, rgu, dia, diu, rbk, rbu, bzy, bzu, err, eru, sil
X, X, X, X, X, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, setKey, X, X, X ];
Queued specifications for Supervisor
ADisconnectType: TYPE = { aDisconnect };
aDisconnect: REF ADisconnectType ← NEW[ADisconnectType�isconnect];
ANoTonesType: TYPE = { aNoTones };
aNoTones: REF ANoTonesType ← NEW[ANoTonesType𡤊NoTones];
ATonesDoneType: TYPE = RECORD [
event: Lark.Event
ViewCmd: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED {
Nice.View[pd, "Lark Out PD"];
Commander.Register["VuLarkOut", ViewCmd, "Program Management variables for Lark Output"];