DIRECTORY LoganBerry USING [Entry, OpenDB], RefID USING [nullID], Rope USING [ROPE]; ScriptDB: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = { Handle: TYPE = REF HandleRec; HandleRec: TYPE = RECORD [ scriptDB: LoganBerry.OpenDB_RefID.nullID, scriptEntriesDB: LoganBerry.OpenDB_RefID.nullID, scriptDBName: Rope.ROPE, scriptEntriesDBName: Rope.ROPE ]; ScriptID: TYPE = ScriptedDocs.ScriptID; Script: TYPE = ScriptedDocs.Script; EntryID: TYPE = ScriptedDocs.EntryID; ScriptEntry: TYPE = ScriptedDocs.ScriptEntry; LBEntry: TYPE = LoganBerry.Entry; ID: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Error: ERROR [ec: ATOM, explanation: Rope.ROPE _ NIL]; Open: PROC [dbName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [handle: Handle _ NIL]; ReadScriptDesc: PROC [handle: Handle, sid: ScriptID] RETURNS [script: Script]; WriteScriptDesc: PROC [handle: Handle, script: Script]; ReadEntryDesc: PROC [handle: Handle, eid: EntryID] RETURNS [scriptEntry: ScriptEntry]; WriteEntryDesc: PROC [handle: Handle, scriptEntry: ScriptEntry]; }. dScriptDB.mesa Copyright Σ 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Polle Zellweger (PTZ) January 8, 1987 3:56:25 pm PST Routines for storing scripts in a database and manipulating their structure. This interface is internal to the script package. Modelled on VoiceRopeDB.mesa of June 25, 1986. Database operations Prepares the given database for service. Returns the descriptor of the given script. Writes the script descriptor into the database. Returns the descriptor of the given script entry. Writes the script entry descriptor into the database. Polle Zellweger (PTZ) January 7, 1987 12:50:54 pm PST changes to: ScriptDB, ReadScriptDesc, WriteScriptDesc, ReadEntryDesc, WriteEntryDesc Polle Zellweger (PTZ) January 8, 1987 1:05:34 pm PST changes to: WriteEntryDesc Polle Zellweger (PTZ) January 8, 1987 3:56:25 pm PST changes to: ScriptDB Κι˜šœ ™ Icodešœ<™J™(—K˜šŸœœ!œ˜NK™+—K˜šŸœœ"˜7K™/K™—šŸ œœ œ˜VK™1—K˜šŸœœ,˜@K™5——Jšœ˜K™™5Kšœ ΟrH™T—™4Kšœ  ™—™4Kšœ  ™—K™—…—Ύ