screen14.9 leftMargin: 1.0625 in, topMargin: 5.4 in, width: 6 in, height: 5.696 in Figure A-9. Several actions have occurred since the previous figure. The user resumed the program's execution by clicking Navigator's Control/Proceed command, and execution reached breakpoint 1 a second time. The user then clicked Navigator's Show Stack/Top Frame command to get a description of the current execution location in the User Executive viewer, which is the same as in Figure 3. The value of j in TestInlineProcedure shows that this is the second iteration of the FOR loop. The user again resumed the program's execution, and the program reached breakpoint 2. Navigator's Show Stack/Top Frame command shows that execution is inside Tail and Proc1 (no TestInlineProcedure, so this is inside the IF statement in Proc1). BugBane's Show Stack/Top Frame command shows only execution in Proc1. Note that the source location reported by BugBane in the response to this command differs from that reported by Navigator, because cross-jumping has confused BugBane. The user then requested the values of some variables from the Cedar interpreter in the User Executive viewer: i is 2 and a is 11, indicating that the execution location is in the THEN clause of the IF statement. BugBane's Control/Source command was clicked, and the highlighted area in the ELSE clause of the IF statement shows BugBane's mistaken idea of the execution location. ���l��AppendixA9w *** DRAFT *** PolleZ, May 5, 1984 7:18:56 pm PDT APPENDIX A: NAVIGATOR DEBUGGING SESSION Êi��–9(firstPageNumber) 10 .def (firstHeadersAfterPage) 10 .def–"thesis" style˜�J•MarkinsideFooteršÐbsÏs1™<Iblock–centerHeaderš ÐlsžŸžŸž œž œž™(J˜�I pagebreak˜�Icenter•ArtworkClassIncludePressšœV˜VIlead1šÏbœ} œ_ œG œ9Ïfœ¡œ0žœ˜éNšœc œ(¡œ¡œ¡œžœ¡œ œ!¡œ«˜åNšœW œ ¡œ ¡œ9žœžœ œ6žœžœC˜û—�…—����¦��{��