<> <> screen14.14 leftMargin: 1.0625 in, topMargin: 5.4 in, width: 6 in, height: 5.696 in Figure A-14. The user resumed the program's execution by clicking Navigator's Control/Proceed command, and execution reached breakpoint 4. Clicking Navigator's Show Stack/Top Frame command shows (in the User Executive viewer) that the current execution location is in Proc1 at source location 909. The user then requested the values of some variables from the Cedar interpreter in the User Executive viewer: i is 3 and a is 2, indicating that the execution location is in the ELSE clause of the IF statement. BugBane's Show Stack/Top Frame command shows the same execution location. The user has clicked Navigator's Control/Source command. In the PTZTest14.mesa viewer, Navigator shows the execution location as the beginning of b _ 4 in the ELSE clause of the IF statement in Proc1.