\n \n--,-- ',['040'015]**['011]++\b\b\n |{,}8*\n '{'-'-','-'-'} '{','} {'<'>,} '{'<Mc]++>'>'} {[Mc]Mc} '{'<]**>'>'} {[]} '{'<'>'} {[]} '|Bay '|OSBUBayshore '|North '|OSBUNorth '|South '|OSBUSouth '|Assoc '|OSDAssociates '|VPA '|PAVisitors '|PARC '|XPA '|'{'[']','}\n Rname:\s.\nName:\s,\s\nOffice\sNumber:\s\n\n žTransParcPhoneListToCNF.Tioga "Trans" command file to convert OSD phone list to CNF file for Thrush/Finch Last Edited by: Swinehart, October 19, 1985 2:31:48 pm PDT Some entries are continuations of previous ones: DomainDesignator PhoneNumber Location Secretary Where the gaps are tabs Put in the dummy name --,-- temporarily Entries are in the form: Name DomainDesignator PhoneNumber Location Secretary Where the gaps are tabs Eliminate the stuff trailing the phone number, and add Intelnet prefix to the number. Replicate name where --,-- patterns appear Deal with four forms of RName designations: Abraham, Margaret => [MAbraham] Abraham, Margaret , Cookie => [CookieMcBain] McBain, Cookie , Johan => [deKleer] deKleer, Johan , Ann => [AnnBDerrick] Derrick, Ann) , Doug => [Terry] Terry, Doug Convert domain designations to GV Registries Convert to CNF form. ʳ˜Jšœ™JšœK™KJ™:J˜J™™0J™0J™J™'J˜ J˜—™J™4J™J™UJ˜‚J˜—™*J˜AJ˜—J™+™J™2J˜TJ˜J™9J˜UJ˜J™.J˜CJ˜J™3J™&J˜VJ˜—J™™,J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜ —J™™J˜——…—(y