Copyright © 1984, 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
L. Stewart December 7, 1983 10:01 am
Swinehart, May 23, 1986 9:48:47 am PDT
This file is: [Voice]<Voice>®/Top/LarkTest>LarkTest.load.
® is 5.2, 6.0, 6.1, or whatever the latest release of Cedar is.
Issue LarkTest Einstein.lark to set it up for debugging larks.
Run VoiceUtilsClient
GVImport Strowger.Lark
LarkControl 173
Run VTablesImpl
Run MJSContainersImpl
Run TypePropsImpl
Run ViewRecImpl
Run LarkTestPackage
Chat DLS+100016 -c -k c (obsolete)