/* echouser.c L. Stewart November 28, 1982 6:48 PM D. Swinehart July 9, 1982 2:15 PM L. Stewart February 11, 1983 9:55 AM, add routing table print L. Stewart April 29, 1983 8:22 PM, WDT L. Stewart July 7, 1983 11:13 AM, routing L. Stewart July 15, 1983 3:59 PM, change host command */ #include #include #include #include #include #include extern struct Queue ctxQ; static struct Port echoPort; static struct Port lclPort; static int echob; static int audb; static int dnet, dhost; static int speedy; static int speedytmr; static int echoPkts; static int loopCtx; static int loopSpace; static int prCtx; static int prSpace; static int cpCtx; static int cpSpace; static int rcvflag; static int counter; static int leftover, any; extern struct Route routingTable[maxNetworks]; extern /*forward*/Loop(); extern /*forward*/InE(); extern /*forward*/In(); extern /*forward*/cp(); extern /*forward*/pr(); extern int currentHost; main() { InitOS(); InitPupLevel1(&ctxQ, 10, defaultPupDataBytes); loopSpace = GetFixed(300); loopCtx = InitNContext("Loop", loopSpace, 300, &Loop); Enqueue(&ctxQ, loopCtx); cpSpace = GetFixed(1000); cpCtx = InitNContext("command", cpSpace, 1000, &cp); Enqueue(&ctxQ, cpCtx); prSpace = GetFixed(1000); prCtx = InitNContext("print", prSpace, 1000, &pr); Enqueue(&ctxQ, prCtx); echob = 0; speedy = 0; counter = 0; dnet = 0x007b; dhost = 0x004a; echoPort.socket.LS = 0; echoPort.socket.ms = Swab(5); echoPort.host = 0; echoPort.net = 0; lclPort.socket.LS = 123; lclPort.socket.ms = 456; lclPort.host = 0; lclPort.net = 0; if (!OpenLevel1Socket(&echoPort, &InE, 0)) CallSwat(ecPup1+10); if (!OpenLevel1Socket(&lclPort, &In, 0)) CallSwat(ecPup1+10); ELoad(); for (;;) { CtxListStart(); CallContext(ctxQ.head); CtxListEnd(); CheckWDT(); }; }; static cp() { char c; wf("Pup Echo user and server.\r"); for(;;) { wf("@ "); while (!Chav()) Block(); c = GetChar(); switch (c) { case 'a': audb = 1; doaud(); break; case 'b': audb = 0; doaud(); break; case 'c': SetHost(); break; case 'e': echob = 1; break; case 'f': echob = 0; break; case 'h': host(); break; case 'n': net(); break; case 's': speedy = 1; counter = 0; SetTmr(1000, &speedytmr); break; case 'r': PrintRT(); break; case 't': speedy = 0; break; default: help(); break; }; }; }; doaud() { if (audb) StartSlave(1, 0); else PIOOn(0x0020, ipioa); }; PrintRT() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i += 1) { Block(); if (Chav()) break; wf4("net %3d, host %3o, hops %d, age %d\r", i, routingTable[i].host & 0x00ff, routingTable[i].hops & 0x00ff, routingTable[i].age & 0x00ff); }; }; static AddToTimer(t, i) int *t, i; { *t += i; }; static pr() { for(;;) { Block(); if (speedy && TmrExp(&speedytmr)) { AddToTimer(&speedytmr, 1000); wf2("Pkts/sec: User = %6d, Server = %6d\r", counter, echoPkts); echoPkts = counter = 0; }; }; }; static help() { wf("a: audio on, b: off\r"); wf("e: echo on, f: off\r"); wf("s: fast on, t: off\r"); wf("h: host, n: net\r"); wf("p: print stuff\r"); }; static net() { wf(" net: "); dnet = gethex(); wf1(" (= %x)\r", dnet); }; static host() { wf(" host: "); dhost = gethex(); wf1(" (= %x)\r", dhost); }; static SetHost() { int nhost; wf(" change host to: "); nhost = gethex(); wf1(" (= %x)\r", nhost); currentHost = nhost; NewHost(); }; static Loop() { int echotmr; struct Pup *p; struct PBI *tPBI; char foo[8]; foo[0] = 4; foo[1] = 0; foo[2] = 4; foo[3] = 0; foo[4] = 'A'; foo[5] = 'b'; foo[6] = 'c'; foo[7] = 'd'; for (;;) { Block(); if (echob) { rcvflag = 0; tPBI = GetPBI(5); p = tPBI->pup; Zero(p, 10); p->type = 1; p->id[0] = Swab(++counter); p->dPort.net = dnet; p->dPort.host = dhost; p->dPort.socket.LS = 0; p->dPort.socket.ms = Swab(5); p->sPort.net = 0173; p->sPort.host = EtherHost(); p->sPort.socket.LS = lclPort.socket.LS; p->sPort.socket.ms = lclPort.socket.ms; AppendStringToPup(tPBI, 4, foo); SendPup(tPBI); SetTmr(1000, &echotmr); while (!TmrExp(&echotmr) && (!rcvflag)) { Block(); }; if (!rcvflag) PutChar('?'); else { if (!speedy) PutChar('!'); }; }; }; }; static int gethex() { int v; v = 0; any = 0; for (;;) { eGetChar(); if (IsDigit(leftover)) { v = (v<<4); v += (leftover-'0'); any = 1; continue; }; leftover = LC(leftover); if (leftover>='a' && leftover<='f') { v = (v<<4); v += (leftover-'a'+10); any = 1; continue; }; break; }; return(v); }; static int eGetChar() /* GetChar with echo */ { while (!Chav()) Block(); leftover = GetChar() & 0177; PutCRChar(leftover); return(leftover); }; static In(pbi) struct PBI *pbi; { if (!CheckCheckSum(pbi->pup)) PutChar('c'); rcvflag = 1; ReleasePBI(pbi); }; static InE(pbi) struct PBI *pbi; { if (!CheckCheckSum(pbi->pup)) PutChar('c'); if (pbi->pup->type == 1) { pbi->pup->type = 2; SwapSourceAndDest(pbi); SendPup(pbi); echoPkts += 1; if (!speedy) PutChar('$'); }; else ReleasePBI(pbi); }; static SwapSourceAndDest(pbi) struct PBI *pbi; { struct Port temp; MoveBlock(&temp, &pbi->pup->sPort, lenPort); MoveBlock(&pbi->pup->sPort, &pbi->pup->dPort, lenPort); MoveBlock(&pbi->pup->dPort, &temp, lenPort); };