/* osinit.c L. Stewart August 24, 1982 5:42 PM L. Stewart November 9, 1982 9:56 AM, osstatics L. Stewart January 21, 1983 1:25 PM, static added to some statics L. Stewart February 23, 1983 12:52 PM, flush some statics L. Stewart February 25, 1983 11:03 AM, reset SLC before IntOn L. Stewart February 26, 1983 3:43 PM, InitIO L. Stewart March 6, 1983 5:37 PM, InitFA */ #include <Env.h> #include <Alloc.h> #include <Queue.h> #include <Encrypt.h> #include <RingBuffer.h> extern IntInit(); extern InitAnalog(); extern Init8274(); extern InitEncrypt(); extern InitCtxPkg(); /* extern struct ZN *GetAll(); */ extern InitFA(); static struct ZN *sysZone; struct Queue ctxQ; /* main system context queue */ static int largest /* Alloc variables */ static int ototAv; int getsv; /* signaller */ int sigid; int signame; int origLargest /* original Alloc variables */ int origTotAv; /* This function should be called first ! */ InitOS() { int *p; p = (int *) 0x03fe; *p = (int) &sysZone; IntInit(); InitIO(); InitAnalog(); Init8274(); InitCtxPkg(); InitEncrypt(); InitQueue(&ctxQ); InitFA(); /* sysZone = GetAll(); Allocate(sysZone, 0); origLargest = largest; origTotAv = ototAv; */ /* make sure that Ethernet chip is turned off! */ SLCInit(EtherHost()); IntOn(); };