-- Lark8274.txt
-- L. Stewart  July 5, 1982  11:03 AM

8274 is at port 9x

Port		Read		Write
90		Ch. A Data	Ch. A Data
92		Ch. A Status	Ch. A Command
91		Ch. B Data	Ch. B Data
93		Ch. B Status	Ch. B Command

There are 8 write registers and 3 read registers per channel.
There is a pointer register.

On reset, the pointer points at WR0, where one can set
the pointer.  The NEXT read or write accesses the selected
register, after which the pointer is reset.

See Intel Component Data Book page 8-196 ff for details.

Most of the registers are independent, but the two WR2s
are shared as are the RR2s.

WR0: channel commands and register pointer

command 00 - 07  set register pointer
command 10	reset External status interrupts
command 18	reset channel
command 28	reset TXInt pending  (not understood)
command 38	end of interrupt
command F0	reset all error signals


1E	External status interrupt disabled, Tx and Rx interrupts
	enabled, status affects vector, no Ready line.

00	No interrupts


Channel A
04	Rx interrupts higher priority than Tx. Interrupts
	enabled for both channels.

Channel B
00	Base of interrupt vectors


C0	8 bit mode
C1	8 bit mode, Rx enabled


4C	16x clock, 2 stop bits, no parity


60	8 bit mode (Tx)
68	8 bit mode, Tx enable

WR6:  00  (sync address)
WR7:  00  (more sync address)

Bit	Meaning
  7	Break/Abort
  6	Tx Underrun
  5	CTS
  4	Sync/Hunt
  3	CD
  2	Tx Buffer empty
  1	Interrupt pending (Ch A only)
  0	Rx Char Available

Bit	Meaning
  7	SDLC stuff
  6	Framing Error
  5	Rx Overrun
  4	Parity error
  3	SDLC stuff
  2	SDLC stuff
  1	SDLC stuff
  0	Done

RR2:	Channel B only

Channel vectors:
 B  A
 0  4	Tx buffer empty
 1  5	Ext/Status change
 2  6	Rx char available
 3  7	Special Rx condition

Test sequences

Reset both channels

Set up both channels, but do not enable


Enable Tx, Rx, channel A


Enable Tx, Rx, channel B


More on baud rates and required input frequencies
 Baud       16x       32x       64x
  300      4800      9600     19200
  600      9600     19200     38400
 1200     19200     38400     76800
 2400     38400     76800    153600
 4800     76800    153600    307200
 9600    153600    307200    614400
19200    307200    614400   1228800

9513 capabilities
Starting from an input clock of 1.536 MHz.
The prescaler can divide by powers of 16 up to 64K
or by powers of 10 up to 10000
The FOUT scaler can divide by any integer up to 16

Interesting MM register values

8000  =  BCD scaler
0000  =  Binary scaler

4000  =  disable data pointer
0000  =  enable data pointer

2000  =  16 bit bus
0000  =  8 bit bus

1000  =  FOUT off
0000  =  FOUT on

0000  =  /16
0100  =  /1
0200  =  /2
0F00  =  /15

0000  =  FOUT from Crystal input
0010  =  FOUT from SRC 1
0050  =  FOUT from SRC 5
0060  =  FOUT from Gate 1
00A0  =  FOUT from Gate 5
00B0  =  FOUT from F1
00C0  =  FOUT from F2  (one scaler stage)
00F0  =  FOUT from F5

0008  =  comparator 2 enabled
0000  =  comparator 2 disabled

0004  =  comparator 1 enabled
0000  =  comparator 1 disabled

0000  =  No time-of-day
0001  =  TOD /5 input
0002  =  TOD /6 input
0003  =  TOD /10 input

WR4 values for 8274

00  =  X1 clock
40  =  X16 clock
80  =  X32 clock
C0  =  X64 clock

    sync modes
00  =  8 bit sync char
10  =  16 bit sync char
20  =  sdlc/hdlc
30  =  external sync detection

00  =  synchronous
04  =  1 stop bit
08  =  1.5 stop bits
0C  =  2 stop bits

00  =  odd parity
02  =  even parity

00  =  no parity
01  =  parity enabled

Control values for WR4
/16  4C
/32  8C
/64  CC

Next table shows MM register values and required 8274 division ratios
  (8274 WR 4 values) 4C      8C      CC
   FOUT      MM     /16     /32     /64
 307200    8500   19200    9600    4800
 153600    8A00    9600    4800    2400
  76800    82C0    4800    2400    1200
  38400    84C0    2400    1200     600
  19200    88C0    1200     600     300
   9600    0AC0     600     300     150

use of Mode J (Variable duty cycle) for creating odd division ratios