/* Context.h Created by D. Swinehart, June 24, 1982 11:07 AM L. Stewart November 4, 1982 1:40 PM L. Stewart November 28, 1982 3:26 PM, maxPSBp1 */ /* WARNING: All Client contexts calling RPC functions (StartCall, Call, etc.) MUST Allocate an @RPCUser structure within their contexts. They must also initialize the user.myPSB field with the results of calling NewPSB(). See RPCPktIO listener/server initialization for examples. */ struct RPCUser { int myPSB; /* randomly-assigned non-null psb*/ int sigVec[1]; }; #define lenRPCUser 1 struct RPCSystem { int maxrun; int caller; int extra[6]; }; struct RPCCtx { int next; int stack; int stackMin; int initialPC; char *name; struct RPCSystem rsys; struct RPCUser user; int stackArea[1]; }; #define lenRPCCtx ((sizeof (struct RPCCtx)/2)-2) #define nullPSB 0 #define maxPSB 15 #define maxPSBp1 16