/* LarkELoad.c Pup package based download and teledebugging L. Stewart, December 27, 1982 10:59 PM, created from cmeload.c L. Stewart, February 24, 1983 8:46 PM, new protocol L. Stewart, April 29, 1983 8:12 PM, slave and call stuff */ #include <Ec.h> #include <Env.h> #include <Queue.h> #include <Pup.h> #include <LarkSlave.h> /* the format of junk is struct Advice { bit setAddr; bit setAdvice; bit(14) advice; }; */ struct Core { int advice, addrlo, addrhi, count; char data[1]; }; /* from runtime */ extern MoveBlock(); extern ByteBlt(); extern Swab(); extern DoubleEQ(); /* from Pup package */ extern OpenLevel1Socket(); extern SendPup(); extern ReleasePBI(); extern CheckCheckSum(); extern SwapSourceAndDest(); extern int localNet; extern int localHost; extern int lenPup; /* local variables */ static struct Port elPort; static int elSoc; #define ELWrite 0x00c0 #define ELRead 0x00c2 #define ELStateRead 0x00c6 #define ELDebug 0x00c8 /* read and write the slave address space */ #define ELSWrite 0x00ce #define ELSRead 0x00d0 /* call a procedure */ #define ELCall 0x00d2 ELoadProc(pbi) struct PBI *pbi; { struct Pup *p; char *caddr; char *cdata; int ccount; int ptype; int maxLength; struct Core *core; p = pbi->pup; ptype = p->type; if ((p->dPort.host == 0) && (ptype != ELStateRead)) goto reject; core = (struct Core *) &p->data; caddr = Swab(core->addrlo); maxLength = ((lenPup - pupOvWords) - 3) << 1; ccount = Swab(core->count); if (ccount < 0) goto reject; if (ccount > maxLength) { ccount = maxLength; core->count = Swab(maxLength); }; cdata = &core->data[0]; if (core->addrhi) goto reject; if (!CheckCheckSum(p)) goto reject; switch (ptype) { case ELWrite: ByteBlt(caddr, cdata, ccount); case ELRead: if (Ugt(caddr, 0xffcf)) goto reject; if (Ugt(ccount, 0xffd0 - ((int) caddr))) goto reject; ByteBlt(cdata, caddr, ccount); /* swap source and destination */ SwapSourceAndDest(p); p->length = Swab((31 + ccount) & 0xfffe); Block(); p->type = p->type + 1; SendPup(pbi); return; case ELSWrite: SlaveBLT(caddr, cdata, ccount); /* how tell when it is done ? */ case ELSRead: SlaveBLT(cdata, caddr, ccount); SwapSourceAndDest(p); p->length = Swab((31 + ccount) & 0xfffe); Block(); p->type = p->type + 1; SendPup(pbi); return; case ELCall: ClientCallPkt(cdata); SwapSourceAndDest(p); p->type = p->type + 1; SendPup(pbi); return; case ELStateRead: if ((int) caddr != 1) goto reject; ByteBlt(cdata, 0xda00, ccount); /* swap source and destination */ SwapSourceAndDest(p); p->length = Swab((31 + ccount) & 0xfffe); Block(); p->type = p->type + 1; SendPup(pbi); return; case ELDebug: { CallDebugger(ecPup1+21); goto reject; }; default: goto reject; }; reject: ReleasePBI(pbi); }; /* call ELoad to set up a TeleDebug server */ ELoad() { elPort.net = localNet; elPort.host = localHost; elPort.socket.LS = 0; elPort.socket.ms = 0x3000; elSoc = OpenLevel1Socket(&elPort, &ELoadProc, 0); if (!elSoc) CallDebugger(ecPup1+10); }; struct CCPArgs { int proc; int nargs; int returnSlot; int args[5]; }; ClientCallPkt(cp) struct CCPArgs *cp; { BlockSwab(cp, 8); if (cp->nargs > 5) return; cp->returnSlot = Apply(&cp->args[0], cp->proc, cp->nargs); BlockSwab(cp, 8); };