Copyright © 1985, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last modified by D. Swinehart, May 31, 1986 3:15:03 pm PDT
Basic Thrush Types
BasicTime USING [ GMT --, nullGMT-- ],
DESFace USING [ Key, nullKey ],
GVBasics USING [ Password ],
Pup USING [ Address, nullAddress ],
RefID USING [ ID, nullID ],
Rope USING [ ROPE ],
RPC USING [ Conversation, InterfaceName, unencrypted ]
Parties, Smarts, Conversations
PartyID: TYPE = RefID.ID;
SmartsID: TYPE = RefID.ID;
nullID: RefID.ID = RefID.nullID;
ConversationID: TYPE = Epoch;
nullConvID: ConversationID = LOOPHOLE[LONG[0]];
VoiceSocket: TYPE = Pup.Address;
NetAddress: TYPE = Pup.Address;
noAddress: NetAddress = Pup.nullAddress;
Epoch: TYPE = BasicTime.GMT;
epoch: Epoch; -- things with this epoch in them were created during this incarnation
nullPassword: GVBasics.Password = ALL[0];
Conversation State Values
A party is a member of a conversation in one of the following states:
TYPE = {
neverWas, -- has not been in conversation yet.
idle, -- Not really in the conversation (ever, or any more.)
failed, -- State to go into to make busy signals, error tones, and so on, when can't find requested party, or when called party rejects.
reserved, -- TBD at party level; restrict some operations pending outgoing conn.
-- TBD at party level; may restrict additional operations.
reserved and parsing states are for Smarts benefit.
initiating, -- You are the calling party; attempt to contact the other party is in underway.
notified, -- You are the called party; you are deciding whether to bother your user.
ringback, -- You are the calling party; an attempt to arouse the other user is in progress.
ringing, -- You are the called party; you are attempting to arouse your user.
canActivate, -- You may become active in this conversation whenever you can get out of the one you may already be active in.
active, -- You are active in this conversation.
inactive -- You have put this conversation on "hold."
notReallyInConv: StateInConv = $failed;
At or below this, you're not really in the conversation.
Sequence number of state transition within conversation. Used as an index into the conversation log, and as a unique id to control Smarts->Party interactions.
The basic Smarts->Party informational packet.
partyID: PartyID ← nullID,
smartsID: SmartsID ← nullID,
convID: ConversationID←nullConvID,
state: StateInConv ← $neverWas,
stateID: StateID𡤀
ConvEvent objects describe the progress of parties in conversations. They are used as informational values provided to Smarts in Progress reports to describe situations.
ConvEvent: TYPE = REF ConvEventBody;
self: Credentials, -- of the receiver of the report
other: Credentials, -- of the initiator of the event; smartsID may be null
time: BasicTime.GMT ← NULL, -- when the event causing this report occurred
reason: Reason ← NIL, -- ($wontSay) for rejection, acceptance, or conditional acceptance
comment: ROPE ← NIL -- any human-sensible comment associated with the event.
(Why things happened, among them)
$wontSay=NIL, -- no reason needed.
Non-rejections, ongoing
$terminating, -- there was a reason for this connection, but it's over now, by me.
$withdrawing, -- would like to leave, with right to return.
$noAnswer, -- Alert only: we tried, honest.
$substituting, -- Not really an event; a party substitution is being reported
Rejections, of various degrees of severity
$notFound, -- called party not found
$busy, -- called party is active in another conversation and/or doesn't wish to accept this one.
$absent, -- called party is known to be unavailable for extended period
$notImportantEnough, -- connection rejected because claimed urgency was too low.
$noCircuits, -- call rejected due to system resource overload
$dying, -- one of the participating parties is being destroyed
$noParticular, -- rejected for good reason, but can't say what it is.
$error -- System problem caused rejection. --
Report success of Smarts->Party calls
$success, -- call succeeded, party may be in new state.
Conversation-transition codes
$stateMismatch, -- the most common problem; your information's out of date.
$notInConv, -- you're not a party to this conversation, and call requires it.
$noSuchConv, -- named conversation doesn't exist.
$noSuchParty, -- named (own) party doesn't exist.
$partyAlreadyActive, -- Not allowed to be active in two conversations
$convIdle, -- not allowed to return to a conversation everyone has abandoned!
$noSuchSmarts, -- get the drift?
$noSuchParty2, -- second named (called) party doesn't exist.
$narcissism, -- attempt to connect to self rejected <<The right way to complain?>>
$convNotActive, -- activity requested that is only satisfiable if requesting party active
$convStillActive -- can't destroy it if remaining connections are not orphans.,
Other codes -- initialization problems, mostly
$noIdentSupplied, -- not enough information to turn name or number into party, and so on.
$noEntryFound, -- no RName information found in white pages data base for named individual.
$noTrunkParty, -- corresponding to supplied party
$couldntAuthenticate, -- password verification problem during initialization
$couldntConnect, -- interface import or other similar problem during initialization
$noNameAvailable, -- can't find the name of a party
$interfaceError, -- call had an invalid parameter or combination of parameters
Conversation Guidance Values
How important is this call?
CallUrgency: TYPE= ATOM; -- { $junk, $ifConvenient, $normal=NIL, $important, $urgent, $fire};
-- { $queryOnly, $standard=NIL, $intercom, $background, ... };
As parameters to ThParty.Alert and ThSmarts.Alert:
queryOnly: is it likely that Alert would succeed? conversation argument can be null.
standard: ring the phone, or whatever recipient would like.
intercom: try to get through without ringing.
whoKnows: TBD . . . it's early innings, yet.
Party type identification, back door stuff
PartyType: TYPE = ATOM; -- { $individual, $telephone, $trunk, $service, ? };
Progress reports from sound-providing services.
The Smarts implementations for services, such as the $recording or $text-to-speech service, need to be able to report the progress of requested actions (which are requested through specialized interfaces — see ThParty.RegisterActionInterface). Theoretically, a smarts for an interactive voice connection (i.e., a Lark or trunk) could issue reports, too, but no plans exist. Each report should include a unique identifier assigned by the original requestor; the same ID may appear in multiple reports. See ThParty.LookupActionInterface, ThParty.ReportAction, ThSmarts.ReportAction.
serviceID (customarily a SmartsID) uniquely identifies the service-provider within a host, since the same interface (and code) can support multiple entities. The specific service interface should include this value as a parameter.
-- See ThParty.RegisterActionInterface/LookupActionInterface
interfaceName: RPC.InterfaceName,
hostHint: NetAddress ← noAddress,
serviceID: RefID.ID
ActionID: TYPE = LONG CARDINAL; -- supplied by requester, included in reports.
-- {
-- {
self: Credentials, -- of the smarts being reported to
other: Credentials, -- credentials of the reporting party
requestingParty: Thrush.PartyID, -- original requestor.
actionID: ActionID,
actionClass: ActionClass ← NIL, -- $voiceRopePlay, $prosePlay, ...
actionType: ActionType, -- $started, $finished, $abandoned, ...
actionInfo: ROPE←NIL -- Optional human-sensible information, a function of class.
actionClass is optional, but recommended. It allows the client to make better use of the report.
actionID was probably invented by the originating party, supplied to the service as a parameter to one of its procedures. It should be unique relative to the originating party and the conversation.
Tunes: control of recording and playback
-- the index of a "tune" or similar utterance identification.
nullTune: Tune = -1;
newTune: Tune = -2;
VoiceTime: TYPE = INT; -- A sample number or sample count.
start: VoiceTime𡤀, -- first sample within tune to play or record.
length: VoiceTime←-1 -- number of samples: -1 to play to the end. -- ];
VoiceDirection: TYPE = { play, record };
IntSpecType: TYPE = { request, started, finished };
stateID: StateID ← 0, -- supplied by ThParty as interval is accepted
reqID: CARDINAL ← 0 -- supplied by requester to disambiguate intervals in the same rqst
nullIntID: IntID = [];
IntervalSpec: TYPE = REF IntervalSpecBody;
tune: Tune←newTune,
interval: VoiceInterval←[],
keyIndex: [0..17B] ← 0,
type: IntSpecType ← $request,
direction: VoiceDirection,
intID: IntID ← nullIntID,
queueIt: BOOLEAN ← TRUE,
changeNoted: BOOLEAN←FALSE -- For use by some clients.
OF IntervalSpec;
Prose: control of text-to-speech-synthesis service
ProseSpec: TYPE = REF ProseSpecBody;
prose: ROPE,
type: IntSpecType ← request,
direction: VoiceDirection,
intID: IntID ← nullIntID,
queueIt: BOOLEAN ← TRUE,
changeNoted: BOOLEAN←FALSE -- For use by some clients.
OF ProseSpec;
Encryption types
SHHH: TYPE = RPC.Conversation;
unencrypted, none: SHHH = RPC.unencrypted;
EncryptionKey: TYPE = DESFace.Key;
nullKey: EncryptionKey = DESFace.nullKey;
KeyTable: TYPE = REF KeyTableBody;
s: SEQUENCE size: [0..20B] OF EncryptionKey
Swinehart, May 15, 1985 9:55:57 am PDT
Cedar 6.0, addition of prose (text-to-speech) types.
Swinehart, October 31, 1985 3:51:20 pm PST
Many enumerated types become ATOMs, for extensibility
changes to: DIRECTORY, NetAddress, StateInConv, ConvEventBody, Reason, NB, CallUrgency, AlertKind, PartyType, VoiceDirection, IntSpecType, RingEnable
Swinehart, November 7, 1985 2:00:17 pm PST
Pruned ConvEvent. Other values that used to be there may be obtained directly from databases or through new ThParty calls.
changes to: ConvEventBody, StateInConv, AlertKind, NB
Swinehart, May 9, 1986 3:23:48 pm PDT
Cedar 6.1.
changes to: DIRECTORY, VoiceSocket, NetAddress, noAddress, nullPassword
Swinehart, May 30, 1986 10:06:15 am PDT
Additions for reporting actions initiated or completed by voice services
changes to: DIRECTORY, ROPE, ConvEventBody, ActionID, ActionClass, ActionType, ActionReport, ProseSpecBody, InterfaceSpec