Waterlily                          Version 1.14                             April 10, 1984 9:34:33 am PST

Differences between files [Indigo]<Voice>Thrush>Thrush.mesa!22 and [Indigo]<Voice>Thrush>Thrush.mesa!23:

1/0186) RPC USING [ Conversation, ShortROPE, unencrypted ],
2/0186) PupTypes USING [ PupHostID ],
2/0216) RPC USING [ Conversation, ShortROPE, unencrypted ],
1/2759) intervalSpec: IntervalSpec ← NIL, -- if non-NIL, a SetInterval is being specified.
2/2789) conferenceHost: PupTypes.PupHostID ← [0], -- multicast conference host if non-zero
2/2872) intervalSpec: IntervalSpec ← NIL, -- if non-NIL, a SetInterval is being specified.

End of differences seen.