m: --VoiceMessage-- Entity; -- how to declare a var of type voicemsg --

foo← GetP[m, miCreated]; -- retrieve an attribute as a property, given the key --

fooList← GetPList[m, irID]; -- retrieve list of attributes, given an ambiguous key --

rs: RelshipSet← RelationSubset[interestRelation, LIST[[irUser, x], [irID, y]]];
-- assign to rs the set of relationships in interestRelation with user=x AND irID=y --

t: Relship← NextRelship[rs]; -- iterate through that set. --

Example Walnut calls to Nuthatch primitives:

0. Walnut calls InitializeNuthatchUser to get a NuthatchUserHandle that will identify the client to Nuthatch in future calls.

1. During NewMail (actually, reading log & updating database), Walnut calls CatalogVoiceFile to associate a gvID with a VoiceID.

2. During MoveTo or AddTo, Walnut calls Walnuthatch.MoveTo[msgset, nuthatchUserHandle, RefID, time], which in turn calls Nuthatch.AddInterest.

3. During Expunge, Walnut calls Nuthatch.RemoveInterestEntry with the gvID of each destroyed message.

4. Nuthatch will register the button procs:



Walnuthatch.MoveTo [msgset, nuthatchUserHandle, RefID, time]
 nuthatchUserHandle: Nuthatch.NuthatchUserHandle,
 voiceFileID: rope, -- optional
 RefID: rope, -- GVID
 time] RETURNS[] =
-- Writes a log entry to create an entry in the InterestList relation for this voice file, associating the RefID with the voiceMessageID.
(b) During MoveTo, Finch is called with the gvID and message set movedTo.

Walnuthatch.MoveTo tests for (msgset # active AND msgset # deleted)