Utility Joke -- 33 years to phone man Picture of linesman $9000/line Telephone system -- will tell you why Have bullt telephone system that would retail at around $9000/line, not including the workstation -- my job is to tell you why seemingly sensible people would do that, esp. since it's probably not for the most obvious reaons. Introduction Introduction: list remaining items in this outline Motivation The Idea Architectures, developed through ideas then prototyping, resulting in comprehensive protocols/algorithms that can become standards. Prior Examples XNS:HDLC, NSMail: TELEX, InterPress/Interscript: WP document formats XNS NS Mail InterPress InterScript All required iterations with architecture in mind. InterVoice Functionality of the Prototypes Leading to InterVoice Picture(s) of user interface demonstrating all these capabilities? Objectives Objectives Publications Prototype Telephony and Stored Voice Applications Prototype Voice Filing System Flexible Telephone and Voice Storage System InterVoice: <standard definition for InterVoice> Long-shot: Possible development as PBX product. Spin-offs: Interesting signal-processing and systems problems Research Areas Research Areas Taming the Telephone Applications of Recorded and Synthesized Voice Integration with Existing (Secondary) Voice Transmission Methodologies (Omitted) Speech Recognition for Control or Transcription Overview of Etherphone System People Originally done by three, plus consultants After year of keeping it alive, have three plus a consultant to finish design and InterVoice implementation User Model User Model cartoon System Architecture System Architecture diagram or cartoon Functions of Components Etherphone System Components Etherphone Processor Voice Digitization, Transmission, Tone Generation Touch-Pad decoding Telephone Control Server Voice File Server Workstation Tools and Applications Present Capabilities Present Capabilities Basic Telephone Capabilities Call by Name From Telephone keypad Workstation telephone directories Logs of Incoming/Outgoing Calls Voice Messages integrated with Grapevine Text Messages Relations to OSD Work Similar areas of interest More emphasis on functionality of telephony Major emphasis on definition of Intervoice architecture. Plans Notes: History: We've worked in a number of areas where we were not going to be able to be the only game in town (as was true with the copier), but were able to design architectures (and where lucky, standards) that were more comprehensive than anything we saw going on -- such that if industry followed them, both we and competition could benefit -- we because we knew our stuff would find a nice niche. Always have done it the same way -- develop prototoype systems exhibiting the architecture and algorithms, exhibiting novel ideas and high reliability, extract interfaces, protocols, algorithms, and luckily standards. ����P��VoiceTalk.Tioga Last Edited by: Swinehart, March 3, 1985 3:50:21 pm PST �Êš��˜�J™J™7J™�˜˜JšÏb˜—˜0JšÏsá˜á——˜Jš2˜2—˜ ˜J˜ƒ—˜JšD˜DJ˜J˜J˜ J˜J˜2—J˜ ˜5JšB˜B——˜ š ˜ Jš˜Jš1˜1Jš˜Jš+˜+Jš0˜0Jš/˜/Jš=˜=——˜š˜Jš˜Jš.˜.Jš˜JšÐbv,˜,Jš9˜9——˜˜J˜*J˜k—˜ Jš˜—˜Jš&˜&—˜š˜š˜Jš1˜1Jš˜—Jš˜Jš˜Jš"˜"——˜š˜Jš˜š˜Jš˜Jš!˜!—Jš˜Jš6˜6———˜J˜J˜+J˜8—J˜J˜�˜J˜é——�…—����Z�� D��