[1] R. Allen. "Composition and Editing of Spoken Letters",
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19 (2), August 83, 181-193.
[2] The Centerpoint System, produced by Santa Barbara Laboratories, Inc., of California. Descriptions are based on observations by the authors of the system in use.
[3] H. Forsdick, R. Thomas, G. Robertson, and V. Travers. "Initial Experience with Multimedia Documents in Diamond," Proc. IFIP 6.5 Working Conference, May 84, 97-112.
[4] W. Horak, "Office Document Architecture and Office Document Interchange Formats: Current Status of International Standardization", IEEE Computer, October 85, 50-59.
[5] J. Garcia-Luna, A. Poggio, D. Elliot. "Research into Multimedia Message System Architecture", Report on SRI Project 5363, February 84.
[6] N. Maxemchuk. "An Experimental Speech Storage and Editing Facility," Bell System Technical Journal 59(8), October 80, 1383-1395.
[7] D. McCracken and R. Akscyn. "Experience with the ZOG human-computer interface system," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 21(4), October 84, 293-310.
[8] B. Mirrer. "An interactive, graphical, touch orientated speech editor," Masters Dissertation, Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT, 1982.
[9] R. Nicholson. "Integrating Voice in the Office World", BYTE, December 83, 177-184.
[10] R. Nicholson. "Usage Patterns in an Integrated Voice and Data Communications System," Transactions on Office Information Systems 3(3), July 85, 307-314.
[11] J. Reynolds, J. Postel, A. Katz, G. Finn, A. DeSchon. "The DARPA Experimental Multimedia Mail System", IEEE Computer, October 85, 82-89.
[12] A. Ruiz. "Voice and Telephony Applications for the Office Workstation," Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, San Jose, CA, November 85, 158-163.
[13] C. Schmandt. "The Intelligent Ear: A Graphical Interface to Digital Audio," Proc. IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Society, October 81, 393-397.
[14] C. Schmandt and B. Arons. "Phone Slave: A Graphical Telecommunications Interface," Proc. Society for Information Display 1984 International Symposium, June 84.
[15] D. Smith, R. Kimball, B. Verplank, E. Harslem. "Designing the Star User Interface," Byte 7(4), April 82, 242-282.
[16] D. Swinehart, L. Stewart, and S. Ornstein. "Adding Voice to an Office Computer Network," Proc. of GlobeCom 83, IEEE Communications Society Conference, Nov. 83.
[17] D. Swinehart, P. Zellweger, and R. Hagmann. "The Structure of Cedar", Proc. of ACM SIGPLAN 85 Symposium on Programming Languages and Programming Environments", June 85.
[18] R. Thomas, H. Forsdick, T. Crowley, R. Schaaf, R. Tomlinson, V. Travers, G. Robertson. "Diamond: A Multimedia Message System Built Upon a Distributed Architecture," IEEE Computer, December 85, 65-77.
[19] Wang Laboratories, Inc. "Audio Workstation Author Guide", 1st Edition, 700-6989, 1982.
[20] H. Wilder and N. Maxemchuk. "Virtual Editing II: the User Interface," Proceedings of the SIGOA Conference on Office Automation Systems, Philadelphia, Penn. 1982.
[21] Xerox Corporation, Intel Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation. "The Ethernet: A Local Area Network; Data Link Layer and Physical Layer Specifications", Version 2.0, November 82.