Computer Sciences Laboratory Xerox Corporation Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, California 94304 415 494-4426 XEROX November 17, 1986 F.H. Lochovsky Computer Systems Research Institute Sandford Fleming Building 10 King's College Road University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5S 1A4 Dear Fred, Enclosed are two copies of our paper for the IEEE Office Knowledge Engineering Newsletter issue on "Multimedia Office Systems". The paper is entitled "An Experimental Environment for Voice System Development", by Daniel C. Swinehart, Douglas B. Terry, and Polle T. Zellweger (our voice project group). Now that I have recovered from my surgery and moved in to my new house, I expect that any changes you request can be completed expeditiously. In addition, we can provide higher-quality camera-ready copy (1200 spots/inch) for the final version, which will be particularly helpful for the screen pictures. Thank you for your patience. Sincerely, Polle Zellweger StyleDefBeginStyle (Cedar) AttachStyle (letterHead1) "top node of a letter (should be empty)" { block 60 pt .neg bottomLeading } PrintRule (letterHead2) "letterhead address" { block AlternateFontFamily BasicIncrement smaller size 60 pt .neg topLeading 72 pt bottomLeading } StyleRule (logo) "for Xerox logo" { "Logo" family 24 pt size 24 bp topIndent -1.5 in leftIndent 48 pt 20 pt 5 pt topLeadingGlue 48 pt 20 pt 5 pt bottomLeadingGlue 75 pageBreakAfterLastLinePenalty 75 pt tabStops } PrintRule (logo) "Xerox logo: screen" { "Logo" family 24 pt size 36 bp topIndent 48 pt topLeading 48 pt bottomLeading 75 pt tabStops } ScreenRule (DefaultLineLength) "for print" {5.25 in lineLength} PrintRule (root) "Letter head style" { cedarRoot 1.75 in leftMargin 1.5 in rightMargin } StyleRule EndStyleI letterhead1I letterhead2IlogopIblocktNN NN-bt,NM &Ibody