Swinehart, October 6, 1986 10:36:09 am PDT
Experiences with Voice annotation for commenting a document (IEEEPaper.Tioga):
1. Didn't think to do it until I was about to put in a comment that "this comment would be better as a text annotation." Then I said to myself, "why not use voice annotations?" The immediate reaction was "I'd really prefer text annotations", and "How can I trust these things to stay around? Maybe I'd better put the text in too, just to be sure!" (But I didn't do it!)
2. Stephen's certainly right that as soon as you have to open an edit window it gets clumsy and slow; I generally take longer to get one of these thoughts recorded than it takes me to type it. Editing really slows things down.
3. I do better on the notes that I type first, and then record!
4. It would be easier if silence-squashing were fully developed. I could then pause while thinking of the next thing, and not feel so pushed to get it done. In fact, even now, silence uses virtually no disk space, and a continuous recording uses only one tune, so it's better. I should figure out how Stephen's silence-scruncher works; I can't find a button for it; maybe he didn't finish it.
5. It won't take much of this before we really have to turn on the garbage-collector! Archiving is an enormous problem.
6. The delay before you can talk is way too long. The beep has to be quieter and much much shorter; the time to beep has to be made as small as possible; I don't know how well we will do with the current architecture.
7. The load/store/copy time is significant. The most disruptive factor is the time to scan any document to see if there's any voice in it.
8. Space-ordered automatic script is a necessity! I tried <ctrl>D [PlayVoice], and the results were totally inscrutable.
9. I'm sure glad the voice isn't part of the document! At least at 64KBPS storage cost.
10. Hands-free recording would be much better. Related to point 6.
Swinehart, October 5, 1986 8:38:32 pm PDT