Computer Science Laboratory
Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
415 494-4473
XEROX March 17, 1987
Dr. Y.Yamazaki
KDD Ohtemachi Bldg
1-8-1 Ohtemachi Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100, Japan
Dear Dr. Yamazaki,
Enclosed is a copy of the first draft of my paper, "Distributed Control in the Etherphone System", which was invited as a part of Chris Schmandt's panel session at GlobeCom '87 in Tokyo. The draft is in most ways complete, except that it contains very few figures.
The remaining figures will be depictions of the workstation screen in executing the described commands. They will be somewhat tedious to produce, especially because I intend to make each picture quite small, but evocative of the intended feature. I chose to wait to produce them until I had received any editorial comments from you or the other reviewers.
Thank your for the opportunity to participate in this conference. I look forward to your comments.
Daniel C. Swinehart