VOICE MEETING, 4 March 1985 CSL Voice Project Overview Motivation Research Objectives Research Areas Etherphone System Overview Plans Other PARC Voice Research Relationship to OSD Voice Prototype Work Architectural Approach Design Systems Architecture 9 Interfaces, Protocols, Algorithms 9 Layered, hierarchical Built Interesting Prototypes 9 Valuable in their own right 9 Debug the architecture 9 Demonstrate value of architecture Iterate Promulgate as Standard 9 Xerox products will not cover entire spectrum 9 Xerox will not be the only provider of products 9 Create larger market for selected products Xerox Architectures (Standards) XNS 9 Network Systems Architecture 9 Contrast with BSC, HDLC Interscript 9 Document Interchange Architecture 9 Contrast with 820 word-processing format Interpress 9 Electronic Printing Architecture 9 Contrast with ? Star User Interface 9 User interface architecture/methodology 9 Contrast with Unix shell? Xerox Architectures (Standards) XNS 9 Network Systems Architecture 9 Contrast with BSC, HDLC Interscript 9 Document Interchange Architecture 9 Contrast with 820 word-processing format Interpress 9 Electronic Printing Architecture 9 Contrast with ? Star User Interface 9 User interface architecture/methodology 9 Contrast with Unix shell? InterVoice! 9 Architecture for telephony, recorded voice, synthesized voice 9 Contrast with voice-band signalling, ISDN, CCITT#7? 9 Emphasis on programmability User Interface UI1 9 UI1a 9 UI1b UI2 UI3 Research Objectives ("products" and "customers") Prototype Applications 9 (Cedar applications of initial "InterVoice" impl.) 9 Test-site (CSL) users 9 OSD organizations 9 Planners Flexible Telephone, Recording Facilities 9 (First-round "InterVoice" implementation) 9 Cedar applications 9 Voice research using other PARC programming envs. "InterVoice" Design and Specification 9 (Interfaces, Formats, Protocols, Algorithms) 9 OSD 9 Planners 9 Office Systems Industry Medium shot: Voice File Server in OSD Follow-on 9 OSD Long shot: Possible stand-alone PBX Product 9 OSD? 9 Planners Research Areas Taming the Telephone 9 Better placement and receipt of calls 9 Better handling of special features 9 Better human-assisted call handling 9 Recorded voice messages 9 Synthesized text-to-voice messages 9 Voice-annotated documents 9 Integration with other interactive applications Applications of Recorded Voice secondary interest: Novel transmission methods but not: Speech Recognition Present Capabilities and Status 40+ Users (March 1985) Call-placement by name from workstation 9 Shared PARC-wide telephone directory 9 Personal directories and other databases Call-placement by name from telephone 9 "Spelled-out" on touchpad Call-logging (incoming and outgoing) Voice messages 9 Voice message added to standard text message 9 Delivered, managed by Grapevine and its client programs 1985 Plans Specification of "round 1" InterVoice Design of InterVoice-based prototypes InterVoice implementation in Cedar Prototype implementations as time permits Declare victory Relationship to OSD Prototype Work Stem from common roots Same problem areas Some common hardware and algorithms Important Extensions 9 Emphasis on fully-developed layered arch. (InterVoice) 9 Workstation-independent hardware, telephone capabilities 9 Enhanced telephone control 9 Capacity/performance improvements 9 Many features available without workstation 9 Possible stand-alone PBX product ISL/AISBU Work Dial-up mail-reading service Pronouncing business documents Linguistic approach to improved pronunciation SCL Work Interpersonal communications Remote branch in Portland Desire to retain working-group ambience Κ²– "slide" style˜Idefault•Mark insideFooteršΟs˜titlešΠbl˜Iblockšž ˜ Mšž˜Mšž˜Mšž˜Mšž˜Mšž˜šž(˜(I pagebreak˜——šž˜šž˜IindentšΠdmΟb"˜#OšŸ ˜—šž˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ "˜#—Mšž˜Mšž˜OšŸ .˜/OšŸ 0˜1šŸ +˜,N˜——šžΠbs ˜šž˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜—šž ˜ OšŸ "˜#OšŸ )˜*—šž ˜ OšŸ !˜"OšŸ ˜—šž˜OšŸ (˜)OšŸ ˜—N˜—šž‘ ˜šž˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜—šž ˜ OšŸ "˜#OšŸ )˜*—šž ˜ OšŸ !˜"OšŸ ˜—šž˜OšŸ (˜)OšŸ ˜—šž ˜ OšŸ >˜?OšŸ 4˜5šŸ ˜N˜———šž˜šž˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜—Mšž˜šž˜N˜——šž‘˜0šž˜OšŸ 3˜4OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ  ˜ —šž(˜(OšŸ *˜+OšŸ ˜OšŸ 2˜3—šž%˜%OšŸ -˜.OšŸ ˜OšŸ  ˜ OšŸ ˜—šΠbe ž"˜/OšŸ ˜—š’ ž ˜+OšŸ ˜OšŸ  ˜ N˜——šž˜šž˜OšŸ &˜'OšŸ $˜%OšŸ $˜%OšŸ ˜OšŸ #˜$OšŸ ˜OšŸ 0˜1—Mšž˜Mš’ž˜.š’ ž˜N˜——šž˜Mšž˜šž'˜'OšŸ %˜&OšŸ )˜*—šž%˜%OšŸ ˜—Mšž$˜$šž˜OšŸ -˜.OšŸ 8˜9N˜——šž ˜ Mšž%˜%Mšž%˜%Mšž#˜#Mšž)˜)šž˜N˜——šž"˜"Mšž˜Mšž˜Mšž#˜#šž˜OšŸ 9˜:OšŸ 9˜:OšŸ ˜OšŸ $˜%OšŸ ,˜-OšŸ !˜"N˜——šž˜Mšž˜Mšž˜Mšž-˜-N˜šž˜Mšž˜Mšž˜šž'˜'N˜————…—f