CSL Planning MEETING, 26 April 1985 Voice Project Motivation User Interface Challenges Voice Communications Architecture Systems Issues Data Bases (Uses) 9 Directories (white pages) 9 Telephone system configuration 9 Conversation logs 9 "Stable" representation of "voice ropes" Data Bases (Problems) 9 Performance 9 Garbage collection of stable storage 9 Relationship of white pages to GV/Clearinghouse Communications 9 Multicast techniques for conference calls 9 Voice transmission through gateways 9 RPC for many systems Systems Issues (continued) Operating Systems 9 Connection management 9 Error and crash recovery 9 Voice file system performance User Interfaces 9 2-D control of a zero-D medium 9 Real-time issues 9 Real-estate issues ΚR– "slide" style˜Idefault•Mark insideFooteršΟs#˜#titlešΠbl˜Iblockšž˜Mšž!˜!—I pagebreak˜šž˜šž˜IindentšΠdmΟb˜OšŸ ˜ OšŸ ˜OšŸ )˜*—šž˜OšŸ  ˜ OšŸ %˜&OšŸ 0˜1—Mšž˜OšŸ *˜+OšŸ $˜%šŸ ˜N˜——šž˜šž˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜—šž˜OšŸ ˜ OšŸ ˜OšŸ ˜———…—θ@