Computer Sciences Laboratory
Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, California 94304
415 494-4477
XEROX November 8, 1983
Mr. Wm. H. von Alven
Telephone Interconnect Manager
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
1200 19th Street NW, Room 304
Washington, DC 20554
Re: Xerox CSL-8308 Voice Terminal Exhibit H
Dear Mr. von Alven:
The label for the CSL-8308 Voice Terminal will look like this:
Complies with Part 68, FCC Rules
FCC Registration Number:
Ringer Equivalence: 0.2A
Manufactured by: Xerox PARC CSL
Model: CSL-8308
Date of manufacture:
Use USOC jacks RJ12C or RJ13C
Lawrence C. Stewart