Computer Sciences Laboratory
Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, California 94304
415 494-4477
XEROX November 8, 1983
Mr. Wm. H. von Alven
Telephone Interconnect Manager
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
1200 19th Street NW, Room 304
Washington, DC 20554
Re: Xerox CSL-8308 Voice Terminal continuing quality assurance
Dear Mr. von Alven:
The quality assurance manual for the CSL-8308 is attached.
The 8308 is intended for applications in office systems research inside Xerox, While at this time we do not expect to manufacture more than one batch, it is possible that some additional units will be constructed in the future. If we do make more, general quality will be assured by 100% functional testing according to the attached document. Testing specific to FCC part 68 will be through three routes:
Functional testing
The test procedures include checks intended to verify proper signal power limitations (68.308).
Component testing
Component testing procedures include checks intended to verify compliance with the Leakage (68.304) and Hazardous Voltage Limitations (68.306) of Part 68
FCC Part 68 testing
Applicable tests from the list below will be re-performed on random samplings of the CSL-8308 at not greater than semi-annual intervals, by Mr. J. P. Neil, P.E., Mountain View, California, as indicated by his engineering judgement.
68.302 Environment Simulation
68.304 Leakage
68.306 Hazardous Voltage Limitations
68.308 Signal Power Limitations
68.310 Longitudinal Balance Limitations
68.312 On Hook Impedance Limitations
68.314 Billing Protection
Lawrence C. Stewart