['011]\b\n {}8*[]\n '{'<'>'} ~_} '{'<Mc'>'} ~Mc_Mc} '{'<'>'} ~_} '{',['011..'040]**'<'>'} ~_,\s} '{'<'>'} ~_} '{',['011..'040]**'} ~_,\s} '~'}'[\n'{'}'[\n ~'}'[\n '~'_'}'[Assoc']\n ~.assoc_'}\n '~'_'}'[Bay']\n ~.osbuBayshore_'}\n '~'_'}'[El('040)Seg']\n ~.elSegundo_'}\n '~'_'}'[North']\n ~.osbuNorth_'}\n '~'_'}'[South']\n ~.osbuSouth_'}\n '~'_'}'[SV']\n ~.sunnyvale_'}\n '~'_'}'[SDD-RX']\n ~.sdd-rx_'}\n '~'_'}'[\n ~.none_'}\n '~'_'}\n rname:\s\nname:\s\nofficenumber:\s\n\n officenumber':\b'\n officenumber:\s\nofficenumber:\s\n 2PhoneSubst.Tioga "Trans" command file to convert PARC phone list to CNF file for Thrush/Finch Last Edited by: Swinehart, May 7, 1987 9:25:03 am PDT Insert temporary punctuation, eliminate trailing white space Do Name processing: see TransParcPhoneListToCNF {, Johan} => ~deKleer_ deKleer, Johan} {, Joe} => [JoeMcFee]McFee, Joe} {, Ann} => [AnnBDerrick]Derrick, Ann} (but watch out for McX) Includes as a subset {, Doug} => [Terry]Terry, Doug} {Anderson, } => ~Lee_Anderson, Lee} {Zellweger, Polle } => ~PolleZ_Zellweger, Polle} {Abraham, Margaret} => ~MAbraham_Abraham, Margaret} Fill in two-line names: ~Beeson_Beeson,Bob}8*856-2131[South]{}8*943-4612[400/SVHQ507] => ~Beeson_Beeson,Bob}8*856-21318*943-4612[South] Translate domains to registries: Assoc => assoc Bay => osbuBayshore El Seg => elSegundo North => osbuNorth South => osbuSouth SV => sunnyvale SDD-RX => sdd-rx DEFAULT => none Convert to CNF Convert two-line entries: 8*856-21318*943-4612 => 8*856-2131\nofficenumber: 8*943-4612 Ê͘J™J™LJ™5J˜™