Last Edited by: Swinehart, July 19, 1985 10:33:32 am PDT
Open this file and look at it as you proceed. This stuff is probably best done by hand.
CD ///WPages/
Bringover /indigo/voice/6.0/top/Directoryfiles.df
A good way to get a CNF file (for the PA registry, anyhow) is to start with /indigo/registrar/phonelist.bravo, remove all the leading and trailing verbiage and any Bravo trailers, store it as WhitepagesCNF.pa, then do:
Trans -f -c TransParcPhoneListToCNF.tioga WhitepagesCNF.pa
Give the resulting file (which will look a LOT different than the original) a good once-over, then proceed. Edit WhitePagesCNF.SV to taste, too, possibly by hand. (Versatec may be willing to send updated telephone number listings that the TransParcPhoneListToCNF specifications can handle, or be modified to handle.) We may add entries from other registries later.
Run BTreeSimpleImpl.bcd
Run NamesAndLog.bcd
Run WhitePagesImpl.bcd
Run WPBTreeImpl.bcd
Then type, for instance:
WPFill WhitePagesCNF.pa WPTree
WPRefill WhitePagesCNF.osbuNorth WPTree
WPRefill WhitePagesCNF.sv WPTree
This will produce, then modify, several files of the form ///WPages/WPTree.*
SModel DirectoryFiles -- when finished, to put new versions back. Inform Etherphone system maintainer that there is a new directory.
Delete all files from ///WPages/.