Copyright © 1984, 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
L. Stewart December 7, 1983 10:01 am
Swinehart, July 29, 1985 1:44:28 pm PDT
This file is: [Indigo]<Voice>®/Top/LarkTest>
Run it to set up working dir. for testing Larks.
Warning!!!!! Execute either "@/indigo/voice/®/top/", or
"Source /Indigo/voice/®/top/", or copy the cm file to a local wd first.
Otherwise you might end up copying a bunch of files onto /indigo/voice/®/top!
bringover -p [Indigo]<Voice>6.0>Top>LarkTest.df
PushWorkingDirectory ///
bringover -p [Indigo]<Lark>6.0>Top>LarkPrograms.df
Run VoiceUtilsClient
GVImport Strowger.Lark
LarkControl 173
Run LarkTestPackage
Chat DLS+100016 -c -k c