<> <> <> DIRECTORY IO USING [ STREAM ], Lark USING [ CommandEvents, disabled, enabled, Event, Hertz, LarkModel, o3i1, Milliseconds, StatusEvent, ts0 ], LarkRpcControl USING [ InterfaceRecord ], Rope USING [ROPE], BasicTime USING [ GMT ], Thrush USING [ ConversationHandle, ConvEvent, ConvEventBody, Disposition, IntervalSpec, NetAddress, nullHandle, nullConvHandle, PartyHandle, Reason, ROPE, SHHH, SmartsHandle, StateInConv, Tune, VoiceDirection, VoiceInterval ], ThPartyPrivate USING [ SmartsData ]; ThSmartsPrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = { <<>> <> <<>> ConversationHandle: TYPE = Thrush.ConversationHandle; nullConvHandle: ConversationHandle = Thrush.nullConvHandle; PartyHandle: TYPE = Thrush.PartyHandle; Reason: TYPE = Thrush.Reason; ROPE: TYPE = Thrush.ROPE; SHHH: TYPE = Thrush.SHHH; SmartsData: TYPE = ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData; SmartsHandle: TYPE = Thrush.SmartsHandle; StatusEvent: TYPE = Lark.StatusEvent; <<>> <> <<>> <> <> ParseState: TYPE = { idle, getStr, getSeq, getFeep, getNum, inStr, inSeq, inFeep, inNum, inTossStr }; <<>> <> <> LarkState: TYPE = { none, -- Initial state idle, -- Phone not in use talking, -- Etherphone conversation in progress trunkSignalling, -- "Feeping" trunkTalking, -- Standard telephone conversation in progress trunkForwarding, -- Like trunkTalking, but call is forwarded to some other Lark trunkFlashing, -- Implementing special switchhook flash failed, -- This Lark has died and its brain is dying, too. recovering, -- Lark is presumed not to work, but use attempts don't raise ERRORS ringing, -- Ringing loudly through Lark speaker silence, -- Dial tone has been broken, dialing in progress. dialTone, -- Caller hears dial tone. ringBack, -- Caller hears ringing. busyTone, -- Caller hears busy signal. errorTone -- Caller hears fast busy signal. }; ProgressTones: TYPE = LarkState[dialTone..errorTone]; HookState: TYPE = { onhook, telset, spkr, sPkr, spKr, both, bOth, monitor }; TerminalType: TYPE = {std, spkr, monitor, radio}; RingDetState: TYPE = { idle, maybe, ring1, between, ring }; <> <<>> RingMode: TYPE = { internal, -- standard ringing cadence trunk -- distinctive ringing for incoming back door calls }; RingEnable: TYPE = { off, -- Incoming calls do not make noise. offTimed, -- Incoming calls will not make noise until a specified later time. subdued, -- Incoming calls will make less of a racket subduedTimed, -- Incoming calls will make less of a racket until a specified later time. on -- Incoming calls make noise. }; Orig: TYPE = { unknown, us, them }; click: Lark.Event = Lark.ts0; -- Momentary closure of speaker box switch. LSwitches: TYPE = { xBarAll, hook, aSwitch, sideTone, ringO, revert, revertHook, led, spMode, none }; LState: TYPE = RECORD [ voiceMode: Lark.Event_Lark.o3i1, echoStyle: CHAR_'0, xbar: PACKED ARRAY[0..8) OF [0..256) _ ALL[0], lSw: ARRAY LSwitches OF Lark.Event _ ALL[Lark.disabled] ]; <<>> <> <<>> <> <> SmartsInfo: TYPE = REF SmartsInfoBody; SmartsInfoBody: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [ smarts: SmartsData, -- back pointer to my smarts. otherSmarts: SmartsData_NIL, -- trunk or station smarts, depending on which this is. larkInfo: LarkInfo, <> conversations: OpenConversations_NIL, currentConvID: ConversationHandle_nullConvHandle, -- the one we're dealing with. thProcess: PROCESS_NIL, -- the process that manages Lark smarts thAction: CONDITION, -- poke this when something has happened. apprise: BOOL_FALSE, -- needs to be true before waking to thAction has any meaning. <<>> <> ParseEvent: PROC[smartsInfo: SmartsInfo, sEvent: StatusEvent], <> Command: PROC[info: SmartsInfo, val: INT_0]_NIL, <> Supervise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo], <> parseState: ParseState _ idle, <> arguments: ROPE_NIL, argLength: NAT_0, offset: NAT_0, -- kludge allowing more than ten touchpad commands haveArguments, cmdOrRecip, haveOne: BOOLEAN_FALSE, <<>> <> phoneNumber: Rope.ROPE_NIL -- signalling information for TelCo. ]; OpenConversations: TYPE = LIST OF ConvDesc; ConvDesc: TYPE = REF ConvDescBody; ConvDescBody: TYPE = RECORD [ cState: Thrush.ConvEventBody, -- amalgam of useful info from reported events desiredState: Thrush.StateInConv_any, -- what we're aiming for desiredPartyID: PartyHandle_NULL, desiredReason: Reason_wontSay, desiredComment: ROPE_NIL, newIntervals: LIST OF Thrush.IntervalSpec _ NIL, iTail: LIST OF Thrush.IntervalSpec _ NIL, originator: Orig _ unknown, newSpec, newKeys, newAddress: BOOL _FALSE, newEvent: BOOL_FALSE, signallingStarted: BOOL_FALSE, descValid: BOOL_FALSE ]; <> <<>> LarkInfo: TYPE = REF LarkInfoBody; LarkInfoBody: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [ interface: LarkRpcControl.InterfaceRecord, -- here's how you make calls to Lark -- shh: SHHH, -- here's what you use to encrypt them -- netAddress: Thrush.NetAddress, -- <> -- model: Lark.LarkModel, -- what does this Lark look like? -- debugIn: IO.STREAM, debugPrint: IO.STREAM_NIL, larkState: LarkState _ none, -- tone/crossbar/connect state of actual Lark hardware newActions: LIST OF REF_NIL, -- queue of low-level requests to supervisor process lastAction: LIST OF REF_NIL, -- used in request-queue maintenance, larkProcess: PROCESS_NIL, -- maintains same stateChange: CONDITION, -- larkProcess should notice change hookState: HookState _ onhook, -- state of switchhook/speakerphone switch... terminalType: TerminalType _ std, -- telset, speakerphone, or monitor switching. <>>> hotLine: BOOL_FALSE, -- answers when called. radio: BOOL_FALSE, -- used with hotline; connects line in instead of telset when called. monitor: BOOL_FALSE, -- speaker repeats telset receiver in telset mode. <> swOnTime: CARDINAL_0, ringChangeTime: CARDINAL_0, ringDetState: RingDetState _ idle, ringDetWaitState: RingDetState_idle, ringDetCondition: CONDITION, ringDetInstance: CARDINAL_0, -- paranoia <> ringMode: RingMode _ internal, -- what kind of ringing should we do next time? ringEnable: RingEnable _ on, -- are we noisily accepting calls? defaultRingEnable: RingEnable _ on, -- are we noisily accepting calls? ringDo: BOOL _ FALSE, -- should we use the ring tune? ringTime: BasicTime.GMT_NULL, -- if not, when again? ringVolume: CARDINAL_1, -- sets up tune every time initialized ringTune: ToneSpec, -- Specification of ring tune, if there is one ringTuneRope: ROPE_NIL, <> lastTerminalType: TerminalType _ std, lState: LState _ [lSw: ALL[Lark.enabled]], scratchEv: Lark.CommandEvents _ NIL ]; LarkStateSpec: TYPE = RECORD [ state: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ]; <<>> <> ToneSpec: TYPE = REF ToneSpecRec; ToneSpecRec: TYPE = RECORD [ oneRing: BOOL, -- specifies one or infinite repetitions of entire sequence. volume: CARDINAL, -- entire sequence played at one volume, for now totalTime: NAT, -- duration of one total performance in millisec notes: LIST OF Note ]; Note: TYPE = RECORD [ f1, f2: Lark.Hertz, on, off: Lark.Milliseconds, repetitions: CARDINAL ]; <<>> <> <> EnterLarkState: PROC [ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ]; <> EnterLarkSt: PROC [ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ]; SetRingingParameters: PROC[ info: LarkInfo, ringMode: ThSmartsPrivate.RingMode_internal, ringEnable: ThSmartsPrivate.RingEnable_on, ringDo: BOOL_FALSE, -- whether to pay attention to ring tune ringVolume: CARDINAL_1, ringInterval: INT_NULL, -- Seconds to disable ringTune: ROPE -- a PlayTune to be played when normal ringing is enabled. See Play.df for documentation ]; <> GetStdRingInfo: PROC[info: LarkInfo]; <> SetStdRingInfo: PROC[info: LarkInfo, update: BOOL_FALSE]; InterpretHookState: PROC [ info: LarkInfo, rawEvent: Lark.StatusEvent ] RETURNS [ processedEvent: Lark.StatusEvent ]; CheckHookState: PROC [ info: LarkInfo] RETURNS [ onHook: BOOL_TRUE ]; <> <> <> RegisterTrunk: PROC[ hostPartyID: Thrush.PartyHandle, hostSmarts: ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData, hostInfo: SmartsInfo ] RETURNS [ smartsID: Thrush.SmartsHandle ]; EnableSmarts: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS[enabled: BOOL]; Deregister: PROC[info: SmartsInfo ]; LarkParseEvent: -- INTERNAL -- PROC[smartsInfo: SmartsInfo, sEvent: StatusEvent]; LarkProgress: PROC[ shh: SHHH, smartsID: Thrush.SmartsHandle, event: Thrush.ConvEvent, yourParty: BOOL, latestEvent: BOOL, informationOnly: BOOL ] RETURNS [ d: Thrush.Disposition ]; LarkSupervise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo]; LarkSetInterval: PROC[ shh: SHHH, smartsID: SmartsHandle, tune: Thrush.Tune, interval: Thrush.VoiceInterval, direction: Thrush.VoiceDirection, queueIt: BOOLEAN ] RETURNS [ d: Thrush.Disposition, u: Thrush.Tune ]; LarkFailed: ERROR[sInfo: SmartsInfo]; <> GetSmartsInfo: PROC[smartsID: SmartsHandle_Thrush.nullHandle, smarts: ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData_NIL] RETURNS [info: SmartsInfo]; GetSIC: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS [ state: Thrush.StateInConv ]; Apprise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo]; ChangeState: PROC[ info: SmartsInfo, cDesc: ConvDesc, state: Thrush.StateInConv _ idle, reason: Reason _ wontSay, comment: ROPE_NIL ]; GetConvDesc: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS [ cDesc: ConvDesc_NIL ]; GetConv: PROC[info: SmartsInfo, convID: ConversationHandle, validIfNew: BOOL] RETURNS [ cDesc: ConvDesc_NIL ]; }.