Last modified by D. Swinehart, July 18, 1984 5:34:31 pm PDT
Last Edited by: Pier, May 3, 1984 1:04:49 pm PDT
Lark USING [
CommandEvents, disabled, enabled, Event, Hertz, LarkModel, o3i1, Milliseconds, StatusEvent, ts0 ],
LarkRpcControl USING [ InterfaceRecord ],
BasicTime USING [ GMT ],
Thrush USING [
ConversationHandle, ConvEvent, ConvEventBody, Disposition, IntervalSpec, NetAddress, nullHandle, nullConvHandle, PartyHandle, Reason, ROPE, SHHH, SmartsHandle, StateInConv, Tune, VoiceDirection, VoiceInterval ],
ThPartyPrivate USING [ SmartsData ];
ThSmartsPrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = {
ConversationHandle: TYPE = Thrush.ConversationHandle;
nullConvHandle: ConversationHandle = Thrush.nullConvHandle;
PartyHandle: TYPE = Thrush.PartyHandle;
Reason: TYPE = Thrush.Reason;
SmartsData: TYPE = ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData;
SmartsHandle: TYPE = Thrush.SmartsHandle;
StatusEvent: TYPE = Lark.StatusEvent;
States (enumerated types) and other scalars
Parser is controlled by state sequence that's largely independent of the state of the smarts in any conversation. Parser represents the user's wishes. After parsing is complete, other processing determines whether these wishes can be granted.
ParseState: TYPE = {
idle, getStr, getSeq, getFeep, getNum, inStr, inSeq, inFeep, inNum, inTossStr };
This state is essentially a superset of Thrush.StateInConv. It is used to express the user's wishes; when wish and reality coincide, it is set to the corresponding StateInConv, and quiescence follows, at least temporarily.
Control of the Lark hardware state (remaining types)
LarkState: TYPE = {
none,     -- Initial state
idle,     -- Phone not in use
talking,    -- Etherphone conversation in progress
trunkSignalling,  -- "Feeping"
trunkTalking,  -- Standard telephone conversation in progress
trunkForwarding, -- Like trunkTalking, but call is forwarded to some other Lark
trunkFlashing,  -- Implementing special switchhook flash
failed,    -- This Lark has died and its brain is dying, too.
recovering,   -- Lark is presumed not to work, but use attempts don't raise ERRORS
ringing,    -- Ringing loudly through Lark speaker
silence,    -- Dial tone has been broken, dialing in progress.
dialTone,    -- Caller hears dial tone.
ringBack,    -- Caller hears ringing.
busyTone,   -- Caller hears busy signal.
errorTone    -- Caller hears fast busy signal.
ProgressTones: TYPE = LarkState[dialTone..errorTone];
HookState: TYPE = { onhook, telset, spkr, sPkr, spKr, both, bOth, monitor };
TerminalType: TYPE = {std, spkr, monitor, radio};
RingDetState: TYPE = { idle, maybe, ring1, between, ring };
no ring, glitch interval, first (partial?) ring, break, nth ring
RingMode: TYPE = {
internal,   -- standard ringing cadence
trunk    -- distinctive ringing for incoming back door calls
RingEnable: TYPE = {
off,  -- Incoming calls do not make noise.
offTimed, -- Incoming calls will not make noise until a specified later time.
subdued, -- Incoming calls will make less of a racket
subduedTimed, -- Incoming calls will make less of a racket until a specified later time.
on   -- Incoming calls make noise.
Orig: TYPE = { unknown, us, them };
click: Lark.Event = Lark.ts0; -- Momentary closure of speaker box switch.
LSwitches: TYPE = {
xBarAll, hook, aSwitch, sideTone, ringO, revert, revertHook, led, spMode, none };
voiceMode: Lark.Event←Lark.o3i1,
echoStyle: CHAR←'0,
xbar: PACKED ARRAY[0..8) OF [0..256) ← ALL[0],
lSw: ARRAY LSwitches OF Lark.Event ← ALL[Lark.disabled]
Information used by LarkSmarts and LarkTrunkSmarts implementations
They require similar information, although the trunk does not use all of it.
SmartsInfo: TYPE = REF SmartsInfoBody;
smarts: SmartsData, -- back pointer to my smarts.
otherSmarts: SmartsData←NIL, -- trunk or station smarts, depending on which this is.
larkInfo: LarkInfo,
State of Lark hardware, shared between Lark and Trunk
conversations: OpenConversations←NIL,
currentConvID: ConversationHandle←nullConvHandle, -- the one we're dealing with.
thProcess: PROCESSNIL, -- the process that manages Lark smarts
thAction: CONDITION, -- poke this when something has happened.
apprise: BOOLFALSE, -- needs to be true before waking to thAction has any meaning.
Parsing control fields
ParseEvent: PROC[smartsInfo: SmartsInfo, sEvent: StatusEvent],
Allows Lark, Lark trunk, Radio, ... smarts to parse different command languages
Command: PROC[info: SmartsInfo, val: INT𡤀]←NIL,
Command procedure to act on results of completely parsed command
Supervise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo],
Command procedure to act on results of completely parsed command
parseState: ParseState ← idle,
Independent of any notion of what's going on in eventInfo; desire of local user
arguments: ROPENIL,
argLength: NAT𡤀,
offset: NAT𡤀, -- kludge allowing more than ten touchpad commands
haveArguments, cmdOrRecip, haveOne: BOOLEANFALSE,
LarkTrunkSmarts fields; something feels pretty wrong here.
phoneNumber: Rope.ROPENIL -- signalling information for TelCo.
OpenConversations: TYPE = LIST OF ConvDesc;
ConvDesc: TYPE = REF ConvDescBody;
ConvDescBody: TYPE = RECORD [
cState: Thrush.ConvEventBody,  -- amalgam of useful info from reported events
desiredState: Thrush.StateInConv𡤊ny, -- what we're aiming for
desiredPartyID: PartyHandle←NULL,
desiredReason: Reason←wontSay,
desiredComment: ROPENIL,
newIntervals: LIST OF Thrush.IntervalSpec ← NIL,
iTail: LIST OF Thrush.IntervalSpec ← NIL,
originator: Orig ← unknown,
newSpec, newKeys, newAddress: BOOLFALSE,
newEvent: BOOLFALSE,
signallingStarted: BOOLFALSE,
descValid: BOOLFALSE
Access to the Lark hardware via the Lark interface. This monitored record is shared by the Smarts info for both the LarkSmarts and LarkTrunkSmarts. There are also some random shared fields kept here.
LarkInfo: TYPE = REF LarkInfoBody;
interface: LarkRpcControl.InterfaceRecord, -- here's how you make calls to Lark --
shh: SHHH, -- here's what you use to encrypt them --
netAddress: Thrush.NetAddress, -- <<needed when creating socket numbers?>> --
model: Lark.LarkModel, -- what does this Lark look like? --
debugIn: IO.STREAM, debugPrint: IO.STREAMNIL,
larkState: LarkState ← none,  -- tone/crossbar/connect state of actual Lark hardware
newActions: LIST OF REFNIL, -- queue of low-level requests to supervisor process
lastAction: LIST OF REFNIL, -- used in request-queue maintenance,
larkProcess: PROCESSNIL, -- maintains same
stateChange: CONDITION,  -- larkProcess should notice change
hookState: HookState ← onhook, -- state of switchhook/speakerphone switch...
terminalType: TerminalType ← std, -- telset, speakerphone, or monitor switching.
Special attributes. << Not clear how set >>
hotLine: BOOLFALSE, -- answers when called.
radio: BOOLFALSE, -- used with hotline; connects line in instead of telset when called.
monitor: BOOLFALSE,-- speaker repeats telset receiver in telset mode.
Click and ring detect timings
swOnTime: CARDINAL𡤀,
ringChangeTime: CARDINAL𡤀,
ringDetState: RingDetState ← idle,
ringDetWaitState: RingDetState←idle,
ringDetCondition: CONDITION,
ringDetInstance: CARDINAL𡤀, -- paranoia
Ringing control information
ringMode: RingMode ← internal, -- what kind of ringing should we do next time?
ringEnable: RingEnable ← on, -- are we noisily accepting calls?
defaultRingEnable: RingEnable ← on, -- are we noisily accepting calls?
ringDo: BOOLFALSE, -- should we use the ring tune?
ringTime: BasicTime.GMTNULL, -- if not, when again?
ringVolume: CARDINAL𡤁, -- sets up tune every time initialized
ringTune: ToneSpec, -- Specification of ring tune, if there is one
ringTuneRope: ROPENIL,
LarkSupervisor Variables
lastTerminalType: TerminalType ← std,
lState: LState ← [lSw: ALL[Lark.enabled]],
scratchEv: Lark.CommandEvents ← NIL
LarkStateSpec: TYPE = RECORD [
state: LarkState,
sInfo: SmartsInfo ];
Basic sequence of tones (notes) comprising ringing behavior
ToneSpec: TYPE = REF ToneSpecRec;
ToneSpecRec: TYPE = RECORD [
oneRing: BOOL, -- specifies one or infinite repetitions of entire sequence.
volume: CARDINAL, -- entire sequence played at one volume, for now
totalTime: NAT, -- duration of one total performance in millisec
notes: LIST OF Note
f1, f2: Lark.Hertz,
on, off: Lark.Milliseconds,
repetitions: CARDINAL
ENTRY version
EnterLarkState: PROC
[ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ];
INTERNAL version
EnterLarkSt: PROC
[ info: LarkInfo, newState: LarkState, sInfo: SmartsInfo ];
SetRingingParameters: PROC[
info: LarkInfo,
ringMode: ThSmartsPrivate.RingMode←internal,
ringEnable: ThSmartsPrivate.RingEnable←on,
ringDo: BOOLFALSE, -- whether to pay attention to ring tune
ringVolume: CARDINAL𡤁,
ringInterval: INTNULL,-- Seconds to disable
ringTune: ROPE-- a PlayTune to be played when normal ringing is enabled. See Play.df for documentation
Update ringing information from data base. Install in info.
GetStdRingInfo: PROC[info: LarkInfo];
Update data base with current ringing information as specified here.
SetStdRingInfo: PROC[info: LarkInfo, update: BOOLFALSE];
InterpretHookState: PROC
[ info: LarkInfo, rawEvent: Lark.StatusEvent ]
RETURNS [ processedEvent: Lark.StatusEvent ];
CheckHookState: PROC
[ info: LarkInfo]
Determines if user terminal appears to be offhook. May not be able to tell if there's
a "click-mode" speakerphone call in progress.
Registration of Lark trunks (back doors)
RegisterTrunk: PROC[ hostPartyID: Thrush.PartyHandle,
hostSmarts: ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData, hostInfo: SmartsInfo ]
RETURNS [ smartsID: Thrush.SmartsHandle ];
EnableSmarts: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS[enabled: BOOL];
Deregister: PROC[info: SmartsInfo ];
LarkParseEvent: -- INTERNAL -- PROC[smartsInfo: SmartsInfo, sEvent: StatusEvent];
LarkProgress: PROC[
shh: SHHH,
smartsID: Thrush.SmartsHandle,
event: Thrush.ConvEvent,
yourParty: BOOL,
latestEvent: BOOL,
informationOnly: BOOL
] RETURNS [ d: Thrush.Disposition ];
LarkSupervise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo];
LarkSetInterval: PROC[
shh: SHHH,
smartsID: SmartsHandle,
tune: Thrush.Tune,
interval: Thrush.VoiceInterval,
direction: Thrush.VoiceDirection,
queueIt: BOOLEAN
] RETURNS [ d: Thrush.Disposition, u: Thrush.Tune ];
LarkFailed: ERROR[sInfo: SmartsInfo];
Return current state
GetSmartsInfo: PROC[smartsID: SmartsHandle←Thrush.nullHandle,
smarts: ThPartyPrivate.SmartsData←NIL]
RETURNS [info: SmartsInfo];
GetSIC: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS [ state: Thrush.StateInConv ];
Apprise: PROC[info: SmartsInfo];
ChangeState: PROC[
info: SmartsInfo,
cDesc: ConvDesc,
state: Thrush.StateInConv ← idle,
reason: Reason ← wontSay,
comment: ROPENIL
GetConvDesc: PROC[info: SmartsInfo] RETURNS [ cDesc: ConvDesc←NIL ];
GetConv: PROC[info: SmartsInfo, convID: ConversationHandle, validIfNew: BOOL]
RETURNS [ cDesc: ConvDesc←NIL ];