<> <> <> DIRECTORY Commander USING [CommandProc, Handle, Register], IO, Names USING [ MakeAtom ], NamesGV USING [ AttributeSeq, AttributeSeqRec, GVGetAttributes, GVGetAttributeSeq, GVIsAuthenticated, GVSetAttribute, GVSetAttributeSeq, --GVUpdate, -- GVFlushCache, GVUpdateAll ], Rope USING [ Cat, Equal, Length, ROPE, Substr ] ; GVLarkImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Commander, IO, Names, NamesGV, Rope = { OPEN IO; <> ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; <> <<>> <> UpdateAll: PROC[] = { Calling["UpdateAll"]; NamesGV.GVUpdateAll[]; }; FlushAll: PROC[] = { Calling["FlushAll"]; NamesGV.GVFlushCache[]; }; LarkDetails: PROC[larkName: ROPE] = { Calling["DetailsOfLark#", larkName]; DoDetails[FullLark[larkName]]; }; Details: PROC[rName: ROPE] = { Calling["Details", rName]; DoDetails[rName]; }; DoDetails: PROC[rName: ROPE] = { SELECT NamesGV.GVIsAuthenticated[rName] FROM unknown, nonexistent => out.PutF["Couldn't find %s\n", rope[rName]]; ENDCASE => PrintDetails[rName]; }; Mode: PROC[larkNum, newMode: ROPE, update: BOOL_TRUE] = { rName: ROPE_FullLark[larkNum]; Calling["Mode", larkNum, newMode]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[rName, $mode, newMode]; <> PrintDetails[rName]; }; Instance: PROC[larkNum, newInstance: ROPE, update: BOOL_TRUE] = { aSeq: NamesGV.AttributeSeq; rName: ROPE _ FullLark[larkNum]; Calling["Instance", larkNum, newInstance]; aSeq _ NamesGV.GVGetAttributeSeq[rName, $interface]; IF aSeq=NIL THEN aSeq _ NEW[NamesGV.AttributeSeqRec[4]]; aSeq.length_4; IF aSeq[0].attributeValue=NIL THEN aSeq[0] _ [,"LarkSmarts.Lark"]; aSeq[1] _ [,newInstance.Cat[".lark"]]; IF aSeq[2].attributeValue=NIL THEN aSeq[2] _ [,"1"]; IF aSeq[3].attributeValue=NIL THEN aSeq[3] _ [,"0"]; NamesGV.GVSetAttributeSeq[rName, $interface, aSeq]; <> PrintDetails[rName]; }; SetAttribute: PROC[rName, attributeName, attributeValue: ROPE] = { attribute: ATOM _ Names.MakeAtom[attributeName, FALSE]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[rName, attribute, attributeValue]; <> PrintDetails[rName]; }; SetTune: PROC[rName, tune: ROPE] = { len: INT _ tune.Length[]; larkRname: ROPE=rName.Cat[".lark"]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[larkRname, $tunea, tune.Substr[len: 50]]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[larkRname, $tuneb, IF len>50 THEN tune.Substr[start: 50, len: 50] ELSE NIL]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[larkRname, $tunec, IF len>100 THEN tune.Substr[start: 100, len: 50] ELSE NIL]; <> PrintDetails[rName]; }; Make: PROC[rName, extension, machine, instance, mode, net, host: ROPE] = { wsName: ROPE_IF net=NIL THEN NIL ELSE net.Cat["#",host,"#.Lark"]; fullUserName: ROPE_rName.Cat[".Lark"]; larkName: ROPE _ FullLark[machine]; Calling["Make", rName, extension, machine, instance, mode, net, host]; <> <> <> Instance[machine, instance.Cat[".Lark"], FALSE]; Mode[machine, mode, FALSE]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[larkName, $owner, fullUserName]; <> PrintDetails[larkName]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[fullUserName, $larkhost, Rope.Cat["173#", machine, "#"]]; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[fullUserName, $extension, extension]; <> PrintDetails[fullUserName]; IF wsName=NIL THEN RETURN; NamesGV.GVSetAttribute[wsName, $owner, rName]; <> PrintDetails[wsName]; }; <> SemiTok: IO.BreakProc = TRUSTED {RETURN[IF char='; THEN break ELSE other]; }; CommaTok: IO.BreakProc = TRUSTED {RETURN[IF char=', THEN break ELSE other]; }; DetailsCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { StartTok[cmd]; Details[Token[]]; }; UpdateAllCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { UpdateAll[]; }; FlushAllCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { FlushAll[]; }; LarkCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { StartTok[cmd]; LarkDetails[Token[]]; }; MakeCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { rName, extension, machine, instance, mode, net, host: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; rName_Token[]; extension_Token[]; machine_Token[]; instance_Token[]; mode _ Token[]; net_Token[]; IF net.Equal["none"] THEN net_NIL ELSE host_Token[]; Make[rName, extension, machine, instance, mode, net, host]; }; InstanceCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { a1, a2: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; a1_Token[]; a2_Token[]; Instance[a1, a2]; }; ModeCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { a1, a2: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; a1_Token[]; a2_Token[]; Mode[a1, a2]; }; AttributeCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { a1, a2, a3: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; a1_Token[]; a2_Token[]; a3_cmdStream.GetLineRope[]; IF a3#NIL AND a3.Length[]#0 THEN a3_a3.Substr[start: 1] ELSE a3_NIL; SetAttribute[a1, a2, a3]; }; TuneCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { a1, a2: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; a1_Token[]; a2_cmdStream.GetLineRope[]; IF a2#NIL AND a2.Length[]#0 THEN a2_a2.Substr[start: 1] ELSE a2_NIL; SetTune[a1, a2]; }; DoTuneCommand: Commander.CommandProc = TRUSTED { a1, a2: ROPE; StartTok[cmd]; a1_Token[]; a2_Token[]; SetAttribute[a1.Cat[".lark"], "dotune", a2]; }; <> StartTok: PROC[cmd: Commander.Handle] = { cmdStream _ IO.RIS[cmd.commandLine]; out _ cmd.out; }; Token: PROC RETURNS [r: ROPE _ NIL] = { r _ cmdStream.GetTokenRope[breakProc: IO.IDProc ! IO.EndOfStream => CONTINUE;].token; }; PrintDetails: PROC[rName: ROPE] = { attributeSeq: NamesGV.AttributeSeq _ NamesGV.GVGetAttributes[rName]; authenticity: ROPE _ SELECT NamesGV.GVIsAuthenticated[rName] FROM $authentic => " (authentic)", $bogus => " (bogus)", $perhaps => "", ENDCASE => " (??)"; out.PutF["rName: %s%s\n", rope[rName], rope[authenticity]]; IF attributeSeq#NIL THEN FOR i: INT IN [0..attributeSeq.length) DO out.PutF[" %s: %s\n", atom[attributeSeq[i].attributeName], rope[attributeSeq[i].attributeValue] ]; ENDLOOP; out.PutChar['\n]; }; FullLark: PROC[larkName: ROPE] RETURNS [fullName: ROPE] = { RETURN[Rope.Cat["173#", larkName, "#.lark"]]; }; Calling: PROC[funcName, a, b, c, d, e, f, g: ROPE_NIL] = { res: ROPE_funcName.Cat["[", a]; IF b#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", b]; IF c#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", c]; IF d#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", d]; IF e#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", e]; IF f#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", f]; IF g#NIL THEN res_res.Cat[", ", g]; res_res.Cat["]\n "]; out.PutRope[res]; }; <> cmdStream: IO.STREAM; out: IO.STREAM; Commander.Register["GVDetails", DetailsCommand, "Print RName details\nPrints attribute fields of fully-specified RName"]; Commander.Register["GVLark", LarkCommand, "Print details for Lark\nPrints attribute fields, given string for octal representation of a Lark's host ID; network 173B assumed."]; Commander.Register["GVMake", MakeCommand, "Update data base for Lark and user\nGVMake Swinehart.pa 4473 104 Morley O 3 333 sets Swinehart.pa.lark and 173#104#.lark and 3#333#.lark (creating if necessary) to contain all necessary attribute fields for Lark operation. Use none for 3 333 to avoid associating a workstation with the Lark."]; Commander.Register["GVInstance", InstanceCommand, "Set instance field\nGVInstance 100 Morley makes Morley.Lark the instance for the type LarkSmarts.Lark for Lark numbered 173#100#."]; Commander.Register["GVMode", ModeCommand, "Set Operational Mode\nGVMode 100 O sets the mode field of RName 173#100#.lark to O."]; Commander.Register["GVAttribute", AttributeCommand, "Set attribute field\nGVAttribute 173#104#.lark interface LarkSmarts.Lark, Strowger.Lark, 1, 0\n sets the interface attribute of the specified RName as specified."]; Commander.Register["GVUpdateAll", UpdateAllCommand, "Write all dirty cache entries\nWhen you issue a change request, it is stored in the cache but not written to GV until you issue this command."]; Commander.Register["GVFlushAll", FlushAllCommand, "Forget all cached Rnames. This will cancel any changes that have been made since the last GVFlushAll or GVUpdateAll."]; Commander.Register["GVTune", TuneCommand, "GVTune Swinehart.pa TuneString (rest of line!) sets the tune to be used if GVDoTune is set true."]; Commander.Register["GVDoTune", DoTuneCommand, "GVDoTune Swinehart.pa TRUE indicates that ring tune replaces standard ringing; false reverts."]; }.