&23 whenis a week from tuesday Tuesday, May 10, 1983 0:00 am &18 whenis one month from Sunday Wednesday, June 8, 1983 0:00 am &13 whenis 2 weeks from tomorrow Friday, May 6, 1983 2:00 pm &11 whenis 10 minutes Thursday, May 5, 1983 2:21 pm &28 whenis Thursday after May 16 Thursday, May 19, 1983 0:00 am &33 whenis 3 days before June 1 Sunday, May 29, 1983 0:00 am &36 whenis Thursday after 2 weeks from June 1 Thursday, June 16, 1983 0:00 am &20 date The time is 26-Apr-83 15:16:54 PDT straightforward _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 16] [time: 26-Apr-83 16:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 3] [time: 27-Apr-83 3:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 16, minute: 30] [time: 26-Apr-83 16:30:00, precision: minutes] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: January] [time: 1-Jan-84 0:00:00, precision: months] date The time is 26-Apr-83 15:43:24 PDT Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 15, minute: 46] [time: 26-Apr-83 15:46:00, precision: minutes] Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 15, minute: 40] [time: 27-Apr-83 15:40:00, precision: minutes] &46 date The time is 27-Apr-83 12:13:58 PDT &47 _ Tempus.SmartPack[weekday: Thursday] [time: 28-Apr-83 0:00:00, precision: days] &48 _ Tempus.SmartPack[weekday: Thursday, hour: 16] [time: 28-Apr-83 16:00:00, precision: hours] a little bit trickier _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: February, day: 10] -- month earlier than this one. carries year [time: 10-Feb-84 0:00:00, precision: days] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: April, day: 27, hour: 9] time: 27-Apr-83 9:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: April, day: 24, hour: 9] -- day earlier than this one. carries year. [time: 24-Apr-84 9:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: March, day: 27, hour: 9] [time: 27-Mar-84 9:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 24, hour: 9] [time: 24-May-83 9:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 16, minute: 30] [time: 26-Apr-83 16:30:00, precision: minutes] _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 14, minute: 30] -- carries day [time: 27-Apr-83 14:30:00, precision: minutes] _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 24, hour: 9] -- carries month [time: 24-May-83 9:00:00, precision: hours] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: April, day: 27] [time: 27-Apr-83 0:00:00, precision: days] _ Tempus.SmartPack[month: April, day: 15] -- month is this month, day precedes, carries year. [time: 15-Apr-84 0:00:00, precision: days] _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 15] -- month not specified, day precedes, carries month. [time: 15-May-83 0:00:00, precision: days] &1 _ Tempus.Parse["December 31, 1983, 15:46:00"] [time: 31-Dec-83 15:46:00, length: 27] &3 _ TempusImpl.itIsNow _ &1.time 31-Dec-83 15:46:00 &5 _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 2] -- carries month and yeat [time: 2-Jan-84 0:00:00, precision: days] &6 _ Tempus.SmartPack[hour: 14] -- carries day, month and yeat [time: 1-Jan-84 14:00:00, precision: hours] &7 _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 31, hour: 17] [time: 31-Dec-83 17:00:00, precision: hours] &8 _ Tempus.SmartPack[day: 31, hour: 10] -- carries month [time: 31-Jan-84 10:00:00, precision: hours] &46 date The time is 27-Apr-83 12:13:58 PDT &50 _ Tempus.SmartPack[weekday: Wednesday, hour: 16] [time: 4-May-83 16:00:00, precision: hours] &51 _ Tempus.SmartPack[weekday: Wednesday, hour: 10] [time: 4-May-83 10:00:00, precision: hours] &47 whenis a month before July 3 Friday, June 3, 1983 0:00 am Źŗ˜JšĻbœ9œ=œ9œ0œ<œ9œJ˜ŗJšœ(˜,JšĻi˜Jšœ˜Jšœ(œRœ]˜ćJšž˜Jš œęœ¾œXœ­œ~˜« JšœUœ2œbœižœSœeœ(œ^œ`œ:˜Ī—…— Ą