<> <> Remember.KeyWords: " Meeting: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabelType: Prev Attend: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabelType: Next Forum: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: Forum, Time: \"Thursday, 3:45PM\" MDG: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: MDG Dealer: Leadtime: 15, IconFlavor: Meeting, IconLabel: Dealer, Time: \"Wednesday, 1:15PM\" Call: Leadtime: 0, IconFlavor: Phone, IconLabelType: Next Phone: Leadtime: 0, IconFlavor: Phone, IconLabelType: Next See: IconFlavor: Conversation, IconLabelType: next Write: IconFlavor: Envelope, IconLabelType: next SoftBall: IconFlavor: SoftBall Menu: IconFlavor: Lunch, Repeat: WeekDays, Time: NOON " Remember.Duration : 60 -- says in the absence of other information, the duration of an event is 60 minutes. RegisteredIcons: " Phone: Remember.Icons 0 -- pushbutton handset Conversation: Remember.Icons 1 -- two people talking over a desk Meeting: Remember.Icons 3 -- one person talking to a group of several Envelope: Remember.Icons 4 -- an envelope SoftBall: remember.icons 8 Lunch: remember.icons 9 " <> Alias Call Remember to phone Alias Phone Remember to phone Alias See Remember to see Alias Attend Remember to Attend Alias Write Remember to Write <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>>