// Manifests for File Handler Version 2

$( // File header block offsets
   B.File.Type          = 0
   B.File.HeaderKey     = 1
   B.File.HighestSeq    = 2
   B.File.DataSize      = 3
   B.File.FirstDataKey  = 4
   B.File.CheckSum      = 5
   B.File.DataBase      = 6

   // Data block offsets:
   B.Data.Type          = 0
   B.Data.FileHeaderKey = 1
   B.Data.Seq           = 2
   B.Data.DataSize      = 3
   B.Data.NextDataKey   = 4
   B.Data.Checksum      = 5
   B.Data.DataBase      = 6

   // Directory offsets (implemented with file block structure)
   B.Dir.HashTableBase  = B.File.DataBase

   // Block types (primary)
   T.Deleted            = #B00001
   T.Short              = #B00010
   T.Long               = #B00100
   T.Data               = #B01000
   T.List               = #B10000

   // Block types (secondary)
   ST.File              = -3
   ST.Root              = 1
   ST.UserDirectory     = 2

// Control block offsets:
$( // Cache blocks:
   // Entries in the cache extend from -2 to 'Size.Block'-1
   // The disc block proper starts at offset 0
   Size.CachePrefix     = 3
   Cache.AfterKey       = -3
   Cache.Status         = -2
   Cache.Key            = -1
   // Cache status states:
   Available            = 0
   Read                 = #B01
   Write                = #B10
   // Cache access type requests:
// Available            (as above)
   UntilFree            = 1
   NoNeedToWait         = 2

   // File control block:
   Fcb.Link             = 0
   Fcb.Lock             = 1
   Fcb.DataKey          = 2
   Fcb.Off              = 3
   Fcb.Len              = 4
   Fcb.Seq              = 5
   Fcb.XPtr             = 6
   Fcb.XVec             = 7

   // Disc key locks:
   Lock.Link            = 0
   Lock.Key             = 1
   Lock.Access          = 2
   Lock.Task            = 3

   Exclusive.Lock       = -1
   Shared.Lock          = -2

   // Bitmap:
   Size.MapPrefix       = 4
   Map.Size             = -4
   Map.LastAllocated    = -3
   Map.N.FreeBlocks     = -2
   Map.CheckSum         = -1

   // Packets:
   Pkt.Id               = 1
   Pkt.CoPtr            = Pkt.Arg6+1

   // Other:
   BufSize              = 50
   AnyKey               = 0
   TopBitSet            = 1 << [BitsPerWord-1]