section "cpu"

// needs "display"

get "libhdr"

get "clihdr"

$( binary.display       = false // make true if binary display

$( display              : ug+0  // rtn(display.value)
   rc                   : ug+1  //reference count
   t                    : ug+2  // time mod tickpersecond*5/50
   refc                 : ug+3  // -> incremented word
   q                    : ug+4  // quotient
   r                    : ug+5  // remainder
   av                   : ug+6  // average usage
   cycle                : ug+7  // cycle value
   idleid               : ug+8  // idling task
   mainid               : ug+9  // main task
   oldq.times.100       : ug+10 // used for damping
   ds                   : ug+11 // display string

let start(pkt) be
// PKT is zero if run under a cli, non-zero if run
// as a task
$( // if run as a command (under the cli) ...
   if pkt=0 do
   $( let seglist = vec 3
      seglist!0, seglist!1, seglist!2, seglist!3 :=
           3, tcb!tcb.seglist!1, 0, cli.module

      // create the idling task
      idleid := createtask(seglist, 100, 1)
      if idleid=0 do error("CPU already running?")

      seglist!2 := tcb!tcb.seglist!2 // BLIB library
      // create the high priority task
      for pri = maxint-1 to maxint-500 by -1 do
      $( mainid := createtask(seglist, 100, pri)
         unless mainid=0 break
      if mainid=0 do
      $( deletetask(idleid)
         error("Createtask failure")

      // start up the low priority task
      sendpkt(-1, idleid, 0)
      // start up the high priority task
      sendpkt(-1, mainid, idleid)

      // make sure the cli does NOT unload this code segment
      cli.module := 0

   // return the start up packet
   idleid := pkt!pkt.type

   // if this is the low priority cpu task ...
   if idleid=0 do
   $( returncode := returncode+1 repeatuntil testflags(4)

   // otherwise, this is the high priority task

   // find the address of the word that the idle task
   // is incrementing
   refc := rootnode!rtn.tasktab!idleid!tcb.gbase+[@returncode-@globsize]
   rc := 0
   t  := 0
   av := 0
   cycle := 0

   // find address of cli prompt for display
   ds := rootnode!rtn.tasktab!task.cli!tcb.gbase![@cli.prompt-@globsize]
   ds%0:=5; ds%4:='>'; for i = 1 to 3 ds%i:='0'
   ds%5 := ' '

   $( !refc := 0
      t := [t+1] rem [tickspersecond*5/50]
   $) repeat

and update() be
$( let c = !refc
   if testflags(1) do exit()

   test t=0
      if c>rc do rc := c
      if rc=0 do rc := 1
      q := muldiv(rc-av, [binary.display -> bitsperword, 100], rc)
      if result2>[rc/2] do q := q+1
      unless binary.display if q=1 do q := 0
      test binary.display
        $( Q := (Q*100 + OLDQ.TIMES.100)/2   // Damping
           OLDQ.TIMES.100 := Q
           Q := (Q + 50)/100
        r := [not #0]<<[bitsperword-q]
      $( r := 4096*cycle + 256*[q/100] + 16*[q/10 rem 10] + q rem 10
         cycle := [cycle+1] rem 16
      av := c
   $( av := av*t + c
      av := av/(t+1)

AND error(message) BE
$( writef("%s failed - %s*n", cli.commandname, message)

and exit() be
$( // clear the display

   // make the idling task self-destruct when next active
   setflags(idleid, 4)

   // make sure it runs
   // note that the highest priority should always
   // be available, as (by convention) it is only
   // used by tasks which never suspend (and that are
   // of short duration!)
   while changepri(idleid, maxint)=0 loop

   // delete this task, freeing this code segment

and display(n) be
$( ds%1 := hexch(n>>8)
   ds%2 := hexch(n>>4)
   ds%3 := hexch(n)

and hexch(n) = VALOF
$( n := n&#XF
   RESULTIS n<=9->n+#X30,n+#X37